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Strzelecki Competition:



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6 marca 2016
Events of Significant History attended by "Kujawy-Sydney"
Jola Zurawska. Photos from Kujawy Archives.
Many significant events have occurred over the years to which Kujawy Sydney have had the honour and privilege to attend and perform at. The main four that come to mind over the years and have been verified by people are: Pope John Paul II visit to Sydney & Melbourne -- The Unveiling of the Strzelecki Statue --- The Blessing and Strzelecki Festival.....  [Więcej]


6 marca 2016
Media vs Democracy. The case of Poland
Maria Szonert-Binienda
With New Year fireworks, Western media opened a frontal attack on the new Polish government formed after a landslide election victory by the Law and Justice Party (PIS). In 2015, the PIS won both presidential and parliamentary elections, and for the first time since WWII, removed entrenched post-communist forces from power in Poland. To the surpris.....  [Więcej]


3 marca 2016
Deputy Foreign Minister Dziedziczak visits U.S.
Richard Poremski - text and photos

Ambassador Ryszard Schnepf & DFM Dziedziczak
(Published in March 2016 issue of Polish American Journal). WASHINGTON, D.C. – During his week-long visit to the United States, Secretary of State and Deputy Foreign Minister Jan Dziedziczak was the guest of honor at an Embassy of the Republic of Poland reception here on February 3, 2016 hosted by .....  [Więcej]


29 lutego 2016
Toxic passions at "Sydney Ideas" about Liberal Democracy in Poland
Andrzej Kozek
I attended the awaited public lecture by Professor Jan Pakulski at Sydney Ideas, Sydney University, organized by AIPA & Sydney Democracy Network on Wednesday 24th February 2016. The title of the Lecture was: Is Democracy in Poland in Danger? The discussion was announced as a conversation between Professor Pakulski and Professor Krygier, so it was n.....  [Więcej]


29 lutego 2016
Fair or Foul - Is Democracy in Poland in Danger?
Felix Molski
Fair or Foul - Is Democracy in Poland in Danger? Felix Molski’s Thoughts on the Pakulski Lecture: 6pm to 7:30pm, February 26, 2016 at the Philosophy Room, Quadrangle, Sydney University. Organised by the 'Sydney Network for Democracy' and the 'Australian Institute of Polish Affairs' (AIPA). There is not a doubt in my mind; it was foul, not fai.....  [Więcej]


27 lutego 2016
Lecture: Is Democracy in danger in Poland
Andrzej Kozek reporting

On 24th February 2016 'Sydney Ideas' at the University of Sydney, hosted a controversial event organized by the 'Sydney Network for Democracy' and the 'Australian Institute of Polish Affairs' (AIPA). Jan Pakulski, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tasmania and Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, presented a talk 'Is Democracy in Danger in Poland?' com.....  [Więcej]


22 lutego 2016
Jeszcze o balu w Miami
Storożyński do Wałęsy

Facebook screenshot
Wideo na Facebooku. Przemówienie Alexa Storożyńskiego podczas 44th Ball Polonaise w Miami i wręczenie Lechowi Wałęsie zaległego odznaczenia.

Alex Storożyński, laureat Lech Walesa Media Award z 2012 roku, były Prezes The Kosciuszko Foundation, autor książki o Tadeuszu Kościuszko The Peasant Prince i twórca filmu na kanwie tej ks.....  [Więcej]


21 lutego 2016
Is Democracy in Poland in Danger - AIPA na Sydney Uni
środa 24 lutego 2016, Philosophy Room, The Quadrangle
Rejestracja - tutaj Professor Jan Pakulski, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tasmania and Collegium Civitas, Warsaw
Co-presented with the Sydney Democracy Network and the Australian Institute of Polish Affairs
Jan Pakulski, MA (Warsaw), PhD (ANU), is Professor Emeritus at the University of Tasmania, Fellow of the Academy of the Social Scien.....  [Więcej]


18 lutego 2016
Doroczne grzybobranie
Annual Picnic in the Southern highlands

The Polish School of Sydney is once again coordinating a very popular event: Our annual picnic in the Southern Highlands, Belanglo State Forest on Sunday 3 April 2016. Please join us for a fun-filled day of mushroom picking and yabby catching, including a BBQ, an Easter egg hunt for the children, and a group photo to commemorate the day.

As al.....  [Więcej]


18 lutego 2016
Prezentacja ksiązki Haliny Czernuszyn-Robinson
Book presentation "A Cork on the Waves"

Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Sydney ma zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa na prezentację książki Haliny Czernuszyn- Robinson „A cork on the waves” w środę 2 marca 2016 r. o godzinie 18.30 w Konsulacie, 10 Trelawney Street, Woollahra.

Książka przedstawia autobiograficzną, wzruszającą historię młodej żydowskiej dziewczyny uratowa.....  [Więcej]


11 lutego 2016
Witold Sulimirski has passed away
Alex Storozynski

I am deeply saddened by the death of longtime Kosciuszko Foundation Chairman Witold Sulimirski.

Witold was one of the most intelligent, elegant and warmest people that I have ever met. He was a true gentleman. As a successful international banker, Witold helped aspiring bankers, students, and did so much to help Polonia while at the helm of the Ko.....  [Więcej]


11 lutego 2016
The art of Elizabeth Krajewski
Gwynneville, 20-21 February 2016

You are kindly invited to the exhibition "The Art of Elizabeth Krajewski" to be held at Polish Association Hall, 143 Gipps Rd., Gwynneville on Sat 20 Feb & Sunday 21 Feb 2016. Time: 10 am to 4 pm. Official Opening Sat. at 12 noon. Elizabeth Krajewski (Elzbieta Krajewski) is a rare phenomenon, as an artist she does not fit any stereotypes. Althou.....  [Więcej]


11 lutego 2016
Polish League Against Defamation
about real situation in Poland

We  look  at  the  opinions  about  the  alleged  threat  to  democracy  in  Poland  ruled  by  the Law  and  Justice  party  (PiS),  the  alleged  coup  in  the  Constitutional  Tribunal  (CT),  “appropriation of  the  state”,  and  even  about  coup  d’état  and  the  advancing  dictatorship  that  have  begun  to appear  .....  [Więcej]


9 lutego 2016
Voices from America
jakie są opinie na temat filmu o Kosciuszce

Miniaturki plansz filmowych
Mimo zasp i zamieci snieżnych w wielu miastach USA nasze paczuszki z DVD angielskiej wersji filmu "Kosciuszko - Poland Will Yet Dance Again" dotarły do adresatów. Otrzymujemy już pierwsze opinie ekspertów.

Anthony Bajdek: Please accept my sincere congratulations for, and admiration of, your documentary production, Koscius.....  [Więcej]


4 lutego 2016
Tadeusz Kościuszko remembered on anniversary

Several events around the world mark the 270th anniversary of the birth of Tadeusz Kościuszko, a Polish-Lithuanian engineer and military leader who fought in the US revolutionary war. The "Tadeusz Kościuszko: Merechevschina - Solothurn" exhibition at the Museum of the X Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel sees over 100 works related to Kościuszko put on.....  [Więcej]


2 lutego 2016
Prof. Pakulski: "Is Democracy in Poland in Danger?"
Sydney Uni - lecture on 24th February
"Is Democracy in Poland in Danger?". Co-presented with the Sydney Democracy Network and the Australian Institute of Polish Affairs. A recent series of controversial moves by the new Polish Government, especially the weakening of the Constitutional Tribunal and subjecting the public media to ministerial appointments and supervision, have triggered m.....  [Więcej]


26 stycznia 2016
A letter to the Belgian politician Guy Verhofstadt
by dr Elzbieta Morawiec (in English & in Polish). Cartoon by V. Skonieczny

Mister Verhofstadt. As a citizen of Poland I know much more about the history of Europe that you can imagine. I know, for example, where the first giant genocide in the world took place. It was in Kongo, during the reign of your king, Leopold II. There were about 10 millions of victims of your king’s greed. Joseph Conrad, an English writer of.....  [Więcej]


26 stycznia 2016
The Truth about Poland
Marek Baterowicz & "Poles in Defense of Europe and Poland"
Dr Marek Baterowicz has sent a letter of protest to the ABC TV: "On Sunday 24th January 2016 your channel has emitted some biased news from Poland, therefore I am sending a text which explains the situation in my country, and which was also circulated in Strasburg durin the PE debate."

The horrible and absurd lies circulate about the situation in P.....  [Więcej]


6 stycznia 2016
Filmowe linki - "Kościuszko - Jeszcze Polska zatańczy"
"Kosciuszko - Poland will yet dance" - movie links

On the left hand side column of Puls Polonii you may see the new banner "Movie links" which leads just here, to the collection of links related to the new documentary "Kosciuszko - Poland will yet dance". Na lewej kolumnie Pulsu Polonii pojawiła się nowa winietka "Kościuszko - Movie Links", która prowadzi do "magazynu" linków związanych z nowym f.....  [Więcej]


31 grudnia 2015
These soothing tunes of the composition "For Chopin"
From Chopin - to Kosciuszko

Click here to watch the wonderful mixture of music and images 'For Chopin' is a title of a lovely composition by Josef Miller, who composed music for documentary 'Kosciuszko - Poland will yet dance' . In this piece - with Josef's music under - you can see the movie makers: producers, composers, singers, actors and gra.....  [Więcej]


31 grudnia 2015
Trailer of the movie "Kosciuszko: Poland will yet dance"
watch it on You Tube and send a link to your friends

Documentary film 'Kosciuszko - Poland will yet dance' produced by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. tells the Kosciuszko story after the lost Maciejowice battle. Click here to watch the trailer. Time 8 mins.Tadeusz Kosciuszko, a hero of the American War of Independence and a great advocate of equal rights, democracy and freedom, returned to Poland in 178.....  [Więcej]


23 grudnia 2015
Merry Christmas to all friends & relatives
życzenia z Australii i ze świata
Drodzy Przyjaciele. Wspólnie oczekujemy Narodzenia Dzieciątka Jezus - Maleńkiej Miłości, która ma moc przemieniać świat. Tylko ona potrafi otwierać nasze serca w taki sposób, że zaczynamy dostrzegać biedę i ubóstwo, brak miłości oraz inne potrzeby w drugim człowieku. Dzięki tej Miłości nie tylko dostrzegamy te wszystkie rzeczy, ale umiemy odpowiada.....  [Więcej]


13 grudnia 2015
Swiąteczny Koncert w Mosman Art Gallery
Marta Kieć-Gubała

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney cordially invites to a Christmas Concert featuring Anna Miernik & Marian Sobula, 18 December 2015 at 7 pm at Mosman Art Gallery, Art Gallery Way & Myahgah Road, Mosman NSW 2088.

Concert Program: Tansman, Paderewski, Chopin, Szymanowski and Scriabin.

RSVP by 16th December 2015 - ph. 9327 8600
Mar.....  [Więcej]


8 grudnia 2015
Kujawy: Concert & Dance
12 December 2015

Kujawy-Sydney invite you to a Concert and Dance. 1,5 hr performance on Saturday 12th December at 8 pm.

With DJ "Jak się masz".

Bankstown Polish Club. Starts at 7,30 pm. Tickets: Adults $ 25, children to age 12 $10.

Reservations: Jola Zurawska 0400 689 379, Zosia Cyganiuk 0407 877 235 & Elizabeth Donati 0438 458 715.

3 grudnia 2015
PolArt - Tarczynski Exhibition
Lucyna Artymiuk

Polish Museum and Archives in Australia announces an exhibition highlighting the Polish contribution to Australian culture as part of the biggest Polish Arts Festival Program in Melbourne MELBOURNE, 27 NOVEMBER 2015—The Polish Museum and Archives in Australia is proud to announce the Grand Opening of the exhibition “Mazurka under the.....  [Więcej]


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