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29 sierpnia 2013
Wielkie zebranie w Ashfield
8 września/8th September at 3 pm

Spotkanie Informacyjne tylko dla Członków Klubu. Zgodnie z obietnicą na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zebraniu w lutym organizujemy regularne spotkania informacyjne dla członków Klubu. Trzecie z tych spotkań odbędzie w niedzielę 08 września o godzinie 15:00 w dużej sali. NIE MA SPOTKANIA CZŁONKÓW W SOBOTĘ 7 WRZEŚNIA!!!

Club Members Only Information Meeting. A.....  [Więcej]


25 sierpnia 2013
Join Our Team at Woollahra Cafe
Kasia Wieczorkowska

WIECZORKOWSKI is a family-owned establishment & purveyor of premium quality food and ingredients that are sourced from Poland, Europe, the USA and notable local producers & providores.

Our delicatesy stocks a large selection of quality food products from notable Polish & European culinary institutions, beautiful homewares from the Boleslawiec com.....  [Więcej]


22 sierpnia 2013
Closed Circuit - Układ zamknięty
now screening in Australia
Unlike the vast majority of Polish films, ‘The closed circuit’ was financed privately, without any government funding. The director, Ryszard Bugajski, also directed the 1982 film, ‘Interrogation’, which was banned by the then Communist regime, with Bugajski forced to emigrate abroad. The film is set in the Tricity in 2003, .....  [Więcej]


19 sierpnia 2013
Multicultural Advantage Grants program
apply by 27th September
The Community Relations Commission (CRC) invites applications from not-for-profit organisations under the Multicultural Advantage Grants Program - Community Inclusion. Grants of up to $20,000 are available for projects with a particular focus on inter-cultural and inter-faith activities, bring diverse groups of people together, mentor small or eme.....  [Więcej]


19 sierpnia 2013
New Race Discrimination Commissioner targets casual racism
Dominic O’Grady
A 30-year-old first generation Australian whose parents fled Laos as refugees in the 1970s begins a new role tomorrow as Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner. Dr Tim Soutphommasane will be responsible for shaping the nation’s response to racism. “Racism is a challenge for all of us. It’s a reminder that we donR.....  [Więcej]


9 sierpnia 2013
Niedzielny obiad - Sunday Lunch in Ashfield
Management of the Polish Club in Ashfield apologises for any inconvenience but the restaurant is closed temporarily. We are doing our best to return to normal operating hours, meanwhile we will serve a roast buffet lunch this Sunday in the Mirror Hall for $20 (from 1.00pm-3.00pm)

* Buffet lunch this Sunday 11 August 2013 from 1.00-3.00pm in the Mir.....  [Więcej]


8 sierpnia 2013
BUNNY a film by Annika Glac
world premiere 1.10.13

Today is an exciting day here in BUNNY land. We are ready to announce the date of the World Release: and becuase we like to do things a little differently we've decided to have some fun releasing the film. THE WORLD PREMIERE - RED CARPET EVENT - TUESDAY 1st of OCTOBER 7pm at Cinema Como Melbourne.

BUNNY to pierwszy australijski film pełnometraż.....  [Więcej]


31 lipca 2013
2013 Community Relations Commission Symposium
and Youth Leaders Day
Don't miss your chance to attend the 2013 Community Relations Commission Symposium! Pathways to participation...what are they and are they working? 7 August 2013 Novotel Hotel, 350 Church Street, Parramatta

The Community Relations Commission Symposium provides an opportunity for community leaders, community organisation members, government agency .....  [Więcej]


29 lipca 2013
Konserwacja słynnego obrazu Piguenita
geniusz syna skazańca

William Charles Piguenit (27 August 1836 – 17 July 1914) pierwszy profesjonalny malarz australijski, wspaniały pejzażysta urodził się w Hobart na Tasmanii. Wpływ na jego artystyczny rozwoj miala zapewne szkoła dla panien, ktorą otworzyla i prowadziła jego matka ucząc francuskiego, muzyki i rysunku. W 1850 roku William zostal rysownikiem dla.....  [Więcej]


24 lipca 2013
Poles Apart
Griffith University Printmakers Club

“Poles Apart” is a collaborative exhibition project between QCA Print Department and the Graphic Department at the Academy of Fine Art in Warsaw. Professor Blazej Ostoja-Lniski has made a selection of Polish prints and the QCA Print Department and Club have pleasure in presenting and hosting this important event. Over recent year.....  [Więcej]


21 lipca 2013
Aunty Rae's Birthday
Dr Marek Baterowicz
If you look into the book Heroes of the Aboriginal Struggle (published by The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd, Melbourne 1987 and printed in Hong Kong) there’s no trace of Aunty Rae – who on 13 of July celebrated her 80 birthday - however it should be there for many reasons. Certainly, this anthology is dedicated above all to .....  [Więcej]


18 lipca 2013
Grant Project Officer
Full Time job advertisment
Eastern European CALD Project Officer, Full-Time 38 hrs a week. Fixed term contract until 30th June 2015. Polish-Australian Welfare Association is seeking to employ a person to join our team to deliver a new project under an Aged Care Service Improvement and Healthy Ageing Grants Fund (ACSIHAG). This is a full -time (5 days) position focusing on un.....  [Więcej]


16 lipca 2013
Wielki sukces braci Kowalików i Orava Quartet
Asia Pacific Chamber Music competition Melbourne 2013

Australian ensemble, Orava Quartet, currently living and studying in the US, won the Audience Prize and the Musica Viva Tony Berg Award for Most Outstanding Australian Ensemble. They played Mendelssohn's Piano Trio No 2 in A minor in the final.

The Australian

ABC - winners announced

The Orava Quartet was founded in 2007 by the Kowalik siblings and .....  [Więcej]


14 lipca 2013
Our Ngarigo friend has passed away
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. Foto Puls Polonii

With great sadness, we would like to announce that our aboriginal friend, Matthew Werg Stewart (born 2nd April 1960) aged 53, died unexpectedly yesterday, 13 July 2013, after experiencing a heart attack, at the closure of a special family gathering in honour of his mother, Aunty Rae Solomon-Stewart. The family was celebrating Aunty Rae's 80th birt.....  [Więcej]


5 lipca 2013
Letter of thanks to Daniel Gromann
Ursula Lang
Dear Pan Daniel, Pani Malgorzata, Pani Dominika and Pani Ewa. On behalf of all the children, youth and parents of Lajkonik, I would like to say thankyou to you all for the wonderful work that you have done in Sydney in the years that you have been here. You were open and accessible to everyone, be they individuals or organizations, seeking advice,.....  [Więcej]


2 lipca 2013
Tax Time 2013 is here

It's tax time, which means we need your help to remind people in your community that they may need to lodge a tax return. For some people, this could mean getting money back if they paid more tax during the year than they needed to. Remember, Australian residents are taxed on their worldwide income. When people prepare their tax return, they need .....  [Więcej]


2 lipca 2013
Australia: housing crisis
The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has released its annual survey of more than 500 community agencies showing that housing availability and affordability is the greatest unmet need for its welfare clients. Dr Tessa Boyd-Caine says there has been a 5 per cent increase in the number of people being turned away from the already stressed .....  [Więcej]


1 lipca 2013
Polsko-Australijska Grupa Historyczna w Wollongong
Zofia Łaba

Celem nowo powstałej Polsko – Australijskiej Grupy Historycznej jest odszukanie i spisanie historii Polaków, którzy przybyli do Australii i osiedlali się w Illawarra i Shoalhaven już od początku lat 1850- tych. Historia polskich osadników, polskich emigrantów którzy przyjechali po II wojnie światowej oraz wszystkich innych którzy przyjechali.....  [Więcej]


30 czerwca 2013
Krzyż Oficerski Orderu Zasługi Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
dla Wojciecha Ihnatowicza
19 czerwca 2013 na branżowym spotkaniu biur podróży linii lotniczych oraz mediów turystycznych Pan Konsul Generalny Daniel Gromann wręczył Wojciechowi Ihnatowiczowi " Krzyz Oficerski Orderu Zaslugi Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej " nadany przez Prezydenta Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej Bronislawa Komorowskiego.

Relacja w prasie angielskojęzycznej

30 czerwca 2013
Piano Recital by Krystian Tkaczewski
at the Polish Consulate tomorrow

The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland has much pleasure in inviting you to attend a Piano Recital by Krystian Tkaczewski. Free admission! – RSVP is essential. Tickets can be reserved either by phone on (02) 9363 9816 or by e-mail at General admission tickets will be allocated on a first-come basis.

Des.....  [Więcej]


22 czerwca 2013
Tony Maka - KAP NSW Senate Candidate
Tony Mąka

My name is Anthony Stanislaw Maka and I was born in Sydney in 1978. My parent’s families travelled to Australia seeking a better life, to a place then known as “the land of milk and honey”. My father, born in Germany in a displaced persons camp to parents who endured World War Two and survived time in labour and pri.....  [Więcej]


15 czerwca 2013
Piękne polskie słowo Babcia - pożegnanie Jadwigi Molskiej
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, Foto Puls Polonii & archiwum rodzinne

Babcia Jadwiga
W zimowy, lecz pogodny piątek 14 czerwca miały miejsce uroczystości pogrzebowe ś.p. 92-letniej Jadwigi Molskiej rodem z Rejowskich Nagłowic, od ponad 60 lat mieszkającej w Australii, najpierw w obozie imigrantów w Greta, a następnie w sydnejskiej dzielnicy Sefton. Tam też w pięknym kościele w Sefton trójka kapłanów - księża Chrystus.....  [Więcej]


2 czerwca 2013
Yothu Yindi frontman Yunupingu dies aged 56
Yothu Yindi lead singer Yunupingu has died overnight at his home in the Northern Territory. The former Australian of the Year, who was 56, died at his home in Yirrkala in Eastern Arnhem Land. He had been fighting kidney disease for several years. Yunupingu brought his local people, the Yolngu people, and Indigenous issues to a national stage with h.....  [Więcej]


30 maja 2013
Wielki koncert po procesji Bożego Ciała
Marayong niedziela 2 czerwca 2013. Photo H. Igliński
Polish Dance Ensembles Kujawy, Lajkonik, Syrenka and Podhale would like to invite everyone to a concert after the Celebratory Mass and Procession for Feast Day Boze Cialo, on Sunday 2nd June 2013. Mass commences at 2.30pm.

Polskie zespoły folklorystyczne Kujawy, Lajkonik, Podhale i Syrenka serdecznie zapraszają na wielki koncert w sali parafialnej .....  [Więcej]


29 maja 2013
Kanadyjczyk hinduskiego pochodzenia zaginął w Australii
poszukiwania w Kosciuszko National Park
Najnowsze - niestety niedobre - wiadomości
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