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12 listopada 2017
Granice Polski - zmiany w ciągu wieków
Historia jakiej nie znacie!

Click here and see how the borders of Poland have changed over the centuries

History of Poland on FB


9 listopada 2017
Wonderful Events in Jindabyne's "Memorial Hall"
Wanda Lach

I wanted to firstly say how much I enjoyed the Kosciuszko Festival Gala at the Jindabyne Memorial Hall on Saturday 28th of October, 2017. The presentation was really great - the dancers were wonderful and the food was also great. The photographs around the hall were very inspirational. Krzysztof Malek was exceptional. I went to his recital in Co.....  [Więcej]


9 listopada 2017
Video Report from Kosciuszko Bicentenary Festival
Jindabyne Day One (28th October 2017)
Jindabyne Memorial Hall Celebration. Dur 28 min. Click here.

A report featuring Mr Piotr Buszta, charge d'Affaires of the Polish Embassy, Mrs Iris White who recently led Ngarigo delegation to Krakow, Polish-Aboriginal Ballet "Dance with Spirits", young pianist from Poland Julian Gilewski (one of the winners of the International Kosciuszko Bicente.....  [Więcej]


4 listopada 2017
Celebrations in Jindabyne: Belarussian point of view
Viktar Shykh, Ambassador of Belarus to Australia

Dear Mrs. Skurjat-Kozek, I would like to thank you for the kind invitation to attend celebration of Bicentenary of the death of our famous compatriot Tadeusz Kosciuszko last week-end in Jindabyne. I and my wife Lilia enjoyed events included in the program. We noted your personal as well as of all other participants devotion in organizing this remar.....  [Więcej]


25 października 2017
Invitation to Jindabyne
An updated Program of Kosciuszko Bicentenary Celebrations
For a Fest bus to be organized in Melbourne please contact Jola Kowalska, (03) 9872 3804;
For a Fest Bus to be organized in Sydney please contact Dariusz Plust 0410 506 991.

Saturday, 28th October 2017.

Welcome to Jindabyne. Pop in to Memorial Hall to say hello to those who have already arrived and if you have time, help us moun.....  [Więcej]


24 października 2017
House of Representatives - Kosciuszko Bicentenary Motion
Honourable J.Falinski, seconded by Dr Mike Kelly, & others
Hon. Falinski's motion seconded by Hon. Dr Mike Kelly.
House of Representatives.The speeches by Hon. Jason Falinski. Hon. Mike Kelly, Hon. Craig Kelly, Hon. Nick Champion & Hon. Tim Wilson - PDF

Dr MIKE KELLY (Eden-Monaro) (11:33): I second the motion. I congratulate the member for bringing forward this motion. It is well and proper that we celeb.....  [Więcej]


23 października 2017
Relacje z Gali Konkursowej w Bumerangu
dziekujemy Bumerangowi Polskiemu za współpracę

Competition results- Verdict of the Jury

Video report 37 mins incl. Iris's speech - message stick & the wining song in full

Z powodu nadmiaru obowiązków oraz podróży międzykontynentalnych zalegamy z relacjami z licznych imprez, dlatego miło nam mieć wsparcie innych mediów. D.....  [Więcej]


23 października 2017
Uchwała Parlamentu Federalnego ws Roku Kościuszki
Piotr Buszta, Ambasada RP w Canberra

Szanowna Pani Prezes. Z przyjemnością chciałbym poinformować, że w dniu dzisiejszym, z inicjatywy Ambasady RP, Izba Reprezentantów Parlamentu Federalnego przyjęła specjalną uchwałę upamiętniającą postać Tadeusz Kościuszki w związku z 200. rocznicą jego śmierci.Przesyłam do Pani wiadomości link z wystąpienia Posła Jasona Falinskiego, Przewodnicząceg.....  [Więcej]


22 października 2017
The International "Kosciuszko Bicentenary" Competition
najlepsze, najciekawsze, najdowcipniejsze grafiki

Zapraszamy do oglądania nowej fotogalerii - tym razem prezentujemy grafiki konkursowe

The International "Kosciuszko Bicentenary" Competition - best graphic entries - here

The best and the funniest competition entries have been presented in Sydney during Competition Gala on October 3rd. In a few days they will be presented at Kosciuszko Bicentenary .....  [Więcej]


21 października 2017
Ngarigo voice in Krakow City
Iris White

A paper delivered by Ngarigo representative, Iris White at the International Conference "Integration around Thaddeus Kosciuszko" held in Krakow on 13-14 October 2017 as part of Kosciuszko's Death Bicentenary celebrations organized by the Kosciuszko Mound Committee under the leadership of its President, prof. Mieczyslaw Rokosz. All papers delivered .....  [Więcej]


19 października 2017
Free Flights over Mt Kosciuszko
Celebrating Kosciuszko Year

Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. invites you to fly over Mt Kosciuszko at the Jindabyne Aero Club on Sunday 29th October.You will be joined by representatives of Ngarigo people, traditional custodians of Mt Kosciuszko. So hurry to get registered.
Polish Aboriginal Fraternity flights are being organized as part of the Kosciuszko Bicentenary festival on 28th.....  [Więcej]


19 października 2017
Światowy Festiwal Polonijnych Zespołów Folklorystycznych
Jolanta Żurawska - relacja z Rzeszowa

Last year the committee and older group members of Kujawy made the decision to once again participate and travel to Rzeszów Poland for the “Między Narodowy Festiwal” which was held in July 2017. Kujawy travelled to the festival with a total of 28 dancers and 11 entourage members. Dancers had committed to a journey of hard work and trai.....  [Więcej]


18 października 2017
Polish group building ww2 plane replica
Illawarra Mercury
8 października 2017
Invitation to Kosciuszko Bicentenary Festival
Jindabyne 28- 29 October 2017

Day One. Venues: Jindabyne Aeroclub & Memorial Hall.
Jindabyne Aeroclub, off Barry Way, Fraternity Flights over Mt Kosciuszko (appx 10 flights) featuring Ngarigo representatives, VIPs & selected representatives of various communities, 9 am to 4 pm. In the huge shed, with a portable stage, nonstop performances. Official Speeches & live performances.....  [Więcej]


8 października 2017
Homage to Kosciuszko by Margarita Schultz
First Prize (Literature) shared with Paweł Dobrucki
Will of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 5 May 1798.I Thaddeus Kosciuszko being just in my departure from America do hereby declare and direct that should I make no other testamentory disposition of my property in the United States I hereby authorise my friend Thomas Jefferson to employ the whole thereof in purchasing Negroes from among his own or any others an.....  [Więcej]


7 października 2017
Sylwetki laureatów - Presentation of the winners
The International Kosciuszko Bicentenary Competition

Margaluisa Schultz

Dobrucki & Massetti

Krzysztof Derwinski

Josef Miller

Maria Bukowska

Ada Baran

Marek Baterowicz

Amelie Gnatek

Michał Skarżynski

Zuzanna Kamusinski

Dawid Celek

SBS about us


7 października 2017
Competition Gala relacja w Radiu SBS
Relacja Anny Sadurskiej i wywiad z wicemarszałkiem Senatu RP, Marią Koc

Anna Sadurska rozmawia z laureatem Michałem Skarżyńskim i organizatorką Ernestyną Skurjat-Kozek

Tu Radio SBS opublikowało pełny werdykt Jury Konkursu Kościuszkowskiego - dziękujemy!

Relacja w Bumerangu Polskim

7 października 2017
Presentation of the winners - Ada Baran
Second Prize (Graphic Youth category) for her "Kopiec Kościuszki"

My name is Ada Baran. I am a 14 year old girl belonging to a family of 5 and living in the blue mountains region. I go to Winmalee high school, my electives being drama, visual arts and visual design with plans of following a creative path to the future. I also study Polish at The Polish School of Sydney every Saturday to develop my language skill.....  [Więcej]


7 października 2017
Presentation of the winners: Amelie Gnatek
First Music Prize in Youth Category for a song "A Forgotten Hero"

Fourteen year old Amelie Gnatek, student of Cheltenham Girls’ High School, is an accomplished vocalist and pianist.Since 2009 she has been performing regularly both as a soloist and in ensembles, participating in concerts, Sydney Eisteddfods and music festivals. Amelie represented Sydney at the National Polish Arts Festival PolArt 2015 in Mel.....  [Więcej]


7 października 2017
Multitalented like Kosciuszko: Zuzanna Kamusiński
First Prize (ex aequo) for Kosciuszko's portrait "Among Free People"

Born in Melbourne in 1992, Zuzanna Kamusinski is the middle child of two Polish immigrants who had made the daunting but thrilling journey to Australia several years earlier. Her first language was Polish and she grew up amid an abundance of adopted ‘Ciocias’ and ‘Wujeks’. It was in Grade 3, when her family moved to Brisba.....  [Więcej]


6 października 2017
Competition Gala Photogallery No 2
Photos by Bogumiła Filip

Wonderful winners, wonderful VIPs, wonderful guests at the gala. Enjoy viewing the photos

Nasi wspaniali laureaci, cudowni VIPowie i kochani goście. Miłego ogladania fotek!

Do not forget to view the previous gallery - here

Video Report.Gala Part One dur. 34 min. Happy viewing!

Werdykt Jury po polsku

Verdict of the Jury in English


5 października 2017
Kosciuszko Competition Gala Part I - relacja filmowa
Foto Bogumiła Filip

Kosciuszko Bicentenary Competition Gala in Sydney held on 3rd October 2017. Part One: official speeches. Country Acknowledgement by Aunty Iris White, Ngarigo Elder, presentation of message stick to Deputy Marshal of the Polish Senate; Maria Koc; A Message from the His Excellency General The Hon. David Hurley-Governor of NSW; a speech by Hon. Ray.....  [Więcej]


3 października 2017
Full Text of Kosciuszko Competition Verdict
available in PDF and DOCX
This is The Verdict of the Jury of the International Kosciuszko Bicentenary Competition in PDF

This is The Verdict of the Jury of the International Kosciuszko Bicentenary Competition in DOCX


3 października 2017
Prezentacje laureatów: Urszula Solarz z Brooklynu

My name is Urszula Solarz. Despite the fact that I don’t live in Poland, doesn’t mean that I don’t know or don't care about my homeland. It’s quite the opposite! Though, I grew up in New York City and attend 9th grade at Bard High School Early College, where I learn and speak English, I’ve always been fostered by the c.....  [Więcej]


1 października 2017
Kosciuszko's Death Bicentenary Celebrations
Bring along your Ozzie friends and cousins

Feel invited to the Kosciuszko Bicentenary Competition Gala & Film Marathon. October 3rd, 2017, The Connection, Rhodes Community Centre, Rhodes, walking distance from the station.Seat reservations necessary by email: or by phone 9484 1740. The Program: 5:30 to 6pm Drinks & Snacks, Viewing Photo Exhibition “Ko.....  [Więcej]


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