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31 maja 2017
Celebrating General Rowny's Centenial
Richard Poremski - Text & Photos
WASHINGTON, D.C. It was 100 years and 1 day in the life of General/Ambassador Edward L. Rowny (ret.) here at the residence of the ambassador on April 4, 2017. Ambassador Piotr Wilczek organized a birthday celebration to mark the auspicious occasion. Among the invitees were Rowny’s extended family, many friends and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, .....  [Więcej]


20 maja 2017
Zabytkowa limuzyna na nowym Kosciuszko Bridge w NY
i polonijny chór pod Pomnikiem Kościuszki w West Point

W dniu 28 kwietnia br. delegat "Kosciuszko Heritage Inc." z Australii, Felix Molski wygłosił w USA referat na Konferencji Międzynarodowej w West Point, a jego wystąpienie tak reklamowano: "Panelist: Felix Molski, of Sefton, New South Wales, Australia; Polish Australian activist, educator, author, world-traveler documenting Polish heroism, and propo.....  [Więcej]


19 kwietnia 2017
Two Links to Grippy Stories
fascinating stories about Kosciuszko's black friend

Party in a log cabin

- a funny story about Kosciuszko's servant throwing a party while the boss is away; an excerpt from Alex Storozynski's book about Kosciuszko "The Peasant Prince".

The story of Kosciuszko's servant Agrippa Hull

- an excerpt from F.C. Kajencki's book "Thaddeus Kosciuszko. Military Engineer of the American Revolution".

19 kwietnia 2017
Kosciuszko's Tunnel
Felix Molski

On Wednesday morning 19th April I fly out of Sydney aiming to take photographs of nearly all the Kosciuszko Memorials I have not previously visited. One of the highlights will be a visit to the Ninety Six National Historic Site in South Carolina, USA, to take photographs of the 1781, Kosciuszko engineered tunnels that were excavated and mapped in 3.....  [Więcej]


2 kwietnia 2017
Polart 2018 Website Launched

As President and Artistic Director of PolArt 2018 Brisbane, it gives me great pleasure to announce the festival website is now live. I invite you to take a closer look at what is being planned by going to:

Preparations for PolArt 2018 Brisbane have well and truly begun and our festival has already generated an encouraging am.....  [Więcej]


31 marca 2017
Tension over the future of Ashfield Polish Club
SBS Polish's exclusive story
SBS Radio’s Polish team has done a feature on a heated debate raging in Sydney’s Polish community. Furious members have brought an injunction against the potential sell-off of the historic Ashfield Polish Club to court, saying they were not given their right to vote on the issue. The case raises a broader question for Australia’s .....  [Więcej]


30 marca 2017
The Unfinished Communication Revolution
Julie Ankiewicz
The Polish Community in Australia is part of the revolutionary age of communicative abundance. Sitting in a Media and Communications seminar room at Sydney University recently , I listened to Professor John Keane’s lecture on DEMOCRACY FUTURES- POST-TRUTH AND THE UNFINISHED COMMUNICATION REVOLUTION. He speaks about new information platforms.....  [Więcej]


25 marca 2017
The Color of Fire - Two last Performances
Arts Centre, Warburton, Sat & Sunday ...look up for photos & details.

24 marca 2017
Komunikat specjalny Klubu Polskiego w Ashfield (updated)
& wywiad z czł. Zarządu - Robertem Czernkowskim
Dzisiaj, w piątek 24 marca 2017 r. w Radiu SBS wysłuchaliśmy wywiadu red. Doroty Banasiak z dr Robertem Czernkowskim, członkiem Zarządu Klubu Polskiego w Ashfield. Była mowa o niedzielnym proteście, zebraniu AGM i aktualnych kontrowersjach. To już kolejny głos w tej sprawie.

Na antenie Radia SBS. Dorota Banasiak rozmawia z dr Robertem Czernkowskim.....  [Więcej]


23 marca 2017
Petition on Kosciuszko House
The Kosciuszko Foundation

Thomas Jefferson with Tadeusz Kosciuszko from "Kosciuszko: A Man Ahaed of His Time" filmed in the Kosciuszko House in Philadelphia.
"The Philadelphia Inquirer" reports that President Trump's cuts will shutter the National Kosciuszko Museum. This is where Kosciuszko met with Thomas Jefferson and others to discuss ending slavery, the future of America.....  [Więcej]


21 marca 2017
Borysiewicz on the non-core status
sent in by email a few minutes ago

Przed walnym zebraniem. Fot. PP
"As discussed yesterday over the phone please change the incorrect statement on your Puls Polonii site regarding the Board now being able to sell 75 Norton Street without any further Member approval.THIS IS INCORRECT AND MISLEADING. We have repeatedly written and spoken about the process; 1. Declare that space non-co.....  [Więcej]


21 marca 2017
Cytat na dzisiaj
Szymon Askenazy o Kościuszce
"From a leader of a lost insurection he became forever a symbol of national ressurection."

Z przywódcy zdławionej Insurekcji stał się po wsze czasy symbolem odrodzenia narodowego.

20 marca 2017
(In Polish and English) Komunikat Prezydium RN
odnośnie wotum nieufności i wykluczenia A. Gajkowskiego
Komunikat Prezydium Rady Naczelnej Polonii Australijskiej (RNPA) odnośnie votum nieufności i wykluczenia ze składu Prezydium RNPA p. Adama Gajkowskiego Prezydium Rady Naczelnej Polonii Australijskiej (RNPA) informuje, że podczas obrad Prezydium w dniu 18 lutego 2017 roku przedyskutowano wypowiedź członka Prezydium RNPA, p. Adama Gajkowskiego, opu.....  [Więcej]


19 marca 2017
International Security and Power Relations Today
a speech by Dr Janusz Onyszkiewicz ( WSU, 23rd March 2017)

Dr Sev Ozdowski AM, Director of Equity and Diversity invites you to the Open Forum "International Security and Power Relations Today - Emerging Threats", 23rd March 2017, 5,30 for 6 pm start, Parramatta South Campus, Female Orphan School, Building EZ, with Special Guest Speaker Dr Janusz Onyszkiewicz, Chairman, International Centre for Democratic T.....  [Więcej]


19 marca 2017
Europe, NATO and Mother Russia: Life in Post-Soviet Europe
a speech by Dr Janusz Onyszkiewicz (Wedn. 22nd March 2017)

Is Russia is emerging as the new destabilising force on the international scene? It has increasingly shown disdain for fundamental standards and norms in international relations as exemplified by its policy towards Georgia and Ukraine and has developed a new military doctrine which drastically lowers the threshold for use of nuclear weapons. What i.....  [Więcej]


14 marca 2017
Promocja Konkursu "Kosciuszko Bicentenary" w Radiu ABC
10 i 14 marca 2017
Our program on the ABC Radio Canberra - here Z promocją konkursu najlepiej idzie nam poza Australią; jest zainteresowanie od Kanady po Mongolie i Tajlandię! Nawiązujemy ciekawe kontakty z egzotycznymi krajami, gdzie być może dopiero teraz ludzie dowiadują się o Kosciuszce. Stajemy na głowie, aby dotrzeć do australijskich main stream media. Nie za.....  [Więcej]


12 marca 2017
Help Józef return to Poland
sign Melanie's petition

Sign the petition A decorated WWII veteran he fought for our freedom in Europe and Africa and now ironically he’s a prisoner in our country. This sprightly 92-year-old post-war immigrant has outlived his closest relatives and friends and has no living family in Australia. He is alone in his adopted country and now in a nursing home not of hi.....  [Więcej]


12 marca 2017
Out and about with Lajkonik - at the Parramasala Festival
Ursula Lang

Yesterday, a 4-pair contingent from Lajkonik took part in an integrated dance programme called “Western Sydney Story” presented in the finale of the major Indian Festival called “Parramasala”, in Prince Alfred Park, Parramatta. This 3-day festival was supported by Parramatta City Council and is one of the biggest annual Fest.....  [Więcej]


10 marca 2017
NSW Multicultural Grant acknowledgement
Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. expresses it's gratitude

Funding for Kosciuszko Bicentennial Celebrations in Jindabyne (Polish-Aboriginal Flights over Mt K & premiere of the Polish-Aboriginal Ballet) in October 2017 has been provided by the NSW Government through Multicultural NSW.

Link to a report of our meeting with the then NSW Minister for Multiculturalism Hon. John Ajaka The grant has been finally .....  [Więcej]


7 marca 2017
Become an Australian Museum Eureka Prize Winner

Australia’s premier national science awards – the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes – are open now through Friday 5 May for nominations.The awards were established in 1990 through a unique partnership between government, education and research institutions, private sector companies, organisations and individuals established, with th.....  [Więcej]


3 marca 2017
Sydney panelist at the West Point Conference
Felix Molski: Kosciuszko Monuments Worldwide

14th Annual Tadeusz Kosciuszko Conference to be held on Friday, April 28, 2017 in the Thayer Hotel, located at 674 Thayer Road, United States Military Academy, West Point, to mark 15th Anniversary Year of the Founding of the American Association of the Friends of Kosciuszko at West Point ** 104th Anniversary Year of the Kosciuszko Statue that was a.....  [Więcej]


1 marca 2017
Final selection criteria for SBS Radio Services Review
now available

SBS has announced the final selection criteria it will apply to a review of its radio services to ensure SBS Radio continues to reflect the needs of communities in Australia today. SBS received more than 600 submissions, representing 85 languages, during a period of public consultation from 14 November to 11 December 2016 which gave people and o.....  [Więcej]


26 lutego 2017
Kosciuszko's secret garden
on a cliff hanging over the Hudson river

Let me take you to a very special place, to the the secret garden of Thaddeus Kosciuszko. In a moment I will tell you the whole story. But first, listen to the trickling tipper tapper of the fountain, look around and see the steps which lead down to this little place of serenity. It was established in 1778. While serving as Fortifications Engin.....  [Więcej]


24 lutego 2017
Kosciuszko National Park & NPWS
50th anniversary celebrations

New Year’s Eve celebrations in Sydney marked the start of a very special year across the state as the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) celebrates its 50 year anniversary. Office of Environment and Heritage Acting Chief Executive, Michael Wright said it was a fitting tribute to have the special NPWS 50th anniversary banner projec.....  [Więcej]


23 lutego 2017
Kosciuszko Plaque on Mt Kosciuszko, Australia
Felix Molski, Kosciuszko Monuments Worldwide (3)
Have you ever stopped to think about the opening lines of Australia’s national anthem? “Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free.” Young AND free! Resounding words; rejoice indeed. From its birth in 1901, Australia and Australians have fought for liberty around the world, very much in harmony with the Polish motto of ‘for you.....  [Więcej]


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