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4 grudnia 2011
K'Ozzie Fest 2012 pod hasłem "Over the Moonbah"
nowa strona internetowa:

Draft Program festiwalu K’Ozzie Fest 2012 “Over the Moonbah” został opublikowany na naszej nowej stronie internetowej - ale też publikujemy go w Pulsie.

K’Ozzie Fest 2012 “Over the Moonbah”

Saturday 14th April 2012. Venue: St Thomas heritage church premises/park at 1202 Barry Way, Moonb.....  [Więcej]


2 grudnia 2011
"Podhale" presented new dances
Invitation to New Year's zabawa. Henry Iglinski (photos)
On Sunday, 27th November 2011, Podhale held its Annual End of Year luncheon and concert, with over 250 people in attendance. The hall and tables were decorated in Christmas spirit and our tasty menu included a lovely warm lunch, dessert, cake as well as tea and coffee.

Our Special guest was the President of the Polish Association Cabramatta Pani Kr.....  [Więcej]


1 grudnia 2011
Olivia Kierdal zaśpiewa w Darling Harbour
promocja Kościuszki i Strzeleckiego

PP: Olivia Kierdal zachwyciła nas przed laty skomponowaną przez siebie piosenką o Strzeleckim, w której jest też kilka słów o "micie krakowskiego kopca". Piosenka ta została wykonana na Pierwszym Festiwalu Kościuszkowskim w Jindabyne w roku 2007. Oliwka była wtedy jeszcze 13-letnią dziewczynką; dzisiaj panienka już się wybiera na studia...A już w n.....  [Więcej]


30 listopada 2011
Lajkonik on Federation Square
Ursula Lang

Last weekend, Lajkonik travelled to Melbourne with 7 pairs for the Polish Festival in Federation Square. When we arrived, 38 degree heat greeted us, and the most important thing to do was to jump in the pool at the Big 4 Caravan Park in Braybrook, 8km from the Melbourne CBD. My biggest issue was how was I going to mobilise the dancers for the F.....  [Więcej]


30 listopada 2011
Custodians of Memory - Polish Exiles in Siberia
Dom Polski, Adelaide, sobota 3 grudnia 2011

Organizacja "Kresy-Siberia", Konsulat Generalny RP w Sydney oraz Koło SPK nr 2 w Adelaide zapraszają na projekcje filmu, panel dyskusyjny i sesję nagraniową w Domu Polskim w Adelaide w sobotę 3 grudnia 2011.Początek o 2 pp.

In 1940-41 over 1 million Polish citizens of Catholic, Jewish, Ukrainian and Belorussian ethnicities from eastern Poland we.....  [Więcej]


28 listopada 2011
Melbourne Fest - drop everything and watch it
Oski Pictures (have a break for 13 mins)
24 listopada 2011
Sympozja nt. migracji i wielokulturowości
Hobart, Sydney, Melbourne i Canberra
W najbliższym czasie w czterech miastach Australii odbędą się sympozja nt. migracji i wielokulturowości zorganizowane przez Ambasadę RP w Canberze we współpracy z Australijskim Instytutem Spraw Polskich (AIPA) oraz lokalnymi uczelniami (Australian National University, University of Western Sydney, Monash University i University of Tasmania), z udzi.....  [Więcej]


24 listopada 2011
Polart Newsletter no 3
how the Working Groups are working

Heading into December, another year is coming to an end with PolArt 2012 Perth approaching very quickly. The year ahead looks like a very busy one with the Organizing Committee focusing on finalizing the events of the Festival, gaining sponsorship and financial support and bringing together the community to help create an event that the Polish a.....  [Więcej]


23 listopada 2011
Gaweł Gorazdowski powrócił z długiej żeglarskiej podróży
Welcome home sailor

THREE years ago Gavin Gorazdowski sold up everything and began a journey to fulfil a childhood dream. He was 34 and his decision to leave Manly and sell his web design agency had been “a long time coming”. Mr Gorazdowski had been dreaming of sailing the world since he was a teenager. “My grandfather was a sailor and father was a.....  [Więcej]


23 listopada 2011
Program artystyczny Polish Picnic w Darling Harbour
Szczęśliwa Siódma Edycja Festynu

11:00am WELCOME by Masters Of Ceremonies
11:10am OPEN MICROPHONE-morning session
11:40 am Sylwester Gladecki -ballads
12:00 noon POLISH Bugle-Call

12:05pm KOSCIUSZKO HERITAGE INC. - special presentation and Olivia Kierdal - singer

12:10pm Polonaise - Volunteers’ dance
12:30pm SYRENKA .....  [Więcej]


18 listopada 2011
"Out of the Ashes" - Q & A in the Consulate
Felix Molski. Photo Tom Koprowski

Sydney Film Premiere at the Polish Consulate on 9th November “Out of the Ashes”.Marek Krawczynski,Chartered Architect, Interior Designer, Pianist, Director of the company Carshade Australia Pty. Ltd, Marketing Consultant, Artist, Project Manager, Motivational Speaker and Lecturer. President of the foundation ‘The Future for Poland.....  [Więcej]


15 listopada 2011
Gold Cross of Merit
Ursula Lang, photos by Bogumiła Filip & Puls Polonii

I can honestly say that Sunday 13 November 2011 was one of the best days of my life. Receiving the Gold Cross of Merit from Daniel Gromann on behalf of the Polish Government, and having my family, friends, representatives of Canada Bay Council, AND OF COURSE "LAJKONIK" present was an experience so special that words cannot adequately describe. Le.....  [Więcej]


15 listopada 2011
Syrenka's Christmas Concert
27th November in Ashfild

Syrenka invites you to their End of Year Christmas Concert

on Sunday 27th November 2011, 2,30 pm.

Polish Club in Ashfield, 73 Norton St.

$10 tickets sold at the door. Info: Filip Kidoń 0401 678 865.


14 listopada 2011
"Donos na Wojtyłę"
Marek Baterowicz

Taki tytuł nosi ważna książka Marka Lasoty, pracownika krakowskiego oddziału IPN-u, a wydana w „Znaku” ( 2006). W obliczu zapowiedzi rychłej kanonizacji Jana Pawła II można uznać, iż byłby to święty wyjątkowo gorliwie tropiony przez bezpiekę. Ukazuje to nawet film „Karol”, lecz książka Lasoty przedstawia szerzej dzieje inwig.....  [Więcej]


14 listopada 2011
Kosciuszko's Ohio Land to be Named "Kosciuszko Park"

The City Council of Dublin, Ohio voted last night to set aside 40 acres of Kosciuszko's former property as "Thaddeus Kosciuszko Park." Kosciuszko was awarded 500 acres on the Scioto River near Columbus for his service in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Fred Hahn, Dublin's Director of Parks & Open Space, wrote to Alex Storozyn.....  [Więcej]


10 listopada 2011
Reklama TV Polish Community Christmas Picnic
Oski Pictures
7 listopada 2011
Delegacja IPN na Monash University
Czwartek 10 listopada 2011
Monash European and EU Centre , Mykola Zerov Centre for Ukrainian Studies, Monash University.Professor Iurii Shapoval (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine),Members of the Institute of National Remembrance, Poland. Australian Presentation and Launch of the book Holodomor. The Great Famine in Ukraine 1932-1933 and the book series “Poland.....  [Więcej]


7 listopada 2011
Program prawie dopięty
Polish Xmas Picnic 2011
Producer Mr. Darius Paczynski
11:00am WELCOME by Masters Of Ceremonies

11:15am OPEN MICROPHONE part 1
11:35 am Polonaise - Volunteers’ dance
12:00noon POLISH Bugle-Call

12:05pm SYLWESTER GLADECKI- ballads
12:30pm SYRENKA –Polish Dance Ensemble
1:00pm SBS Radio - Live.....  [Więcej]


7 listopada 2011
Anniversary - Friends of International Chopin Competition of Australia
Wanda Horky
Dear Friends of Chopin. We are proud to announce that the Friends of International Chopin Competition of Australia are on Facebook and Twitter.This is still a work in progress but we wanted to mark the event of our first anniversary on the 5th November in some way. It is an opportunity for all of us to use it, be more interactive but also to adver.....  [Więcej]


7 listopada 2011
PolArt Perth 2012 Newsletter no 2
Nowy Biuletyn

Nowości - Biuletyn no 2 po polsku

Festival News - Newsletter no 2 in English

We are proud to announce that the PolArt 2012 Perth official website in now launched - please visit us at . You will find all the information for the event on the website, including: festival programming, volunteer and member information, participa.....  [Więcej]


7 listopada 2011
Orava String Quartet - playing Paul Halley
Górą Kowaliki!

Orava String Quartet, founded in 2007 by three siblings: violinists Daniel Kowalik, Sylwia Kowalik-Waples, and cellist Karol Kowalik and completed by violist Thomas Chawner. Based in Sydney, they have performed locally and nationally in venues such as the Utzon Room in Sydeny Opera House, Melbourne Recital Centre and City Rec.....  [Więcej]


5 listopada 2011
"Out of the Ashes" - Jak Feniks z popiołów
Polish Consulate, 9th of November 2011

Brand new film “Out of the Ashes” has an Australian director, but it is not about our bushfires. The Polish Consulate in Woollahra this Wednesday will be showing the latest creation by famous Australian producer Peter Beveridge titled “Out of the Ashes”. It is a “romantic” documentary about the greatest destruct.....  [Więcej]


3 listopada 2011
Kolejny protest Ambasadora RP
a letter of protest to the ABC Managing Director
W dniu 4 listopada Ambasador RP Andrzej Jaroszyński wystosował list protestacyjny do Marka Scotta, Managing Director of ABC w sprawie niefortunnego wyrażenia "Nazi Poland" użytego przez redaktora Sen Lama w Radio Australia podczas promocji książek Gleitzmana dla dzieci o Holocaust.


28 października 2011
"Remembrance " at the Jewish Film Festival
Lech Mackiewicz

W poniedzialek 7 listopada w kinie w Bondi Junction w ramach Jewish Film Festival będzie zaprezentowany niemiecki film REMEMBRANCE w reżyserii Anny Justice, w którym gra kilkoro polskich aktorów: Mateusz Damięcki, Mirosław Zbrojewicz, Joanna Kulig i ja Lech Mackiewicz. Remembrance był prezentowany też w USA przez Jewish Film Festival and.....  [Więcej]


21 października 2011
A Polish Picnic
Pauline Cockrill

At the beginning of October I was invited to a very special picnic. Since 1974 the Polish Hill River Church Museum has been holding an annual picnic but this year it was in honour of the 140th anniversary of their church - and the 175th anniversary of the founding of South Australia. After a 2 hour drive from the city, I drove down iconic Annie.....  [Więcej]


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