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Strzelecki Competition:



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23 kwietnia 2009
Consequences of a Collapsed Aussie Dollar for Felix Molski
Felix Molski about K'Ozzie Fest

A highlight for my 2009 US visit was to be the Kosciuszko Conference and Observance at West Point, the 1st and 2nd of May, but I was kicked in the backside by a precipitous fall in the exchange rate. Was it meant to be?

For anyone traveling to the US and New York State, the web site below details the Kosciuszko Foundation and the events of May 1-2.....  [Więcej]


23 kwietnia 2009
Retro Dance Party
Klub Polski w Bankstown zaprasza
Klub Polski w Bankstown zaprasza na Retro Dance Party, które odbędzie w sobotę 25 kwietnia od godz. 8.30 do 12.30 w nocy.

Retro Dance Party at the Bankstown Polish Club, on Saturday, April 25, from 8.30pm to 12.30pm. Dance competition every 2nd and 4th Saturday.....  [Więcej]


22 kwietnia 2009
K'Ozzie Festival speech by the First Counsellor Witold Krzesiński, Polish Embassy
Jindabyne, Saturday 18th of April 2009

With its 2,228 metres, Mount Kosciuszko creates a challenge for everybody who sets out to reach its peak. This challenge was taken up recently by two Americans: Martin Douthitt and Dale Torok who, together with a Polish film crew, managed to fight their way to the top of this mountain, choosing the same way as Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki. The climbe.....  [Więcej]


22 kwietnia 2009
Festiwalowa Fotogaleria
Briefly about K'Ozzie Fest

Fotogaleria nr 137. Udało się ją zrobić mimo kilku awarii komputerowych. Towarzyszy im tekst opisujący ważniejsze wydarzenia z 3 dni festiwalowych imprez - z deszczem włącznie!

Kolejne fotogalerie będą lada dzień, musimy przejrzeć i sformatować kilkaset, jeśli nie tysiące zdjęć.

Ale już za chwilę zabieramy się do publikowania fotogalerii w poniedzi.....  [Więcej]


21 kwietnia 2009
Billionaire Pratt 'gravely ill'
Callista Cooper, ABC News
Richard Pratt AC urodził się jako Ryszard Przecicki w 1934 r. w Gdańsku (krótki życiorys).

Prominent Australian businessman and philanthropist Richard Pratt is gravely ill, according to Parliamentary Secretary and long-term friend Bill Shorten.

The 74-year-old, who has been suffering from prostate cancer, is currently resting at his Melbourne hom.....  [Więcej]


21 kwietnia 2009
Thoughts on K'Ozzie Fest
Ursula Lang

K'Ozzie Fest

When a crazy idea
More akin to a dream
Starts to bubble and flow
Like a fresh mountain stream

Gaining pace, depth and breadth
You can feel that its strong
You can feel history turning
And it carries you along

On a journey that’s never been travelled before.....  [Więcej]


19 kwietnia 2009
Paul Edmund Strzelecki and His Team: Achieving Together
Informacja o antologii – information about the Anthology

Przeczytaj parę stron z Antologii! Kliknij tu
Read a few pages of the Anthology! Click here

W sobotę 18 kwietnia Fundacja Kulturalna Pulsu Polonii oficjalnie wylansowała tegoroczną antologię Festiwalu Kościuszkowskiego, zatytułowaną „Paul Edmund Strzelecki and His Team: Achieving Together” („Paul Edmund Strzelecki i jego ekipa: w d.....  [Więcej]


18 kwietnia 2009
Sebastian Sawicki - nagroda specjalna "Pulsu Polonii"
Laureat konkursu The Strzelecki Graphic Competition 2009

Born in the city of Gdansk in August of 1979, my very early years introduced me to martial law, political upheaval, solidarity and above all the fighting spirit of the Polish people. These early years formed a foundation for my character and an outlook on life, as well as for the respect for my Polish heritage.

Seeking a better life and more oppor.....  [Więcej]


18 kwietnia 2009
The Winners of the 2009 Strzelecki Graphic Competition
Announced April 18, 2009
The Winners of the 2009 Strzelecki Graphic Competition, announced at 1:30pm on Saturday April 18, 2009, in Jindabyne, are:

In the adult category:

1. The Grand Prize (of $1000, funded by Consul-General Ryszard Sarkowicz) is awarded to Krystyna Burkiewicz for ‘Kosciuszko Spirit over Australian Mountains’ acrylic on canvas
2. Second prize (.....  [Więcej]


18 kwietnia 2009
Werdykt jury konkursowego K'Ozzie Fest 2009
The Strzelecki Art Competition 2009
The Winners of the 2009 Strzelecki Art Competition. This is the verdict of the jury, as announced at the 2009 K'Ozzie Fest.

In the adult category:

1. The Grand Prize (of $1000, funded by Consul-General Ryszard Sarkowicz) is awarded to Krystyna Burkiewicz for ‘Kosciuszko Spirit over Australian Mountains’ acrylic on canvas
2. Second prize .....  [Więcej]


17 kwietnia 2009
Children of the Solidarity revolution
BBC News; Krassimira Twigg
Na stronie Brytyjskiej Korporacji Nadawczej (BBC) opublikowano artykuł ze wspomnieniami najmłodszych Polaków, którzy byli świadkami ruchu solidarnościowego.

Jak pisze Krassimira Twigg, „these were years in which the excitement of a secret and forbidden life could easily turn to heartache”.

Cały artykuł i zdjęcia na stronie BBC


16 kwietnia 2009
Poland asks IMF for economic lifeline
ABC News Online; Emma Alberici
The Polish Government will ask the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a $28 billion line of credit to help it recover from the economic crisis.

Poland's finance minister said he wanted to increase the central bank's reserves by a third and make the country "immune to the virus of the crisis and to speculative attacks".

At the G20 meeting in Lond.....  [Więcej]


16 kwietnia 2009
Pogoda na festiwal
See you at 9 am in Thredbo (chairlift station)
Jest czwartek pożne popołudnie. Z 6-godzinnym opożnieniem wsiadamy do samochodu. Jedziemy na festiwal, zatem przez następne dwa dni będzie mało nowości i artykułów w Pulsie - ale "nie bójta wójta", na dyżurze redakcyjnym zostaje Łukasz Świątek, który dotrzyma towarzystwa tym (nielicznym?), którzy z różnych powodów na festiwal nie mogą pojechać.

W .....  [Więcej]


15 kwietnia 2009
K'Ozzie Fest - Detailed Program of All Events
Szczegółowy program Festiwalu Kościuszkowskiego
Day One, Friday April 17, 2009

9am – Thredbo – a welcome by a NPWS Discover Ranger Harmony Walk to Mt Kosciuszko.
1pm – Meeting on the mountain to celebrate having Mt Kosciuszko placed on the National Heritage List; sing together, get guitars with you if you can.
3pm to midnight – Jindabyne, Memorial Hall – ArtistsR.....  [Więcej]


15 kwietnia 2009
Victims of tragic fire in Poland
Condolence book in the Embassy of Polish Embassy
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland presents its compliments to the Diplomatic Missions and International Organisations and has the sad duty to inform them with deepest sorrow that during the tragic fire in a social services hostel in Kamien Pomorski (north-western Poland) on 13 April 2009, 21 people died and more than 20 were injured.

The Presid.....  [Więcej]


12 kwietnia 2009
Nowa edycja czasopisma „Kultura Connect"
A new edition of Kultura Connect magazine

Nowa edycja Kultura Connect przedstawia niezwykłą dziennikarkę i podróżniczkę Małgosię Sawicką, wyprawę na Górę Kościuszki śladami Strzeleckiego oraz zdjęcia ze świata.

Aby ściągnąć PDF, kliknij prawym klawiszem myszy na link i wybierz ‘zapisz jako / save file as’:

PDF o niskiej rozdzielczości

PDF o wysokiej rozdzielczości

Czasopi.....  [Więcej]


8 kwietnia 2009
Jindabyne Gala Concert 18th of April 2009
a draft of Saturday program
1. Pre-concert - music on CD: Kosciuszko Polonaise

• MC Welcome to all Guests and audience - Darek Paczynski & Aurelia Stanisławczyk

• Welcome to country - Representative of the Ngarigo People of the Monaro

• Representative of Snowy River Shire Council

• Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of P.....  [Więcej]


6 kwietnia 2009
Hopefully the final version of the K'Ozzie Fest Program
please read carefully, see the changes

Day One, Friday April 17

9am – Thredbo – Harmony Walk to Mt. Kosciuszko, with an Aboriginal Guide.

1pm – All meet on the mountain and celebrate having Mt Kosciuszko placed on the National Heritage List; sing new songs about Kosciuszko, Strzelecki and Adyna

3pm to midnight – Jindabyne – Artists’ rehearsals in Memo.....  [Więcej]


1 kwietnia 2009
Cheryl Davison's paintings at K'Ozzie Fest
Jindabyne Visitors Centre Saturday 18th of April 2009

We are happy to announce that an Aboriginal artist Cheryl Davison of Moruya is going to display some of her paintings at Jindabyne NPWS Visitors Centre during K'Ozzie Fest 2009.

"Born in Bega, south-east Australia, I have lived for the most part on the coast, my mother's families are the Walbunga people from the Moruya area and the Ngarigo people i.....  [Więcej]


29 marca 2009
Football fans clash violently in Belfast
ABC News
Rival fans of the Northern Ireland and Polish international football teams have clashed in Belfast ahead of the World Cup qualifier between the two sides.

Bottles, bricks, traffic cones and fireworks were thrown, injuring a number of people.

Police in riot gear used their batons and shields to restore order.....  [Więcej]


27 marca 2009
Global Financial Crisis
Jim Lehrer interviewing Kevin Rudd
LEHRER: Mr Prime Minister, welcome. On this comment that President Obama quoted you on, he said you spoke very forcefully about the need for nations to essentially step up to the plate and do what needs to be done to abate this terrible financial economic situation in the world. What nations were you referring to?

PRIME MINISTER: Well nations with .....  [Więcej]


27 marca 2009
Do you want to feel like Strzelecki in 1840?
Video-Invitation to K'Ozzie Fest 2009

Click here to watch a sneak preview of Oscar Kantor's documentary "From Geehi to Mt Kosciuszko. On the Strzelecki Track".

Watch it and enjoy it. And come to Jindabyne to watch the whole story.


25 marca 2009
Updated Program of 3 days' festivities
Mt Kosciuszko, Jindabyne & Cooma April 2009
What's new? We have just heard from our Aboriginal friends that traditional dancers of Monaro will take part in our concerts in Jindabyne and Cooma, and that an artist from Moruya, Cheryl Davison, will have an exhibition of her paintings at the Visitors' Centre, Jindabyne.

And the updated programs goes like this:

Day One, Friday April 17
9am –.....  [Więcej]


24 marca 2009
Wielkanocny kiermasz "Syrenki"
Easter Market

Syrenka zaprasza na Kiermasz Wielkanocny w sobotę 11 kwietnia od 10 do 14
Syrenka inviting to Easter Market on Sat. 11 April from 10 to 2 pm
St Vincent's Church Hall, Bland Street, Ashfield

Available: traditional home made Polish cakes including baked cheesecakes, poppyseed cakes and strudels, Polish donuts & Polish dumplings.

Do nabycia: babki wielk.....  [Więcej]


23 marca 2009
Doorstop Interview with Kevin Rudd
at Australian Ambassador's Residence, Washington DC
Subject: Australia-US Relationship; Global Banks; Climate Change; Afghanistan; Toxic Assets; Secretary Geithner; Global Recession; Bikie Gang Violence; Airport Security.

PM: It’s great to be back in Washington. It’s great to be back in America to begin a new and important chapter in the Australia–United States relationship. This r.....  [Więcej]


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