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24 maja 2009
Polscy żołnierze we Włoszech: wystawa fotograficzna w Adelaide tekst: Paweł Zając i inni; zdjęcia: Paweł Zając |
„Korpus Wojska Polskiego w Marche: 1944-1946.” Taki tytuł nosi wystawa obecnie pokazywana w Klubie Marche (the Marche Club Adelaide), w Południowej Australii.
Wystawa historycznych zdjęć i innych dokumentów została oficjalnie otwarta 16 maja o godz. 11. W otwarciu uczestniczyli honorowi goście ze świata polityki, nauki, kultury oraz rep..... [Więcej]
22 maja 2009
Trzy nowe fotogalerie: więcej zdjęć z K’Ozzie Fest Three new photo-galleries: more K'Ozzie Fest photos |
22 kwietnia opublikowaliśmy fotogalerię ze zdjęciami z K’Ozzie Fest (link). Teraz publikujemy trzy nowe fotogalerie: każda pokazująca jeden z trzech dni festiwalu.
K'Ozzie Fest: Sunday K'Ozzie Fest: Saturday K'Ozzie Fest: Friday
On April 22, we published a 'brief' photo-gallery with K’Ozzie Fest photographs (link). Now we publish three ne..... [Więcej]
22 maja 2009
Powodzie w QLD i NSW największe powodzie od 35 lat |
Wybrzeże Queensland i Nowej Południowej Walii zalane są wodą. Wicepremier stanu Queensland Paul Lucas powiedział, że powodzie są „najgorsze od 1974r.”
Wiele artykułów, zdjęć i filmów-video o sytuacji można znaleźć na specjalnej stronie ‘wild weather’ na ABC News.
Jak pisze, „Złote wybrzeże Australii zalane je..... [Więcej]
22 maja 2009
Lajkonik: where are they now? zdjęcia z archiwum Lajkonika |
W związku z obchodami dwudziestolecia swojego istnienia, zespół pieśni i tańca Lajkonik otwiera swoje albumy fotograficzne dla czytelników Pulsu.
Dokładnie za rok odbędą się obchody tej rocznicy, na które na pewno zjadą się członkowie zespołu z lat przeszłych. Nim jednak na uroczystościach pojawią się byli tancerze, przypomnijmy sobie jak wyglądali..... [Więcej]
22 maja 2009
1 year to go! Lajkonik is turning 20 By Joasia Krol |
Lajkonik will celebrate its 20–year anniversary on Saturday, May 22, 2010.
The celebration of this milestone is being organised at Liverpool Catholic Club. All are welcome to come and help share the celebration of 20 wonderful years of promoting Polish culture in Australia. Tickets will be sold later in the year, so, put this date in your dia..... [Więcej]
19 maja 2009
Woman gives birth on plane ABC News |
A six-months pregnant Pakistani gave birth to a premature baby aboard a flight from Islamabad to Britain, forcing an emergency landing in Warsaw, a spokesman for the Polish capital's airport said.
"The pilot had to make the decision to land as quickly as possible. Warsaw's Okecie airport was the closest," Jakub Mielniczuk said about the Pakistan In..... [Więcej]
17 maja 2009
Another letter to Lateline over a "Polish concentration camp" Felix Molski |
What is the Lateline team's excuse for slandering people of Polish heritage on 12th May by falsely and offensively describing NAZI GERMAN concentration camps as Polish?
My Polish father fought against the Nazis and came out of a NAZI GERMAN concentration camp in 1945 weighing 38kg. My Polish mother was uprooted from her home and family to slave awa..... [Więcej]
17 maja 2009
Pomyłka reporterska: "a Polish concentration camp" Eugene Bajkowski, Australian-Polish Community Council of the ACT and District |
Canberra, 14 May 2009
Att: Ms Kirsti McLish Audience and Consumer Affairs GPO Box 9994 ACT 2601 The Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Dear Ms McLish,
On behalf of the Australian-Polish Community Council of the ACT and District, I am writing to draw your urgent attention to a very serious matter involving the credibility of ABC TV's popular and influ..... [Więcej]
14 maja 2009
Doroczne walne zebranie FKPP Łukasz Świątek |
Kilku członków Fundacji. NB: Urszula Lang (Wice-Prezes Fundacji) musiała wcześniej wyjść. | Rok Fundacji Kulturalnej Pulsu Polonii obfitował w wydarzenia. Przyszły rok wygląda na jeszcze bardziej pracowity.
Tak stwierdzili członkowie Fundacji, którzy zebrali się na doroczne walne zebranie w niedzielę 10 maja. W zimny wieczór członkowie Fundacji –..... [Więcej]
13 maja 2009
Nowa wystawa Jarka Wojcika: Deserted Places oficjalne otwarcie dziś wieczorem! |
Charles Hewitt invites you to the opening of a new exhibition:
Deserted Places
new works by
Jarek Wojcik
Opening 6.00 – 8.00pm Thursday 14th May Exhibition runs until Tuesday 2nd June 2009
335 South Dowling Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Telephone: 02 9331 4988 Gallery hours Mon - Sat 10am -6pm..... [Więcej]
11 maja 2009
Some more songs from Jindabyne Crazy Kosciuszko melody i inne piosenki |
Laureatów konkursu graficznego serdecznie zapraszamy, aby posłuchali i sobie te uroczyste momenty przypomnieli... a wszystkich innych zapraszamy do słuchania kolejnej porcji piosenek z tegorocznego festiwalu K'Ozzie Fest 2009.
Posłuchajmy przeboju ze Snowy Mountains w wykonaniu sympatycznych panienek Alicji Polak i Angeliki Machowicz z zespołu Polh..... [Więcej]
10 maja 2009
The Kosciuszko Squadron Formed by Merian C. Cooper Felix Molski |
Merian C.Cooper |
C.Fauntleroy | Being of Polish heritage and passionate in reading about the triumph of liberty over tyranny, I was pleased to discover the exploits of Merian C Cooper. I am in awe of the power a positive role model can have in forming character and influencing and shaping life. I find this story of Cooper, Pulaski, Kosciuszko and others..... [Więcej]
8 maja 2009
Polish – Hungarian Dance Cracovia Club, 6 czerwca |
POLISH – HUNGARIAN DANCE, KUKULECZKA. For the first time Cracovia Club in conjunction with Hungarian Association would like to present Polish – Hungarian dance.
“POLAK – WEGIER DWA BRATANKI” Saturday 6 of JUNE from 8 pm until 1am.
During the night we’ll have performances by Polish and Hungarian Folk groups..... [Więcej]
8 maja 2009
Festiwalowa piosenka Bogusi Filip in two languages. Photo Puls Polonii & Bogumila Filip |
Śpiewa Grupa Jana Pawła II | PO POLSKU
Posłuchajmy dwóch piosenek w wykonaniu Grupy Jana Pawła II: obie piosenki o Strzeleckim
O Strzelecki Tobie dziękujemy
Ref. 2x
Okażmy miłość do zakątka tego Skąd przyszła iskra do spotkania tego Więc przyjdźmy,przyjdźmy na to podnóże Stańmy przy Kościuszkowskiej Górze
O Strzelecki Tobie dziękujemy Że tak ..... [Więcej]
7 maja 2009
Audio Recordings from Cooma speeches and Aboriginal performance - K'Ozzie Fest 2009 |
Listen to our MC Caroline Fox, Ngarigo representative Paul MacLeod, mayor Vin Good and Deputy Ambassador Witold Krzesiński
Listen to the performance of the Traditional Dancers of the Monaro
All recordings by Andrzej Strzelecki. Thank you, Andrzej.
7 maja 2009
Hon. John Aquilina reciting the poem 'Kosciuszko, Kosciuszko' During 3rd of May celebrations at the NSW Parliament House |
As we, Ursula and I, were celebrating Constitution Day in Canberra, we missed something interesting in Sydney. Ela Cesarska called me late in the night, telling me that the Hon. John Aquilina, while delivering a beautiful speech in NSW Parliament House, had recited a poem about Kosciuszko. "The name of Kosciuszko was repeated many times in that po..... [Więcej]
6 maja 2009
20 lat od historycznych wyborów AIPA i CERC zapraszają |
The Australian Institute of Polish Affairs (AIPA) and the Contemporary Europe Research Centre (CERC) at the University of Melbourne cordially invite you to a Workshop entitled:
Poland: 20 Years On From the Historic Elections
Time: 6.30 - 8.00 pm Thursday 4 June 2009
Location: Lecture Theatre, Level 2, 234 Queensberry Street, Carl..... [Więcej]
6 maja 2009
Ivanovic stunned by Radwanska fight-back ABC News |
French Open champion Ana Ivanovic has produced a maddeningly inconsistent display as she was stunned by Poland's Agnieszka Radwanska 6-1, 3-6, 6-4 at the WTA Rome International.
World number one Dinara Safina almost joined Ivanovic on the scrap-heap but fought back from a double break down in the third set to beat Chinese 14th seed Zheng Jie 5-7, 6..... [Więcej]
6 maja 2009
Happy to sing for Her and for you Adyna - a new song in Stasia's repertoir |
My name is Stasia Very. I am a mother/singer/pianist/recording artist/grandmother/songwriter – all in that order. I have been singing for audiences since age 10 when a Catholic nun of the Josephite order sent me for competition in both voice and piano from Our Lady of the Rosary School, St.Marys near Penrith in 1958.
Listen to "Adyna" sung ..... [Więcej]
5 maja 2009
Fancy Hat Ball. Bal Syrenki - Parada Kapeluszy Ashfield Saturday 30 May 2009 |
Zespół Syrenka zaprasza na bal pod hasłem "Fancy Hat Ball - Parada Kapeluszy" w sobotę 30 maja 2009.
Początek balu o 6 pp. Bal potrwa do północy.
From 6 pm to midnight.
Wstęp - dorośli $35, dzieci $20. Adults $35, kids $20.
RSVP do 16 maja, Jola Kidoń tel. 9799 4609.
RSVP by 16th of May. Call Jola 9799 4609.
5 maja 2009
After K'Ozzie Fest 09 (updated version) Ursula Lang |
Paul McLeod with Fest organizers | The participation of The Traditional Dancers of the Monaro under the direction of Paul McLeod, at this year's recent K'Ozzie Fest 09, in Jindabyne and Cooma, was truly a significant event!
Festival organizers, Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek and Ursula Lang, had engaged in consultations with elders and family members of the ..... [Więcej]
5 maja 2009
COAG Press Conference with Premiers & Chief Ministers in Hobart |
Subject: Council of Australian Governments, Training and Jobs Compact, Nation Building Economic Stimulus Strategy, Swine Flu, Renewable Energy Target, Child Protection Framework , National Broadband Network, Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme , Renewable Energy Targets, Bikies, Water
PM RUDD: First of all to begin by thanking the Tasmanian Premier D..... [Więcej]
30 kwietnia 2009
Polish PM leaves Brown red-faced ABC News, Emma Alberici |
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been embarrassed on a visit to Poland, after his host used the occasion to deliver a lecture on the perils of excessive public borrowing.
While Britain is in recession after three quarters of economic contraction, Poland is celebrating 12 years of uninterrupted growth.
Last week British Chancellor Alistair Da..... [Więcej]
30 kwietnia 2009
Festival Echoes - updated festiwalowe echa...echa...echa... |
Ursula. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Polish Fest, it was wonderful. We look forward to working with you mob again. Regards Joseph Brown McLeod Traditional Dancers of Monaro
* * *
Dear K'Ozzie Fest artists. I just want to thank you ALL for your co-operation and wonderful performances at K'Ozzie Fest. Everyone did a superb job..... [Więcej]
27 kwietnia 2009
No, it is not Christmas yet: snow in Thredbo The Sydney Morning Herald |
Just as K'Ozzie Fest guests had left the Jindabyne area, it unexpectedly started snowing in Thredbo. Read all about it!
A FEW moments of stunned silence was the response from three-year-old Holly Foard-Whitelaw when she cast her eyes on snow for the first time at Thredbo yesterday morning. Then it dawned on her: where were all the presents?
The sno..... [Więcej]
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