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30 sierpnia 2016
Przemówienie Prezydenta Dudy na pogrzebie Inki i Zagonczyka jutro relacja Waldemara Niemotki z uroczystości w Gdańsku |
Przemówienie prezydenta Dudy - YouTube
Polska zachowała się jak trzeba -
Wideorelacja. Kondukt pogrzebowy. Nieprzebrane tłumy Polaków
Jak trzeba - blog Makowieckiego
The man who shot Inka in the head -
28 sierpnia 2016
Channel 9 sorry for "Polish concentration camps" a jednak warto uparcie protestować |
At the beginning of July 2016 Puls Polonii has published a series of complaints addressed to Channel 9 TV After some time a response came to all of them. The main core of the response was identical. So all complainants received the following apology.
At the outset, we sincerely apologise for any distress or offence that may have been caused as a re..... [Więcej]
21 sierpnia 2016
Torn dress, flying kierpce, bleeding finger and heaps of fun Amelka Gnatek reporting from Newcastle |
“Amelka, do you want to become a reporter?” asked mum. “Pani Ernestyna asked if you could write something about the Newcastle trip with Lajkonik…” A reporter...? Um… I guess…? A quick brainstorm…. Trip to Newcastle…. What can I write about? It was a good day. It was a very good day. On Sunday mo..... [Więcej]
21 sierpnia 2016
"The Guardians of Marco Polo" by Ches Sharich secrets of an old Chinese parchment written in Latin |
Od Redakcji: Australijczyk polskiego pochodzenia Czesław Szarycz jest autorem książki historyczno-przygodowej pt. "The Guardians of Marco Polo", która też ukazała się nakładem Wydawnictwa Arkady w polskim tłumaczeniu pt. "Strażnicy Marco Polo". O autorze po polsku - tutaj. A oto recenzja, jaką znaleźliśmy w
AMAZON.COM reviewing the book..... [Więcej]
17 sierpnia 2016
Restauracja Sto Lat zaprasza sierpniowo-wrześniowe zniżki |
Get a free glass of wine with every main meal purchased on Friday at Sto Lat Restaurant. Till 16 September 2016.
Bookings essential: 02 9798 9846!stolatcaferestaurant/c3m6
Get 10% off your meal on Wednesdays at Sto Lat Restaurant. Till 14 September 2016.
Bookings essential: 02 9798 9846!stolatcafer..... [Więcej]
12 sierpnia 2016
What we find on the Wikipedia CENSUS 2016 website "heads will roll" |
An Australian census occurred on 9 August 2016. Retention of names and addresses was increased to up to 4 years, from 18 months in the 2006 and 2011 censuses.[31] Census forms were not delivered to most households; instead each household received a log-in code that allowed them to complete the census online.[32] A paper census form was also availab..... [Więcej]
11 sierpnia 2016
Give our children the right to learn Polish please sign the petition |
The Department of Education is closing the Saturday School of Community Languages (SSCL ) Randwick Centre in the Eastern Suburbs by the end of this school term due to the take over of the current site by Randwick Public School.
It is devastating news for the Polish community of the Eastern Suburbs, but especially for the students, who will be unab..... [Więcej]
6 sierpnia 2016
International Poster Contest Captain Pilecki, The Invincible Hero |
The Project Captain Pilecki, The Invincible Hero has been financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland, the PZU Foundation, and the PKO BP Foundation
1 sierpnia 2016
The Return of the Polish Question Ewa Thompson. Cartoons by Vitek Skonieczny |
Ewa Thompson. Photo Stefan Witas | In the first quarter of 2016 even persons uninterested in Poland have likely noted a series of unfavorable articles about that country in English and German media. With breathtaking frankness, the cause of media attention was suggested by George Soros in a NYRB interview on February 11, 2016. While ostensibly lamenti..... [Więcej]
1 sierpnia 2016
Kristof Kaczmarek as Springer Exit Theatre |
Exit Theatre brings Theatre to a Boxing Gym. SPRINGER by S. Mrowinski. Kristof Kaczmarek as an ex-boxer entrapped in his fame and past in this one-man show produced by Exit Theatre. A story of fame, strength, love, trust and betrayal. 30 July-7August 2016.
More info just here
The Lilydale Youth Club.Market Str. (near the Outdoor Pool)
Lilydale..... [Więcej]
20 lipca 2016
Sydney Uni in response to Polish community concerns Prof. Barbara Caine to Dr Ryszard Adams-Dzierzba |
To Dr Richard Adams-Dzierzba, President, Federation of Polish Associations in NSW, 182 Liverpool Rd., Ashfield NSW 2131. Dear Dr Adams-Dzierzba.
Thank you for your letter regarding the lecture Is Democracy in Poland in Danger?
I am sorry that your expectations for the lecture were not met, but I cannot agree that you
were misled. While the title..... [Więcej]
19 lipca 2016
Sonia Kruger calls on Australia to stop taking muslim immigrants spięcie na antenie Channel Nine |
Read and watch the report on SMH
14 lipca 2016
Australijscy pielgrzymi w drodze do Krakowa na Światowe Dni Młodziezy |
WYD 2016 Commissioning Mass for Sydney Pilgrims
Czytaj artykuł - po angielsku
Reportaż na You Tube - Watch video report in English
9 lipca 2016
Memorandum of Understanding between Ngarigo people and the Kosciuszko National Park |
Photo S.Cohen | The Aboriginal people of the New South Wales southern Snowy Mountains will be formally involved in the conservation of Kosciuszko National Park, after reaching an agreement years in the making. The NSW Government signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Monaro Ngarigo people yesterday [24th June 2016], solidifying the local ..... [Więcej]
5 lipca 2016
"Polish concentration camps" - not again!
Dear Ambassador. I write to let you know that unfortunately once again the expression “Polish concentration camps” was used by a Chanel 9 newsreader at 6pm news on 03/07/16.
This was mentioned with regards to the commentary about the death of Mr Elie Wiesel.
I am aware that couple of Polish organisations in Melbourne will be lodgin..... [Więcej]
29 czerwca 2016
Witness of History Award IPN - deadline 31st July 2016 |
Second edition of the international "Witness of History" award – opening: March 2016 (deadline 31st July 2016)
The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) hereby announces the second edition of the international „Witness of History" award. This is an honorary distinction established in March 2009 by ordinance of the IPN's President and..... [Więcej]
27 czerwca 2016
W wieku 101 lat zmarła Helena Zapaśnik A.Szt. - Michelle Van Doninck |
W wieku 101 lat zmarła w Sydney kombatantka i działaczka społeczna Helena Zapaśnik. Pogrzeb odbedzie się w najblizszy piątek. Nekrolog ukazał się we wtorkowym wydaniu The Sydney Morning Herald...Niniejszym przedrukowujemy materiał na temat Zmarłej, znaleziony w internecie. Life was never easy for Helena Zapasnik but after overcoming great hardship..... [Więcej]
26 czerwca 2016
Sapphire Ball - NY 2017 -
Celebrate NY 2017 Sapphire Ball, Polish Club in Ashfield. Dance to Asia Lunarzewska and band. Auditorium. Saturday 31 December 2016 from 8pm to Sunday 1 January 2017 2 am. Formal Attire. Canapes, Entree, Main + Dessert. Catering by Sto Lat Restaurant. Tickets $95. Free glass of sparkling wine at midnight. Club: 9798 7469 or Ela 0404 447 708 or Maciej 041..... [Więcej]
23 czerwca 2016
Reunion Zabawa - Polish Club in Ashfield Saturday 27th August |
Calling all people from Polish organisations in Sydney from the 60s, 70s, 80s & 90s for a Reunion Zabawa. Catch up with lost contacts and make new friends! Family Event - all ages welcome. Dance away the night to Asia Lunarzewska and band! Antipasto platters + dessert. Polish Club members $20. Adults $25. Concession $20 (Seniors/children under 16). Tickets..... [Więcej]
22 czerwca 2016
Żegnaj, Basiu pogrzeb Basi Kierdal |
Dear friends and family, it breaks my heart to write this post. Never would I expect to be preparing for this day so soon.[] My Mother's funeral details are: Thursday 23rd June 2016 10:30am Rosary, 11am Mass Saint Felix Catholic Church, Bankstown Burial at Rookwood Cemetery, Polish Catholic Section.
To those who still have their Mum with them, please l..... [Więcej]
20 czerwca 2016
An Irish song about Strzelecki written and sung by Cliff Wedgebury |
Paul Edmund Strzelecki has been recognised by the Irish Parliament as Hero of Great Famine. Scientists and journalists get inspired by this great philantropist. Please listen to a song written and performed by Cliff Wedgebury, and which makes part of a radio doco produced by Paul Wright.
The Comfort of Strangers - in ram system
The Comfort of Stra..... [Więcej]
19 czerwca 2016
Ambitny plan: Szlakiem Strzeleckiego po zachodniej Irlandii Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek |
„Trudno jest być prorokiem we własnym kraju” – powiada przysłowie żywcem wyrwane z Nowego Testamentu. Paweł Edmund Strzelecki miał dwa „własne” kraje: jako Polak miał swoją polską ojczyznę, a jako podróżnik i odkrywca miał swoją Australię. Jednak paradoks historii chciał, aby Strzelecki zyskał sławę... w Irlandii. Al..... [Więcej]
15 czerwca 2016
History is made! Polish Dance Ensembles Unite! Jolanta Żurawski |
10 Year Project in the Making – History is Made! Polish Dance Ensembles Unite! 13 Folkloric Dance Ensembles in Australia and New Zealand [Kujawy, Kukuleczka, Lajkonik, Lowicz, Lublin, Oberek, Obertas, Podhale, Polonez, Polonus, Syrenka, Tatry and Wisla], are thrilled to announce that after a period of dialogue over many years, we have joined..... [Więcej]
13 czerwca 2016
Club Duty Manager Klub Polski w Ashfield poszukuje pracownika |
Club Duty Manager.
An opportunity is available for a Duty Manager to join our Club, located in Ashfield,
Sydney, on a casual basis.
Join a leading team: The Polish Club Limited (Ashfield) is a growing venue serving
Members and Guests from both the Polish and the wider community.
Here's what you will be doing: Whilst on duty you will be respons..... [Więcej]
11 czerwca 2016
Wyjątkowy koncert: Anke Höppner & Krzysztof Małek Polska-Niemcy, 25 lat dobrego sąsiedztwa |
Consul General of the Republic of Poland Mrs Regina Jurkowska & Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sydney Mr Lothar Freischlader request the pleasure of your company at a concert by Anke Höppner & Krzysztof Małek
on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the signing of The Treaty between The Republic of Poland and The Federal ..... [Więcej]
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