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5 lutego 2018
Foreign investors flock to Poland
More jobs were created by foreign investors in Poland than in any other European Union country last year, according to a study. Foreign companies invested almost EUR 13 billion and created over 86,000 jobs in Poland in 2017, according to fDI Markets, an investment monitoring service from the Financial Times daily.

The total value of projects by for.....  [Więcej]


3 lutego 2018
Final Report to NSW Multicultural
Kosciuszko Year Celebrations in Australia
Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. Report to the Australian authorities. Available as PDF

Published as Word on the KH Inc website - here

2 lutego 2018
Commentary: Poland’s Holocaust faux pas
Alex Storozynski
Poland’s Senate has passed a bill establishing prison terms for anyone who besmirches the nation’s good name by using the phrase “Polish Concentration Camp,” or suggests that Poles were culpable during the Holocaust. The plan has blown up like an exploding cigar. As the son of a decorated Polish soldier who fought Nazi Germa.....  [Więcej]


2 lutego 2018
Trailer - zwiastun pierwszej płyty CD Kowartetu ORAVA
chłopaki, jesteśmy z Was dumni!

You Tube zaprasza. Poznaj członków Kwartetu Orava. Pięknie się prezentują! Czas 1,40"

Orava Quartet w Pulsie Polonii

1 lutego 2018
A Response to Israel - with Polish subtitles
Stefan Tompson

A Response to Israel - video. Duration 7 mins

Stefan Tompson. Polak, urodzony w Wielkiej Brytanii, autor krótkich filmów edukacyjnych, mówiących o Polsce, jej historii i bieżących wydarzeniach jak np. aktualny, niewątpliwy konflikt z Izraelem, dotyczący narracji o Holokauście.

Koniecznie obejrzyj i roześlij linka po świecie. To muszą obejrzec milio.....  [Więcej]


1 lutego 2018
“The Globe and Mail” o Polsce
"kłamią jak Pinokio": Aleksander Rybczynski
Nie pozostańmy obojętni wobec manipulacji światowych mediów, przedstawiających Polskę w bardzo niekorzystnym świetle. Protestujmy, pisząc listy do redakcji “The Globe and Mail”, po ostatniej publikacji na temat Polski – szczegóły poniżej. “The Globe and Mail”, cieszący się opinią najpoważniejszego kanadyjskiego dzienni.....  [Więcej]


30 stycznia 2018
Polish Radio launches Holocaust education website, a new educational website aimed at debunking misconceptions about Poland’s role in the Holocaust, has been launched by Polish Radio. The site explains the Holocaust and how Nazi Germans ran death camps to exterminate Jews and other victims of Adolf Hitler’s regime in World War II, Polish Radio’s Bartłomiej M.....  [Więcej]


28 stycznia 2018
Our letter to Daily Telegraph
Bożena Szymańska
Letter to the editors of “The Daily Telegraph”, Chris Dore and Martin Newman, Jan 27th 2018. This is with regard to the opinion piece ”Holocaust Survivors Deliver Lesson On Humanity” by Martin Newman published in your paper on the 27th January 2018 and Mr Newman’s comment on “the way in which the populations of c.....  [Więcej]


25 stycznia 2018
President Duda condemns Hitler suporters
President Andrzej Duda has condemned the promotion of Nazism in Poland amid a crackdown on an extreme nationalist organization which a television exposé showed glorifying Hitler and fascism.“We cannot allow these organisations to exist in Poland … they are anti-Polish, there is no room in Polish society for someone who praises Adolf Hit.....  [Więcej]


25 stycznia 2018
Morawiecki: 2018 "great for Polish economy"
Polskie Radio
This year will be great for the Polish and global economies, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has said at the World Economic Forum in Davos. According to the prime minister, Poland's GDP growth in the last quarter of 2017 “may be close to five percent”, and 4.5 percent for the whole of the year. “Our business model works,.....  [Więcej]


23 stycznia 2018
Zmarła Regina Konkołowicz
pogrzeb we czwartek 25 stycznia 2018
Dear Friends. I would like to pass on the sad news that my Mama, Regina Konkołowicz passed away on Sunday, aged 102 and 10 months. Most of you will already know this, but I wanted to let you know about the funeral arrangements which are: 2pm this Thursday 25 January 2018, Requiem Mass Mary Mother of Mercy Crematorium Barnet Ave Rookwood.

Although.....  [Więcej]


21 stycznia 2018
Polish Christmas 2018
Looking at the Polish Christmas website,, it is disappointing. There is still a message which says: "Committee would like to inform that Polish Christmas Festival at Darling Harbour to be held on 02 December 2017 is canceled due to the shortage of funds." It is now approaching the end of January 2018, can you please remov.....  [Więcej]


18 stycznia 2018
DEBUT ALBUM: Brawo Kowaliki, brawo ORAVA
Limelight Magazine: Angus McPherson

THE ORAVA QUARTET SIGNED TO DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON AUSTRALIA.The rising star string quartet’s debut album on the yellow label will include works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and Shostakovich. Rising star string quartet The Orava Quartet has been signed to Deutsche Grammophon Australia, Universal Music Australia has announced. The quartet – .....  [Więcej]


9 stycznia 2018
Louise Young, Rest in Peace
Martin Hughes, Jindabyne Aero Club
I am the bearer of sad tidings for our JAC members. After a long illness, Louise Young has passed away peacefully in Thailand. Her husband, Bob, was by her side. Louise and Bob have both been long time supporters of the JAC and contributed greatly to the general running of the organisation and to its fund-raising efforts. The JAC will be organisi.....  [Więcej]


28 grudnia 2017
Niezwykła niespodzianka Sydney to Hobart
Comanche ogłoszony zwycięzcą, Weddell na 36 miejscu
Sydney to Hobart: Comanche takes line honours after Wild Oats XI penalised.

Jacht Weddell z polską załogą ukończył rejs 29 Dec, 12:54:01 PM w czasie poniżej trzech dni: 02:23:54:01 i po zacięty.....  [Więcej]


28 grudnia 2017
Sylwetki uczestników Konkursu Kościuszkowskiego
Peter Szymanski from Silicon Valley

WHY I SUPPORT THE KOSCIUSZKO FOUNDATION? The Kosciuszko Foundation is an increasingly important part of my life. I came to the USA in 1982, when Martial Law was introduced in Poland and the Communist repressions against the democratic opposition fueled a wave of emigration to America. I knew no English, and my only experience with America was throu.....  [Więcej]


25 grudnia 2017
The Promised Year
Margaluisa Schultz
A Poem by a winner of The International "Kosciuszko Bicentenary" Competition in the Literature Category.

like a bell ringing
the imminent New Year vibrates
in the almost silent continuity
of the life

it is a sign of that hope
we cultivate:
to survive

we should honor
every day
because that continuity

-barely audible in its modest b.....  [Więcej]


14 grudnia 2017
Wigilia i Sylwester w Ashfield
Richard Borysiewicz

Christmas Eve/Wigilia
The Polish Club Ashfield is open for a very special Christmas Eve (Wigilia) lunch in our restaurant Sto Lat. Menu is attached. Bookings are essential via the restaurant on 97 98 98 46.

New Years Eve/Nowy Rok
The Polish Club Ashfield is celebrating the New Year in fine style with a mask ball on Sunday 31 December 2017. Details ar.....  [Więcej]


5 grudnia 2017
Aborygeński głos w polskiej audycji
SBS na festynie w Plumpton
Fragment niedzielnej audycji Radia SBS - krótka wypowiedź Aborygenki Tamiki Townsend

Photo gallery from Polish Festival at Plumpton - watch and enjoy!
2 grudnia 2017
H'Art of Diplomacy
Ania Zamecznik
Many people claim to be but ants, which are helpless to change the destiny of the world, but there are those who allow their hearts to reign over adversity and find that fulcrum which realigns the Universe. They succeed, not because they have wealth and power, but through drive, determination, stubborn refusal to give up and sheer hard labour. Thei.....  [Więcej]


23 listopada 2017
Mayor Rooney about Kosciuszko festivities
in Bombala Times
Snowy Monaro Regional Council weekly column by mayor John Rooney:

Fragment: On the weekend of October 28/29, I was privileged to attend the bicentennial celebrations of Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s death. Held in the Jindabyne Memorial Hall, the celebrations paid tribute to Kosciuszko who is considered a Polish hero.

Polish heritage was proudly on di.....  [Więcej]


19 listopada 2017
Sponsorship Appeal
John Molski

Once again the Church Committee of Our Lady of Częstochowa, Queen of Poland, Catholic Church at Marayong, takes great pleasure inviting all ambitious businesses to sponsor “Lucky Door” prizes for our Family St. Sylvester’s (New Year’s) Eve Ball for 2017. Each of our prizes is usually valued between $100 to $150 and is one of.....  [Więcej]


19 listopada 2017
Lajkonikowy Showcase. Maluchy zapraszają
Sala Jana Pawła II - 26th November 2017

Polski Zespol Piesni I Tanca “Lajkonik” (mlodsza grupa) zaprasza serdecznie na mini-concert w Niedziele 26-ego Listopada, od godz.12.30 to 1.30 pp na Sali Jana Pawla II-iego, w Marayong. Na koncercie, bedzie mozna posluchac i obejrzyc rozne piosenki, inscenizacje i nowe tance Orawskie. Zespol jest pod kierownictem Urszuli Lang I Agnie.....  [Więcej]


15 listopada 2017
Letter to The Editor
Dear Editors. As members of the Polish community in Australia we have to strongly protest against the way in which March of Independence, organized in Poland’s capital Warsaw to commemorate the 99th anniversary of regaining nations’ sovereignty, was portrayed in the “Daily Telegraph” newspaper.

We find the title and report e.....  [Więcej]


13 listopada 2017
Fraternity Flights over Lake Jindabyne
the lucky 40 who could make it

Fot. Mark Kamma
The whole world has been celebrating the Kosciuszko Year under UNESCO auspices. And certainly we are celebrating in Australia as well. After our historic trip to Poland with the delegation of Ngarigo, the custodians of Mt Kosciuszko and the whole Monaro Land, after a big competition Gala in Sydney we came down to Jindabyne to celebra.....  [Więcej]


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