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29 wrzesnia 2017
A Monument to Kosciuszko Made of Songs Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. Press release |
A Monumental Mound in distant Krakow built of earth and soil gathered from around the world honours General Thaddeus Kosciuszko, symbol of liberty, equality, integrity and human dignity. A natural eminence in his name stands proudly in the Australian Snowies. Over 200 bronze and marble monuments have been built worldwide to memorialise the Hero of ..... [Więcej]
21 wrzesnia 2017
Kosciuszko, Poland's all-American Hero The Economist |
 One of the Kosciuszko Bicentenary Competition entries | THIS summer, when the battle over honouring Confederate leaders was at its most fierce, the Polish embassy in Washington had an arresting solution. Echoing a local conservative radio host, it suggested renaming a Virginian highway—celebrating Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy..... [Więcej]
18 wrzesnia 2017
Friends of Chopin Australia 50 gratisowych biletów |
Konsulat RP w Sydney: Załączamy poniżej właśnie otrzymaną informację od Friends of Chopin Australia w sprawie 50 gratisowych biletów na jutrzejszy Koncert Zwycięzcy 3rd Australijskiego, Międzynarodowego Konkursu Chopinowskiego, Edwina (Sungpil) Kim, w Opera House, The Utzon Room o godzinie 19.00. Jeżeli ktoś z Państwa chciałby skorzystać i zarezerw..... [Więcej]
17 wrzesnia 2017
Film "Niezwyciężeni" - The Unconquered coś dla naszych australijskich przyjaciół |
Film prezentowany jest w dwóch wersjach językowych – angielskiej i polskiej. Dostępny jest na stronach:
IPN TV on You Tube
14 wrzesnia 2017
MAPA has had a busy year! Marysia Picyk |
From July, 2016 we have been concentrating our efforts on the Polish Soldier Migrants Project. This is a study of the little known and somewhat neglected story of Polish military migrants who arrived in Australia in 1947 and 1948 aboard the SS Asturias and SS Strathnaver. We received funding from the Blum Foundation for this project. Also, thanks..... [Więcej]
5 wrzesnia 2017
Koncert Doreckich w "Syrenie" niedziela 17 września 2017 |
Konrad jest artystą, który specjalizuje
się w improwizacji fortepianowej.
Wpływ na jego utwory ma roman-
tyzm, impresjonizm, klasycyzm, jak
również jazz i muzyka współczesna.
Konrad studiował muzykę fortepiano-
wą bardzo intesywnie w okresie
uczęszczania do Mentone Grammar
School, a także podczas swoich stu-
diów w Deakin University, które..... [Więcej]
28 sierpnia 2017
Kościuszkowcy w Ameryce - a gala with Eva Stachniak The Kosciuszko Foundation Invites you to a book launch |
Please join us for an evening with Eva Stachniak, the award-winning and internationally bestselling author as she discusses her latest novel The Chosen Maiden (Bogini tańca) – inspired by the life and art of Bronislava (Bronia) Njinska, Vaslav Nijiski’s sister, a remarkable ballerina and groundbreaking choreographer. Born to Polish par..... [Więcej]
28 sierpnia 2017
Concert in Honour of Kosciuszko - a Friend of Mankind Adelaide, Sunday 24th September 2017 |
24.09.2017, 4:00pm, Dom Polski Central. 230 Angas Street, Adelaide. Organiser : Marysia Thiele
Presenters: Jessica Jocher /English/ and Marysia Thiele/Polish/. 1). Thaddeus Kosciuszko’s composition: Polonaise in C major, performed by the
London Symphony Orchestra ..... [Więcej]
27 sierpnia 2017
The 3rd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition Opening Gala Concert Sunday 10th September 2017 |
Friends of Chopin Australia News. In this issue we look at the Opening Gala Concert by the extraordinary Prof Ewa Pobłocka for the 3rd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition, the amazing Youth Masterclass for Canberra's young pianists in conjunction with ACTKA, and of course a reminder that tickets to the competition are
NOW ON SALE! Op..... [Więcej]
21 sierpnia 2017
SBS Radio brings listeners an enhanced mobile app experience Uma Sandeep |
As one of the world’s most multilingual broadcasters, SBS Radio is now more accessible than ever. Offering listeners an enriched experience, SBS Radio’s new mobile app features 70 language programs and four 24/7 digital radio stations: SBS Arabic24, SBS PopAsia, SBS PopDesi and SBS Chill. The new SBS Radio app is available to download n..... [Więcej]
13 sierpnia 2017
Oh What a Wonderful World Felix Molski |
Recently, simply by using Google Search, Maps and Earth from my desktop computer at home, I was able to see, locate and research the stories behind 220 Kosciuszko Memorials Worldwide, prior to visiting and photographing most of them earlier this year. Therefore I can attest to the wondrous and seemingly limitless opportunities offered by modern tec..... [Więcej]
13 sierpnia 2017
What a wonderful gift (acknowledgement) books by Col. F.C. Kajencki |
Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. wishes to express its gratitude for 3 copies of the book about T. Kosciuszko, written by Col. F. C. Kajencki, and donated to us by his son Anthony. It is a nice opportunity to tell the Australian Polonia about this distinguished Polish-American Patriot. Col. Francis C. Kajencki (U.S. Army Retired) was a Scholar, Soldier, ..... [Więcej]
4 sierpnia 2017
WE REMEMBER - Warsaw Uprising 1944 & A Lecture "We remember about Kosciuszko" |
A Concert of Poetry and Music. Performing: Zosia Mrówka, Amelka Gnatek, Bożena Szymańska, Adam Pitra, Wiesław Rogoliński i Paweł Siembab. Artistic Director - Bożena Szymańska. Sunday 6th of August at 3 pm. Polish Club in Ashfield, 73-75 Norton St., Ashfield. FREE ADMISSION.
And after the Patriotic Concert, at about 5,30 pm a meeting with the Chairm..... [Więcej]
2 sierpnia 2017
Summary of the International Kosciuszko Bicentenary Competition All about merry numbers |
6 months of emotions and creative efforts, of great hopes mixed with fear and doubt: is it to end up as a flop and failure? At the very beginning we have received a handful of entries sent in by those who wanted to get the “First of the Finish Line” prize. Then a long silence followed. The entries would arrive at a snail pace. The big..... [Więcej]
28 lipca 2017
"Polonia Restituta" for my Dad Dr Annamaria Klas |
On the 4th of November, 2016 the President of Poland, the honourable Andrzej Duda, announced that my father Jacek Klaś would receive two medals for his political activism. These two medals were in addition to the Medal of „Niezłomnym w Słowie” (List of Recipients) he received from the anti-communist activist group in the state of Małopo..... [Więcej]
23 lipca 2017
PiS consolidates lead despite protests - Poll. Opozycja na łopatkach Polish Radio in English |,Polish-ruling-party-consolidates-lead-despite-protests-poll [Więcej]
17 lipca 2017
SBS National Languages Competition 2017 24th July - 1 September |
SBS Radio encourages young Australians to
participate in the SBS National Languages
Competition 2017.
Visit to enter the competition from 24 July - 1 September.
Nearly 1.3 million people have migrated to Australia during the past five years, with a substantial
increase in the number of people who speak a language other tha..... [Więcej]
12 lipca 2017
Indigenous languages of Australia and what do we know about dr Johann Lhotsky (Jan Lotski) |
 Lhotskiya | Our Languages Matter. Z okazji tegorocznego NAIDOC WEEK dużo mówiło się na temat rdzennych języków Australii. Eksperci twierdzą, że przed powstaniem pierwszej europejskiej osady w Australii, istniało od 250 do 700 języków rdzennej ludności aborygeńskiej i społeczności wysp Torres Strait. Zapraszamy do słuchania.
Listen to a feature abo..... [Więcej]
12 lipca 2017
Why Strzelecki is so important for Australia Agata Włodek |
Pisarka, podróżniczka, blogerka
do niedawna rezydująca na przemian w Indiach i w Australii. Już z Krakowa - duchem znów w Australii.
5 lipca 2017
Trump in Poland for talks on security, trade |
US President Donald Trump touched down in Warsaw late on Wednesday evening to talk security and trade with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda and meet regional leaders before heading to Germany for a G20 summit.The US has soldiers deployed in Poland, which is worried about regional security following the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Warsa..... [Więcej]
2 lipca 2017
Bundian Way on ABC TV 8 pm today Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek | Dzisiaj wieczorem o 8 pm ABC TV w serii Australian Story nada program pt Bundian Way. Bundian Way to starożytny szlak Aborygenów z Edenu nad oceanem (gdzie żywili się wielorybami i lobsterami) w głąb gór Snowy Mountains, gdzie w sezonie dożywiali się ćmami bogong. Z jakiegoś powodu australijski establishment koncówkę abory..... [Więcej]
2 lipca 2017
NAIDOC 2-9 JULY 2017 Our Languages Matter |
The importance, resilience and richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages is the focus of national celebrations marking NAIDOC Week 2017.
The 2017 theme - Our Languages Matter - aims to emphasise and celebrate the unique and essential role that Indigenous languages play in cultural identity, linking people to their land and water ..... [Więcej]
7 czerwca 2017
Pol-Art Brisbane ma już swoją stronę internetową |
Greetings from the Organising Committee of PolArt 2018 Brisbane! We hope you have had a chance to look at our website: or contains valuable information about everything we are planning for the next PolArt Festival which is only 18 months away!
Most importantly, if you would like to participate in PolArt 20..... [Więcej]
2 czerwca 2017
Relacja z Jubileuszowego Balu 50-lecie Klubu Polskiego w Ashfield |
Relacja Eleonory Paton na stronie internetowej Radia SBS
2 czerwca 2017
Aussie Visitor to Tracy's Studio Felix Molski visiting the famous American sculptor |
Renowned globtrotter, member of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. Felix Molski is due back from his great trip in a few days so we anxiously do await stories galore to be told, and thousands of photos to be viewed. Meanwhile we have found a Facebook report of a meeting that has taken place at Tracy's residence (Tennessee) just recently.
An honor.... t..... [Więcej]
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