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10 maja 2018
Report X Exhibition in the Victorian Parliament |
Hon. Robin Scott | Captain Witold Pilecki The Only Volunteer to KL Auschwitz German Concentration and Extermination Camp --
Warsaw Uprising 1944 Polish -- and Australian World War II Brothers in ArmsThe Polish Community Council of Victoria Inc. with the Board of Pilecki Project Committee under the patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in..... [Więcej]
8 maja 2018
Great News from New Jersey The Federal Court stopped the action of removing the monument |
MAY 8, 2018 — Thank you for all your support and very positive comments showing how important not only to Polish community is Katyn Memorial as a part of Jersey City.
The poll run on New Jersey website also shows very high, 95 percent support:
Today Federal..... [Więcej]
7 maja 2018
Polish-built robot flies to Mars on NASA mission polski robot w drodze na Marsa |,Polishbuilt-robot-flies-to-Mars-on-NASA-mission
5 maja 2018
Pitynski Jersey City Katyn Monument Must Not be Relocated Felix Molski (text & photos) |
Andrew Pitynski’s sculpture, generically identified as the Katyn Memorial, is located at Exchange Place, Jersey City. It overlooks the Hudson in the vicinity of the “Twin Towers”. This monument will be dismantled and placed in storage while the engineering work for the developement of a park is being completed under the supervisio..... [Więcej]
30 kwietnia 2018
New trails to boost Kosciuszko National Park tourism |
Projects to extend walking and mountain biking trails in Kosciuszko National Park will increase visitors to the region, create 139 jobs during construction and bring opportunities to local businesses.The new Kosciuszko Snowies Iconic Walk will link up with other walking tracks to create a 44-kilometre multi-day walk. When complete, the walk will al..... [Więcej]
25 kwietnia 2018
Celebration of Poland's Independence Sydney Town Hall Friday 1st June 2018 |
Rada Naczelna Polonii Australijskiej zaprasza na uroczysty koncert pod patronatem Ambasadora RP w Australii "Tribute to Freedom - Celebration of Poland's Independence through Classical Music" w sydnejskim Ratuszu (Town Hall) w piątek 1 czerwca 2018 r. o 7 wieczorem.
W programie:Manly-Warringah Choir & Orchestra pod dyrekcją Carlosa Alvarado; wyst..... [Więcej]
25 kwietnia 2018
The path of the patron saint of Poland Andrew Balcerzak |
Oto przedruk artykułu Andrzeja Balcerzaka, opublikowanego przez 23 kwietnia br, w uroczystość św. Wojciecha, patrona Polski.
Today is the feast of St Wojciech/Adalbert, who is revered as one of Poland’s oldest saints and one of the great patron saints of the Polish nation.
O relikwiach św. Wojciecha - po polsku
Woj..... [Więcej]
17 kwietnia 2018
The Smolensk Crash Report in English send the link to your friends |
Send the link over to your friends
Technical Report Summary in English - PDF
New facts regarding the crash of the TU-154M No. 101.
The Polish Air Force aircraft TU-154M with the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński was destroyed in the air as a result of several explosions.
See the newest official report! [Więcej]
15 kwietnia 2018
Poland remembers victims of the Katyn Massacre Polish Radio- English section |,Poland-remembers-victims-of-the-Katyn-Massacre
11 kwietnia 2018
Podkomisja smoleńska ogłasza raport techniczny można obejrzeć transmisję |
Transmisja na You Tube 1 godz. 44 min.
Przy okazji podajemy linka do filmu Antoniego Krauze "Smoleńsk"
Jak rozpadał się Tupolew? Najpierw nastąpiły eksplozje lewego skrzydła Tu-154M więcej niż 900 m przed progiem pasa lotniska. Nad ziemią nastąpiła eksplozja w kadłubie, zanim uderzył on w ziemię - stwierdziła podkomisja smoleńs..... [Więcej]
10 kwietnia 2018
Destination Australia - Odysseys of Polish Soldiers Julie Ankiewicz |
DESTINATION AUSTRALIA: POST-WW11 ODYSSEYS OF POLISH SOLDIERS.The Ashfield Polish Club and SPK Koła Nr.1 are hosting this Event. Lucyna Artymiuk from POLISH MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES will be our Official Speaker.The exhibition will commence with an Official Opening at 2.30pm on Sunday 15th April and will conclude on Thursday 26th April. The event will be ..... [Więcej]
3 kwietnia 2018
Święta święta i po świętach Eugeniusz Kędziora |
Dla niektórych z nas czas świąt jest trudny. Szczególnie jeżeli w ostatnim okresie odeszły od nas bliskie osoby, których brak na zawsze pozostawi ranę w sercu, refleksyjną myśl w głowie i poczucie osamotnienia, pomimo, że jesteśmy otoczeni innymi ludźmi.Takie chwile zapisują się w naszej pamięci na wiele lat, czasem na zawsze.
Dlatego w tych świąt..... [Więcej]
20 marca 2018
"Raport X" - wystawa w Parlamencie Wiktoriańskim Andrzej Nowak |
Zwracamy sie z uprzejma prosba do wszystkich zainteresowanych organizacji polonijnych oraz osob indywidualnych o wlaczenie sie w naglasnianie wystawy " Report X ".
Odbedzie sie ona w Parlamencie Wiktorianskim w terminie od 8 maja 2018 do 10 maja 2018 od godziny 8:30 am do 17:00 pm.
Oficjalne otwarcie wystawy odbedzie sie w dniu 08 maja 2018 o godz..... [Więcej]
16 marca 2018
European Easter Markets at Polish Club Ashfield on Palm Sunday Eleonora Paton |
Following on from the success of our European Christmas Markets, the Polish Club Ashfield are putting on European Easter Markets on Sunday 25 March 10am - 4pm where you can stock up on products for the Easter break as well as buy presents for family and friends. We will be selling lots of Polish products such as chocolates, cakes, doughnuts, vodka,..... [Więcej]
10 marca 2018
The Witness of History Award (international edition) deadline 30th of June 2018 |
The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) hereby announces the fourth edition of the international „Witness of History" award. This is an honorary distinction established in March 2009 by ordinance of the IPN's President and conferred by the Institute. It is granted to individuals and organisations in recognition of their outstanding contri..... [Więcej]
4 marca 2018
Koncert Hourglass Ensemble pt. „River Songs” Konsulat Generalny RP w Sydney |
Konsulat Generalny RP w Sydney serdecznie zaprasza na koncert Hourglass Ensemble pt. „River Songs”, w piątek 9 marca 2018 o godz. 19:00 w Sali Konsulatu.
W repertuarze między innymi dzieła Masseneta, Czajkowskiego oraz australijskich kompozytorów: Betty Beath, Karen Lemon i Andrew Ball.
Gościem honorowym wieczoru będzie Ambasador RP w..... [Więcej]
22 lutego 2018
Report on Anti-Semitism in the EU: How Poland fared 167 cases in Poland, 1468 cases in Germany recorded in 2016 |
Reported cases of anti-Semitism in Poland fell by over 50 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year, Polish public broadcaster TVP Info has reported.
TVP Info cited statistics from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights which the broadcaster said showed that 101 cases of anti-Semitism were noted in Poland in 2016, down from 167 such ..... [Więcej]
20 lutego 2018
Upolowana przez hackerów Bezimienna Ofiara |
Pod koniec stycznia br. około 6 pm zadzwonił jakiś pan i rosyjskim akcentem oferował „szybką wersję NBN”. Odłożyłam słuchawkę, bo uważam, że z naganiaczami nie ma co się wdawać w dyskuję – zagadają na śmierć i każą kupić, co mają do sprzedania. Przez kilka tygodni był spokój, nie licząc naganiaczy, którzy nam „wciskali..... [Więcej]
18 lutego 2018
How we have fallen pray to hackers beware of cyber crime! |
This is a report on hacking and installing a ransomware on a computer at Pennant Hills, NSW 2120. * About the end of January 2018 we have got a phone call about 6pm from a person trying to sell a fast version of nbn. We refused as we have not been interested. * Some weeks later on 12th February, about 3pm a phone call from a person presenting himsel..... [Więcej]
18 lutego 2018
Celebrating Chopin's Birthday with Kotaro Nagano 1 March 2018, ANU School of Music |
Your invitation to celebrate Chopin’s birthday. A glass of champagne, a piece of cake and beautiful music of 1810 (and later) performed on the ANU School of Music's historic Pleyel by Kotaro Nagano, 1st Prize and People's Choice Winner of the 2nd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition 2014. Join the Friends of Chopin Australia in t..... [Więcej]
9 lutego 2018
International Mother Language Day (incl. Polish) NSW State Library Saturday 17th February 2018 |
You are invited to attend and celebrate International Mother Language Day. The program will give you an opportunity to hear about the story and importance of the International Mother Language Day(IMLD), the 21st February; the language and cultural backgrounds of Bangladesh, Poland, Russia, Central Asia and more.
Learn greetings and expressions in ..... [Więcej]
9 lutego 2018
Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day Adelaide, 18th of March 2018 |
Celebrating 4th Polish-Hungarian Day, Sunday 18th of March 2018, Hungarian Hall, 82 Osmond Tce, Norwood. Door opens at 12,30 pm. Polish-Hungarian 3 course meal from 1,30 pm.
Entertainment: Beata Wald + raffle.
Cakes, Coffee and drinks available from Bar. Entry $25. Children under 5 free & under 12 only $10.
Bookings essential: please call Hungar..... [Więcej]
7 lutego 2018
Marshal Karczewski's Letter to Polish Diaspora Adam Gajkowski |
Szanowni Rodacy, Przyjaciele Polski. W dniu wczorajszym tj. 6 lutego br. Prezydent RP Andrzej Duda podpisał nowelizację ustawy o Instytucie Pamięci Narodowej.
Treść ustawy przed podpisaniem była zawzięcie atakowana przez rząd Izraela, środowiska żydowskie w Nowym Jorku jak i polityków amerykańskich. Co za tym idzie dokonano też masowego ataku na P..... [Więcej]
5 lutego 2018
Polish ruling party extends poll lead despite rift with Israel |
Poland’s ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party is backed by 49 percent of voters who say they would take part in parliamentary elections, according to a new survey by Instytut Badań Pollster. Support for Law and Justice, which swept to power in late 2015, climbed 6 percentage points from a similar survey a month earlier, public broa..... [Więcej]
5 lutego 2018
Blasts on board before the plane hit ground Frank Taylor's findings on the Smolensk crash |
Around-the-clock channel Sky News has reported that a British air accident investigator has told it he believes there were explosions on board the Polish president’s plane before its fatal crash in 2010.Investigator Frank Taylor's findings challenge official reports by the Russian and Polish authorities which blamed pilot error for the crash ..... [Więcej]
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