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20 sierpnia 2012
Widok z miasteczka Parkes Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. Fot. Puls Polonii & Bogumiła Filip |
Miasteczko Parkes to okno na wszechświat. Z miasteczka Parkes widać nawet czas miniony, widać zburzoną Warszawę i młodego Powstańca Warszawskiego Tadeusza Rackiewicza („Bicza”). I czas terazniejszy: 93-letni Pan Tadeusz to jeden z 15 tysięcy mieszkańców miasteczka Parkes. Z miasteczka Parkes widać lotnisko w Brisbane. Oto Pan Tadeusz ..... [Więcej]
15 sierpnia 2012
John Radecki's Stained Glass Works in Wollongong (viewing 18th Agust) Zofia Łaba |
National Trust of Australia (NSW) ,Illawarra Shoalhaven Branch, with support from the Illawarra Migration Heritage Project present John Radecki: Stained Glass Artist
The Wollongong Works. John Radecki (1865-1955) was born in Poland and lived with his family in the Illawarra as a young man. Redecki was an accomplished sketch artist and became Aust..... [Więcej]
11 sierpnia 2012
Gurrumul wins top Indigenous music award leworęczny gitarzysta, niewidomy od urodzenia |
"The Medics" swept the pool at the National Indigenous Music Awards, which also saw blind singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunipingu named best artist for the second year in a row.
The awards, which celebrate Indigenous music acts from all around Australia, were held at a concert attended by thousands at Darwin's Botanic Gardens last night.
Queensland fou..... [Więcej]
8 sierpnia 2012
Polish Hill River Church Museum 2010/2012 Report |
The last two years have been quite productive. The Committee has also gained new members, only officially as they have been up till now, “Friends of the Museum”, working and helping in the background. It is good to see new blood as it boosts ideas and lightens the work load. It is also interesting to note that younger people, children ..... [Więcej]
5 sierpnia 2012
Curiosity Rover landing on Mars watch it live at 3 pm |
From 3 pm Macquarie University is broadcasting NASA's landing of the Curiosity Rover on Mars, live on the big LED screen in the central courtyard. [Więcej]
1 sierpnia 2012
Romney in Poland The highest value Poland honors is freedom |
Washington Post: Romney in Poland
1 sierpnia 2012
W sprawie paszkwilu Helen Stringer Prezes Rygielski do Redaktora Fruma |
Dear Mr Frum.I have read with interest your editorial It Wasn’t a “Gaffe”, as well as the follow-up essay/explanation by Helen Stringer, and would like to add a few comments.
1. In Poland, occupied by the Germans, there existed Polish underground army, a Home Army (Armia Krajowa) – the strongest resistance movement in the Ge..... [Więcej]
1 sierpnia 2012
W sprawie paszkwilu Helen Stringer Leszek Wikarjusz do ECC |
Publikujemy tekst listu Leszka Wikarjusza do Agnes Whiten, prezeski Ethnic Communities Council w Qld. Dear Ms Whiten.I wish to bring to your attention an unfortunate event that happened in Brisbane recently.
In the weekly Time Off, Helen Stringer, the author of a regular column The Looking Glass published an article – presumably as a light-h..... [Więcej]
31 lipca 2012
Miss Polonia Adelaide 2012 Yacek Szocinski |
Hello! Greetings from Adelaide. Polonia Adelaide Sports Club Inc. Announcing the winners of Miss Polonia competition for 2012! Finalists of Miss Polonia Adelaide 2012 Ball at Dom Polski Centre, Adelaide South Australia are: Miss Polonia 2012 Edith Humpich Miss Charity 2012 Katarina Stanko Miss People's Choice 2012 Jessica Norman
More photos on faceboo..... [Więcej]
30 lipca 2012
Prime Minister’s Olympic Challenge Jerzy Kortyński |
Medals are important but not everything as the main objective of Polish Australian Fencing Club is a promotion of health, fitness, and fun through fencing by providing quality coaching, education, and other activities to the community. Not all our fencers start regularly in competitions but they are happy to participate in sports activities organis..... [Więcej]
26 lipca 2012
Off to Canberra Heritage Symposium at the ANU |
Jutro 28 lipca 2012 r. na Uniwersytecie Narodowym (ANU) w Canberze odbędzie się sympozjum ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership, którego tematem przewodnim będzie "Valuing Heritage: Advocating for community attachment in planning". Dwójka działaczy "Kościuszko Heritage Inc." Urszula Lang i Andrzej Kozek wygłoszą referat ilustrowany ..... [Więcej]
26 lipca 2012
Flights over Jindabyne Lake z filmoteki Krzysztofa Małka |
Nasz cudowny pianista-chopinista Krzysztof Małek przysłał kilka linków na You Tube, gdzie umieścił kilka filmów nakręconych podczas ostatniego festiwalu kościuszkowskiego K'Ozzie Fest 2012 - w czasie pamiętnych polsko-aborygeńskich lotów przyjaźni. Oto kilka filmików, za kilka dni mają być następne. Zapraszamy serdecznie.
Sorry, there is not musi..... [Więcej]
23 lipca 2012
Zwycięskie piwko "Kosciuszko Pale Ale" the best in the country |
PP: Zupełnym przypadkiem natknęłam się wczoraj na artykuł w Brisbane Times, gdzie z radością przeczytałam, że piwo "Kosciuszko Pale Ale" zdobyło tytuł Grand Champion Beer. Po chwili się zasmuciłam, bo spojrzałam na datę. Okazało się, że konkurs rozegrał się prawie rok temu. Ale humor mi się poprawił, gdy sobie uświadomiłam, że nasz "Kosciuszko" nad..... [Więcej]
23 lipca 2012
On the edge of sabre Jerzy Kortynski |
Sylvia Musel with the Gold Medal | London 2012 Games are around the corner and fencing is one of only four sports which have been featured at every modern Olympic Games. Fencing competitions start on Saturday 28 July and can be watched on Foxtel’s Channel London 6. Although sword fighting dates back thousands of years, fencing as we now underst..... [Więcej]
20 lipca 2012
"Atlas" by Daniel Johns new Quantas advertising |
Iconic Australian musician, Daniel Johns, winner of 21 ARIA awards and three times winner of APRA's songwriter of the year, has written, arranged and performed an epic new piece called "Atlas" in a unique collaboration with the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Qantas.
The piece forms the soundtrack for the new Qantas brand and Olympic advertising...... [Więcej]
16 lipca 2012
Local Government Election News New South Wales Electoral Commission |
Local Government Elections 2012 - Saturday 8 September.
Find information about your local council elections.There are many positions available throughout NSW for people to work at the election. People who speak English and another language are encouraged to apply.If you are interested,
register on the website.
16 lipca 2012
Sydney Premiere of the "Officer's Wife" Riverside Theatre, Friday 27th July 2012 |
We are delighted to invite you to attend the Australian Public Premiere of the Katyn documentary film The Officer’s Wife at the 2012 Indie Gems Film Festival. Presented in association with Kresy-Siberia (Australia), the film will screen at 7.00pm on Friday 27th July at Riverside Theatre, Parramatta (corner Church & Market Streets).
We are ve..... [Więcej]
15 lipca 2012
Wave of tornados cut swathe across Poland ABC & Kasia ze Sztumu |
A freak wave of tornadoes in Poland has left at least one person dead and another 10 injured.
Local media said a national park was badly hit by one tornado that was between 800 and 1,000 metres wide.
One resident described the moment a tornado struck his property, felling trees and bringing down power lines.
"I was sleeping at the front of my ..... [Więcej]
11 lipca 2012
Letter to the Editors of Time Off: Andrew Mast & Steve Bell Bożena Szymanska |
This is with regard to the article “The Looking Glass” by Helen Stringer published in the June edition of your paper which presents the journalist’s perception of Euro 2012 in Poland and her comment on the treatment of Jews by Poles during the 2nd World War.Ms Stringer’s comments imply that Poland decimated its own Jews. Doe..... [Więcej]
4 lipca 2012
Scientists have discovered the elusive Higgs particle naukowcy złapali "boską cząstkę" |
Prof. Higgs | Przełomowe odkrycie: naukowcy z CERN znaleźli dawno poszukiwaną "boską" cząstkę, zwaną bozonem Higgsa.
News on the ABC
Wiadomość w Gazecie
Jakie są praktyczne konsekwencje odkrycia bozonu Higgsa?
Jeśli ktoś liczy, że wkrótce opanujemy bezwładność i nasze samochody będą przyspieszać do setki w milisekundę, cóż, jest fantastą. Odkrycie b..... [Więcej]
1 lipca 2012
Dzień Dziecka In Enchanted Forest Joasia Krol |
Sunday 24th June 2012. As you opened the doors to the Marayong hall, you found yourself looking at a special place - an enchanted forest. If you looked closely, you saw Robin Hood and his strange friends - a big yellow banana, a hotdog,and King Arthur. The hall was filled with many characters from pretty princesses, fairies, pirates and transformer..... [Więcej]
29 czerwca 2012
Nowy Biuletyn Informacyjny Ambasady Polskiej wydanie czerwiec/lipiec 2012 |
Kliknij tutaj - czytaj nowy biuletyn
W Biuletynie o australijskiej wizycie Prof. Normana Daviesa, prezentacjach filmowych ("Zero" oraz "Blinky and Me"), najwyższym odznaczeniu dla cudzoziemców - dla prof. Tracey Rowland, oczywiście o Euro 2012, jest wywiad ze słynnym artystą Wojtkiem Pietranikiem, jest reportaż z tatarskiego szlaku (Bohoniki..... [Więcej]
28 czerwca 2012
Euro 2012 Final Match - live show Monday 2nd July, Polish Embassy |
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland and The Embassy of Ukraine
have the pleasure in inviting
you and your guest
to a live show of the Final Match and the Award Ceremony
of the European Football Championship EURO 2012 with morning coffee and light snacks
on Monday, July 2, 2012 from 4:00 AM to 7:00 AM
at the Embassy of the Republic Poland,
..... [Więcej]
28 czerwca 2012
Spotkanie z byłą ambasador Australii w Polsce Ruth Pearce will speak of her life in Poland |
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland and the Australian Institute of Polish Affairs have much pleasure in inviting you to attend a meeting with Ruth Pearce,
former Australian Ambassador to Poland who will speak about "My Life in the Heart of Europe - Poland".
The presentation will be followed by a Q & A session and a reception.
Saturday 7t..... [Więcej]
25 czerwca 2012
Skandaliczna publikacja o Polsce Witold Krzesiński |
W artykule "The Looking Glass" w publikowanej w Brisbane gazecie "Time Off" Helen Stringer oskarża naród polski o wymordowanie trzech milionów żydowskich współobywateli w czasie wojny.
The Looking Glass, Time Off, page 26
Od Redakcji: oto co znaleźlismy w internecie na temat "Time Off", pisma, którego współpracownikiem jest Helen Stringer. Mo..... [Więcej]
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