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27 lipca 2009
Plays by Nike winner Maslowska, Janaczewska and other authors New Theatre - New Directions |
New Directions – Season 2009: a provoking, challenging, funny and entertaining look
at identity, intimacy and the games people play, featuring contemporary works from
Australia, Mexico and Poland.
The season started with a bang last Wednesday, with the World Premiere of "Horrific
Acts for Charity" by Australia’..... [Więcej]
26 lipca 2009
Scinema Festival of Science Film Canberra Tuesday 28th of July 2009 |
Norbert Strzelecki playing Sir Strzelecki | A documentary film "In the footsteps of Paul Edmund Strzelecki" directed by Anna Piasek, and presented during the 2009 K'Ozzie Fest in Jindabyne, will be screened during
SCINEMA Festival of Science Film tomorrow in Canberra.
The festival has been organised by CSIRO Discovery Centre
Tuesday 28 July at 7.15..... [Więcej]
19 lipca 2009
July Media Press Ted Mirecki |
EU Assembly elects ex-Polish PM as president
For Poland, a Milestone in Choice for European Post
Craving to Be a Great Power
by Richard Pipes
East Europeans nervou..... [Więcej]
18 lipca 2009
Our friend of Kentucky in Alaska Martin Douthitt climbing on |
A dramatic story of a conquest of Denali. Read the story in
Martin Douthitt is the one who ascended Mt Kosciuszko the Strzelecki way in February 2009.
17 lipca 2009
Piazzolla Bowed and Plucked The Sydney Consort Ensemble; foto: |
Piazzolla Bowed and Plucked Friday, 28th August at 8 PM
Raffaele AGOSTINO guitar; Stan KORNEL baroque violin & viola d’amore; Monika KORNEL harpsichord
Works by Astor Piazzolla, Domenico Scarlatti, Antonin Hraczek and Nicolo Paganini..... [Więcej]
13 lipca 2009
Cantata di Natale – Vaticini di Pace The Sydney Consort Ensemble; foto: |
Cantata di Natale – Vaticini di Pace Del Signore Antonio CALDARA
Friday, November 27, 2009 at 8 PM
Belinda Montgomery & Nicole Thomson soprano Nicole Smeulders alto Richard Black tenor
Stan Kornel & Fiona Ziegler (baroque violin); Peter McLean (baroque bass); Anthea Cottee (baroque cello); Monika Kornel (harpsichord)..... [Więcej]
12 lipca 2009
Gypsy Fire at the Cracovia Club Back by popular demand; foto: |
After their stunning, critically-acclaimed sell-out Australian 80-plus performances in 2008, it is with much pleasure we announce the return of The Antal Szalai Gypsy Band, direct from Hungary, to present their new WORLD MUSIC 'GYPSY FIRE' show.
At the Cracovia Club, September 5, 2009.
Presented by ATA ALLSTAR ARTISTS. Tickets: $40 on sale soon fr..... [Więcej]
8 lipca 2009
Humanitarian Aid to Poland: Herbert Clark Hoover Felix Molski |
Herbert Clark Hoover (August 10, 1874 to October 20, 1964) was orphaned at 9, but ended up living a life filled with accomplishments. However, nothing he did surpassed the humanitarian relief that he inspired and arranged for Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Romania, Serbia and Poland.
In Poland Hoover established..... [Więcej]
7 lipca 2009
Humanitarian Aid to Poland: Who am I? Felix Molski |
Is it possible to be oblivious of someone who was instrumental in saving about 2 million children from starvation? Have a close look at the photos. Do you notice the letter ‘H’ formed by the children. What does it stand for? Hunger? Humanitarian? Hello? A team or town? Maybe the name of a person?
Do you recognise the man in the other ph..... [Więcej]
6 lipca 2009
60th Anniversary Celebrations August 16, hosted by the Polonia committee |
If you are one of the thousands of „New Australians” who sailed to these shores between 1949 and 1953, you are warmly invited to take part in the 60th Anniversary Celebrations being held to commemorate this occasion.
The event, hosted by the Polonia committee, will take place on the 16th August, 2009, at 12.00 noon in the downstairs hal..... [Więcej]
25 czerwca 2009
The Democratic Breakthrough 20 Years After the June 1989 Election in Poland |
The National Europe Centre and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland invite you to a symposium entitled 'The Democratic Breakthrough: 20 Years after the June 1989 Elections in Poland'.
Tuesday 7 July 2009, 9.30 – 14.00
APCD Lecture Theatre, Hedley Bull Building (130, Corner Liversidge St & Garran Road), the ANU..... [Więcej]
25 czerwca 2009
'Tatry' Dance Ensemble Mid-Year Concert Tuesday, June 30 |
On Tuesday the 30th of June, Junior Tatry groups 1 & 2 and the Intermediate group will be performing songs and dances learnt so far this year. The concert will be held at Dom Polski in place of regular rehearsal.
The concert will start at 6:30 pm so we ask all children and Intermediate group members to arrive before 6 pm so they can get changed int..... [Więcej]
21 czerwca 2009
Slice of Europe in Sydney’s winter wonderland By Lukasz Swiatek |
Crêpes, Berliners, snowflakes and an ice rink: Sydneysiders were treated to a decadent taste of Europe during the Sydney Winter Festival.
The drawing card of the short but colourful event – staged over four days, next to Saint Mary’s Cathedral – was a specially built outdoor ice rink, which attracted skaters of all ages, who ..... [Więcej]
12 czerwca 2009
Jarek Wójcik i Przemysław Cerebież-Tarabicki Wystawa „Landscape not Forgotten” |
Catherine Asquith Gallery w Melbourne przedstawia wystawę prac dwóch polskich artystów: Jarka Wójcika i Przemysława Cerebież-Tarabickiego, p.t. „Landscape not Forgotten”
Wystawę otworzy jego Ekselencja Ambasador Polski w Australii Andrzej Jaroszyński, w sobotę 27 czerwca 2009 o 14:00.
Oto informacja o artystach i o wystawie przedstawion..... [Więcej]
12 czerwca 2009
From Refugee to Resident Forum A Forum about the First Refugees in Australia |
Forum Overview
Early experiences of refugees first arriving in Australia can provide an insight into service barriers and cultural needs. We invite you to share the fascinating personal journey of three refugees who arrived in Australia in the 1940s and 1950s.
Keynote Speakers
- Mrs Helen Schloetzer - Polish Displaced Person..... [Więcej]
12 czerwca 2009
Piękna piosenka o Papieżu List z Włoch |
Otrzymaliśmy przemiły list od czytelniczki z Włoch:
Hello! and sorry my english!
I'm italian and I would thank you for the best song dedicated to Papiez Jan Pawel II. This song is very beautiful also like great our Pope. And your voice in very very beautiful.
Congratulations for you and W Polonia!..... [Więcej]
10 czerwca 2009
Art lights up Sydney By Lukasz Swiatek |
Note: Images and animation may take a moment to load
Sydney’s CBD has been lit up with all the colours of the rainbow. It’s not too late to see the unusual and colourful attractions of the Smart Light Sydney festival.
From the Polish:
Festiwal, który jest częścią projektu Vivid Sydney i który trwa od 26 maja, skończy się 14 cze..... [Więcej]
9 czerwca 2009
Kukuleczka Dance (Zabawa) June 20, at the Cracovia Club |
The Polish Dance Group Kukuleczka Inc. of Perth, WA, would like to invite you to a fundraising dance evening, featuring a live band, which will take place on June 20, 2009, at 8pm at the Cracovia Club, 375 Marshall Rd Beechboro.
Tickets: Adults - $20, Children - $10
Join us for wonderful evening of fun, lotteries and dance performances..... [Więcej]
8 czerwca 2009
Lateline i ABC2 News Breakfast przeprosiły za sformułowanie “Polish concentration camp” ABC Corrections and Clarifications |
ABC News opublikowało przeproszenie za użycie słów “Polish concentration camp” w reportażu programu Lateline.
17 maja opublikowaliśmy dwa listy czytelników, którzy domagali się wyjaśnienia użycia tego sformułowania w reportażu ‘Alleged Nazi extradited to Germany’ w programie Lateline (link do listów w Pulsie). Autorzy listów..... [Więcej]
8 czerwca 2009
Centre-right retains control of European Parliament ABC News |
Centre-right parties have retained control of the European Parliament in an election that ended with a record low turnout but could have brought much worse upsets for national governments.
Partial results showed the European People's Party would remain the main group in parliament, ahead of the Socialists, strengthening its ability to set the agend..... [Więcej]
5 czerwca 2009
John Paul II sainthood 'one step closer' ABC News |
John Paul II could be beatified as early as this year, which would move the late pope a big step closer to sainthood, his former spokesman told an Italian newspaper.
Joaquin Navarro-Valls, who ran the Vatican press office for 22 years, told the daily Il Sole 24 Ore that two key elements of the beatification process could be completed "this year"..... [Więcej]
4 czerwca 2009
20 rocznica pierwszych demokratycznych wyborów Polska pamięta i świętuje |
Bardzo uroczyście jest obchodzona dziś w Polsce 20 rocznica pamiętnych wyborów czerwcowych.
W wielu miastach odbywają się uroczyste spotkania i koncerty, a młodzież, która nie może pamiętać czerwca 1989, gromadzi się na różnego rodzaju kolorowych imprezach świętujących ich szansę życia w wolnym kraju. Europa świętuje wraz z Polską, czemu wyraz dal..... [Więcej]
2 czerwca 2009
A remarkable episode of Polish history Felix Molski |
When you read this headline, what do you expect the topic of conversation to be? I hope to surprise you and I think I will! Read on to discover more about a heartwarming gesture made by a people even though they were experiencing troubled times.
After seventy years of being buried in the Library of Congress archives in Washington DC, 111 books were..... [Więcej]
2 czerwca 2009
„Cztery noce z Anną" (Four Nights With Anna) polski film Skolimowskiego na tegorocznym Sydney Film Festival |
Oto opis filmu „Cztery noce z Anną" (Four Nights With Anna), który będzie wyświetlony podczas tegorocznego Sydney Film Festival:
Polish actor-turned-auteur Skolimowski made films from 1960, but he’s best remembered for Deep End (1971), The Shout (SFF78) and Moonlighting (1982). Now, two decades after retiring to paint and write poetry, ..... [Więcej]
25 maja 2009
Papież modlił się przy polskim cmentarzu koło Monte Cassino Benedykt XVI apeluje o pokój, ABC News |
Podczas wizyty w Cassino we Włoszech, Papież zaapelował o pokój i o zjednoczoną Europę.
Benedykt XVI powiedział, że chciał szczególnie złożyć wizytę polskiemu cmentarzowi. Podczas swojej wizyty modlił się na cmentarzu.
Wizyta w Cassino była czternastą wizytą Papieża we Włoszech. Jeszcze nigdy nie odwiedził tej miejscowości jako Papież, choć odwiedz..... [Więcej]
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