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29 grudnia 2019
The Best of Human Nature. Strzelecki’s Humanitarian Work in Ireland Felix Molski |
Full text of a booklet written by Felix Molski and published by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. in 2012
21 grudnia 2019
Recent Elections in the Ashfield Polish Club by Richard Borysiewicz |
The results of the recent elections were declared at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on
1 st December 2019. These results were: No of votes First name and surname 338 Robert Czernkowski (elected) 337 Mathew Konopka (elected) 337 Helen Oktalowicz (elected) 337 Andrew Wozniak (elected) 336 Hania Geras (elected) 330 Robert Borsak (elected) 329 Zbyszek Slomo..... [Więcej]
9 grudnia 2019
About AGM on Dec. 1st, 2019 Mick Wykrota |
As a concerned member of the Polish Club, Ashfield I attended the AGM meeting held at the club on 1 December 2019.I am writing this article so that the Polish Community knows some of what was discussed about the club’s huge debt.During that meeting the club’s director, Zbigniew Słomowski read out a formal statement in the English lan..... [Więcej]
30 listopada 2019
Polish Club Ashfield - Beyond 2020 - Vision Document Mick Wykrota |
* Poland * People * Place A proposal prepared for Polish Club Members and the Polish Community in Australia and Abroad.This proposal is for a Polish cultural, community, business and social club facility and a hotel. It offers an alternative to the current board’s proposal which includes the sale of strata apartments.
Key elements
Ownership ..... [Więcej]
22 listopada 2019
Multikulturowa pętla czyli trufla po cejlońsku Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek |
Sulari Gentill by J.C. Henry | Marzyło mi się, że na starość będę sobie spokojnie siedzieć w polonijnym grajdołku, w domowym zaciszu, nawiedzana przez polskie wnuki, trzymająca się z daleka od australijskiego świata. Niestety, nie ma lekko. Wielokulturowa rzeczywistość Australii wsysa mnie jak sokowirówka marchewkę. Prawie każdy dzień przynosi jakieś ..... [Więcej]
19 listopada 2019
Greta Migrant Camp Anniversary (updated) Newcastle Herald. Foto Lajkonik. Celejewska blog. |
Zdjęcie archiwalne 5-letniej Halinki Paczyńskiej | Naszą poprzednią relacje z Grety uzupełniamy obszernym materiałem z blogu Eli Celejewskiej.
Zapraszamy na bloga Celejewskiej, masa ciekawych materiałów.
The story of Halina Paczynski's arrival to Greta Migra..... [Więcej]
16 listopada 2019
Cal Flyn: My ancestor the murderer a review by Elizabeth Lowry |
Cal Flyn, a descendant of Angus McMillan, who massacred Indigenous Australians, travels to Gippsland to confront difficult truths n 1843, at Warrigal Creek in the south-eastern corner of Australia, known as Gippsland, between 80 and 200 Indigenous Australians – a significant portion of the Bratowoolong clan of the Gunai people, including chil..... [Więcej]
15 listopada 2019
Strzelecki’s team: pioneers of multiculturalism Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek |
Rozalia Nowak: Kościuszko i Strzelecki | Mt Kosciuszko has been ascended, named and placed on the map of the world by P.E. Strzelecki on March 12th 1840 at 3 pm, as reported by James Macarthur in his Field Notes. False myths were built about Strzelecki based on a slanderous (yet very popular) book In a Dark Glass by Helen Heney (1961). A scholarly boo..... [Więcej]
14 listopada 2019
Afera z aborygeńskim bestsellerem Quadrant |
In 2016 Bruce Pascoe's "Dark Emu" became a best-seller after being named Book of the Year and winning the Indigenous Writers Prize at the New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards.(...) "Dark Emu" is now being adopted as a text in high school courses around Australia(...) The issue of Pascoe’s own Aboriginal background has also been s..... [Więcej]
14 listopada 2019
Sąd Najwyższy w Australii rozpatrzy apelację kard. Pella Fronda & Quadrant |
Cardinal Pell.The story in English in Quadrant
Artykuł po polsku we Frondzie
10 listopada 2019
The Power of Truth. A History of Polish Martyrdom Pilecki Project on Federation Sq Festival |
Komitet Pilecki Project będzie prezentował na Polskim Festiwalu na Federation Square w Melbourne dwie swoje wystawy poswięcone rtm. Pileckiemu oraz udziałowi żołnierzy australijskich w Powstaniu Warszawskim.
Reportaż z wystawy o Raporcie Pileckiego w Parlamencie Wiktoriańskim
Wywiad - wystawa Pilecki project w Parlamencie WA
Witoldowi Pileckiemu H..... [Więcej]
7 listopada 2019
Stop the Sale and Destruction of the Polish Club in Ashfield Ratujmy Klub przez zagładą. |
Prosimy,podpisz petycję. Znajdziesz ją pod adresem:
Background- pamiętacie, co się działo dwa lata temu?
Relacja w Radiu SBS
Wizja klubu ogłoszona kilka dni temu
4 listopada 2019
Vision for the proposed new Club Richard Borysiewicz |
We are delighted to share our vision for the proposed new Club. The Board, Advisory Group and a team of key staff and volunteers has been working on this project for many months and we are now at a point where we can show Members and visitors what our proposed new Club will look like.
Watch the video
1 listopada 2019
George Pell ofiarą feministek? ciekawy esej na portalu Quadrant |
George Pell and the SJW Fembots - click and read the full text
And one of the numerous comments: PT do you really think Ian and his fellow travelers are interested in evidence, facts and ultimately the truth? They’ll drag in every red herring and irrelevancy they can. It’s called obfuscation. They “Got Pell” and that’s..... [Więcej]
26 października 2019
Narodowe Czytanie - National Reading w North Ryde Komitet Rodzicielski. Foto Krzysztof Kozek |
19 października 2019 r. w Polskiej Sobotniej Szkole w North Ryde odbyło się Czytanie Narodowe. Wydarzenie to miało na celu promowanie czytania klasycznej literatury polskiej.Zostało zorganizowane pod patronatem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy i Pierwszej Damy Agaty Kornhauser-Duda.Czytanie zostało przeprowadzone we współpracy ..... [Więcej]
12 października 2019
A new (old) name for Mt Kosciusko? Mountain Journal |
Mike Edmondton: Kosciuszko Summer Glory | Of course, all of Australia is indigenous land, including the Alps. Despite colonisation and dislocation, Aboriginal communities have maintained connections with the Alps and have been re-asserting that connection in recent years.Traditional owner groups have been involved in reclaiming of language, and this i..... [Więcej]
12 października 2019
The Curse of Identity About a book by Stan Grant |
At the 2016 Australian census, Stan Grant was confronted by a question-box asking if he was an Aborigine or Torres Strait Islander. Seemingly a simple question. Tick or don’t tick. Black or white, one might say. The problem for Grant was that his family history, traceable back across five generations or more, is an Australian tale of love and..... [Więcej]
10 października 2019
Aldona Kmieć - Artist News, The Block Shop & Art on Display
Cześć! I’m still working as an artist and going strong, it's been now close to 10 years of running this small little startup - arts practice that is my passion and a small source of income. I've had no time to exhibit large scale this year due to working f/t with fabulous Gippsland-based startups (check out the program news and photos here on..... [Więcej]
9 października 2019
Quadrant: Is the Pope a Catholic? Quadrant: Tony Abbott's consistency |
Pope Francis — pontiff #266— has gone woke. For some bizarre reason, he has embraced the spirit of the South American rainforest by including animistic religious rituals in the opening of the recent pan-Amazon Synod. It has many people seriously asking the question, is the Pope Catholic? Or does he represent something else entirely? As ..... [Więcej]
26 wrzesnia 2019
Na czym polega nowa apelacja kardynała Pella? Pell’s New Appeal |
Polecamy lekturę ważnego artykułu pióra Keith'a Windschuttle (naczelnego magazynu Quadrant) pt. Pell’s New Appeal and ‘This Hiatus, This Gap’. Do tekstu dołączona jest tabela czasu, w którym rzekomo wydarzyło się przestępstwo, oraz ilustracja - plan katedry.
Ważny artykuł w Quadrant - kliknij, czytaj
20 wrzesnia 2019
Is Australia a racist country? interesting article in QUADRANT Magazine |
25 sierpnia 2019
Dwa kolejne artykuły dot. przegranej apelacji kardynała Pella w magazynie QUADRANT |
By Peter Smith "When the barely possible counts against you"
Smith article HERE
By Keith Windschuttle "Double Standards in the Court of Appeal"
Winschuttle article HERE
24 sierpnia 2019
Dr Waldemar Niemotko's funeral Thursday 29th August 2019 |
Dr Waldemar Niemotko (Val) has passed away in Sydney on August 23rd 2019 aged 88 years. Loving husband of Krystyna. Much loved father of Anna, Peter and John. Cherished Dziadzio of Caitlin.
Family and friends are invited to attend Val's Funeral Service to be held in the Magnolia Chapel of Macquarie Park Cemetery (Cnr of Delhi and Plassey Rd's, Nor..... [Więcej]
23 sierpnia 2019
The Australian Disgrace George Weigel |
There will be much more to be said in the weeks and months ahead about the rejection of Cardinal George Pell’s appeal of his conviction for “historic sexual abuse,” by the 2-1 vote of a three-judge panel of the Supreme Court of Victoria. For the moment, this astonishing, indeed incomprehensible, decision calls into the gravest dou..... [Więcej]
22 sierpnia 2019
"Quadrant" komentuje decyzje sędziów w sprawie Pella The Pell outrage vibe trumps veracity |
Geoffrey Luck of Quadrant magazine has undertaken a very detailed analysis of documents relating to the Pell's case. First, he analysed explanations given by two Judges, Ferguson and Maxwell (calling them "the majority"), next he analyses the statement given by the "minority" Judge (Weinberg), otherwise called as "dissenting judge".
Fragment: No su..... [Więcej]
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