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3 grudnia 2015
Polart 2015 - Through a dancer's eyes
Alexandra Cybulska. Photo- Lowicz archives

For the uninitiated performer, PolArt may come as a bit of a shock. Australia’s largest Polish festival is an eight-day celebration of Polish food, culture, and traditions, combining dancing, theatrical arts, literature and much more. But that’s not all it is. PolArt is the collection of similar minds. It is the showcasing of individual.....  [Więcej]


3 grudnia 2015
Ostatnie pożegnanie żołnierza NSZ H. Dutkowskiego
nabożeństwo żałobne 7 grudnia 2015

Odszedł na wieczną wartę śp. Henryk Dutkowski, żołnierz NSZ. Pan Dutkowski brał udział w Powstaniu Warszawskim w oddziale "Bogumiła". Cześć Jego pamięci.

Henryk Dutkowski, alias "Kosowski", platoon officer cadet, during the first phase of the Warsaw Uprising fought in the "Sikorski" regiment and later was attached to the battalion "Bogumiła".

Aft.....  [Więcej]


2 grudnia 2015
PolArt Genealogy workshop January 2nd 1016
Lucyna Artymiuk

The Polish Museum and Archives in Australia is proud to announce that its genealogy workshop “Discover your Polish Heritage” will be part of the biggest Australian Polish Arts Fesival which is to take place in Melbourne 27 December and 3 January. "Polart 2015 Melbourne" will draw thousands of Polish Australians of various generations.....  [Więcej]


23 listopada 2015
Tłok w Ashfield
Special guest, Magda Szubańska

Magda Szubanski with Eleonora Paton. Photo Andre Morawski
On Friday evening (20th Nov.)the Polish Club Ashfield had the opportunity to host a most special guest, Magda Szubanska. She is well known around the world as a comedian, television and radio presenter and actress having been involved in such icons as "Babe", "Kath and Kim" and "Happy Feet" j.....  [Więcej]


23 listopada 2015
Polish Folkloric Groups perform at Nursing Homes
Henry Iglinski (text & photos)

Polish Folkloric groups have been performing at Aged Care/Nursing Homes for as long as I can remember. I recall the first Marayong nursing home performances that I attended were by Lajkonik in 1991 and one of the photos from these performances is attached. Another photo is from a performance by Lajkonik in 2008 at a Nursing home in the Bankstown a.....  [Więcej]


19 listopada 2015
Ostatnie pożegnanie Wielkiego Polaka - śp. Jerzego Wiesława Fiedlera
nadesłali Andrzej Nowak i Jacek Glinka
Pogrzeb i Ostatnie Pożegnanie Wielkiego Polaka, ŚP. Jerzego Wiesława Fiedlera, 16 Czerwiec 1922 - 13 Listopad 2015. ORDER OF FUNERAL SERVICE FOR ŚP. JERZY WIESŁAW FIEDLER CHAPEL OF REFLECTION – SPRINGVALE CEMETERY 19 November 2015. “Deszcz, jesienny deszcz” (Warsaw Uprising song) Zofia Kaszubska. Introduction & Welcome Dr. And.....  [Więcej]


18 listopada 2015
A letter to the Ambassador of France to Australia, Christophe Lecourtier
from President of Polish Community in Australia, Leszek Wikarjusz
Your Excellency. The Polish community in Australia is deeply moved and saddened by the tragic events that took place in Paris on 13 November 2015. The brutal attacks on unsuspected residents of the French capital have affected not only the people in France but all peace-loving communities across the globe.

The Presidium of the Polish Community Cou.....  [Więcej]


16 listopada 2015
With Open Gates
The forced collective suicide of European nations

W ciagu kilku dni film ten obejrzały ponad 2 mln osób


11 listopada 2015
Good News from Ashfield
Richard Borysiewicz

The recent Members Information Meeting was held on Sunday 25 October and a number of the Club's members were unable to attend as it clashed with the voting held on that day at the Polish Consulate. Therefore I have here a short summary of the main points. For the Financial Year 2014/15 the Club's unaudited accounts have shown a truly wonderful resu.....  [Więcej]


11 listopada 2015
A Review of the Premiere of the documentary: “Kosciuszko: Poland Will Dance Again”
by Felix Molski. Photo Tom Koprowski

Interestingly, with the commemoration of the 200th anniversary looming of Thaddeus Kosciusko’s passing and with the possibility of its recognition around the world by UNESCO in 2017, two new Kosciuszko documentaries have been launched in October 2015 at opposite ends of the earth. In the USA, Alex Storozynski's “Kosciuszko: A Man Ahead .....  [Więcej]


9 listopada 2015
Experience a Taste of Poland
15th November on Federation Sq. - see the Program
Sunday, 15 November 2015,10.00 am - 5.00 pm.It is well known that when two or more Poles get together you are sure to have a good time, but when a whole community gathers you know that things are going to be electric.For nearly 60,000 Victorian’s of Polish Ancestry the phrase “it’s just a Polish thing” is all too familiar.....  [Więcej]


9 listopada 2015
Złoty Jubileusz Polskiego Kościoła w Marayong
Invitation to Marayong Sylwester 2015 Raffle Sponsorship

Komitet Pomocy Duszpasterskiej przy kościele Najświętszej Maryi Panny Częstochowskiej, Królowej Polski w Marayong, zaprasza wszystkich ambitnych przedsiębiorców do sponsorowania Loterii Fantowej w naszym Rodzinnym Balu Sylwestrowym w tym roku. Każda nagroda ma wartość od $ 100 do $ 150 i jest jedną z głównych atrakcji Balu Sylwestrowego. Przyjmujem.....  [Więcej]


7 listopada 2015
Yaja Design Pop Up Shop
eco dyed silk scarves, silver jewellery and plenty more

The Studio, 73 Jersey Rd, Woollahra - eco dyed silk scarves & garments, silver and textile jewellery; canvas print photographs, hand made cards.

Sunday 22 Nov. from 12 noon to 4 pm
Monday 23 Nov. to Friday 27 Nov from 3 to 7 pm
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th Nov from 12 noon to 4 pm. & mobile 0422 440 695.

26 października 2015
Głosujemy na "Orawę!"
Limelight's 2015 Artists of the Year: you decide!

"We are very honoured to have been nominated as one of Limelight Magazine Artists of the Year. It is extremely humbling to be included alongside so many distinguished artists." You can vote on the link below!


Każde polskie dziecko uczące się muzyki, wszyscy uczestnicy i laureaci Konkusru m.....  [Więcej]


24 października 2015
Pilecki story inspiringly told
Laurence Reed introduced by Felix Molski
Larry Reed, one of my favourite writers, President of FEE has been writing a series themed on heroes of liberty. His most recent chapter is about Witold Pilecki; it had me in tears. Volunteered to go to Auschwitz. The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) has shaped my thinking and the reading material which has provided me with almost all my k.....  [Więcej]


23 października 2015
Spotkanie z Magdą Szubański
Ashfield, 20 listopada 2015

Magda Szubanski will be speaking about her new book, a memoir "Reckoning" at Polish Club Ashfield on Friday 20th November at 7pm, Auditorium.

You will have the chance to buy "Reckoning" and Magda will be available for question & answer time and for book signing.

Magda is one of Australia's best known and most loved performers. She began her caree.....  [Więcej]


23 wrzesnia 2015
Zmarł twórca Blinky Billa
Yoram Gross 1926 - 2015

W wieku 88 lat zmarł w Sydney wybitny filmowiec Yoram Gross.Jak napisano w Wikipedii: Yoram Jerzy Gross AM (18 October 1926 - 21 September 2015) was a Polish-born Australian producer of children's and family entertainment. Internationally acclaimed for his films and television series, Gross established a worldwide reputation for the adaptation of.....  [Więcej]


22 wrzesnia 2015
Poland's Blueberry Gold
Richard Poremski - text and photos

Puls Polonii: Let's read the yummy story while our Australian-grown berries are so cheap now!
BRZEZINY. A Sure Sign of Summer. Poles know that summer has truly arrived as signaled by the annual blueberry harvest. It is a much welcomed relief to see and taste these delicious berries recognized as a gift from the sun after the usual long, cold and dre.....  [Więcej]


14 wrzesnia 2015
Odebrali władzę Abbottowi
the leadership spill as it happened
SMH - Malcolm Turnbull speaks

SMH The Leadership spill as it happened

Some related links:

How Turnbull made his fortune - SMH

Turnbull's mansion at Point Piper -

The only MP to make top 200 rich list - The Australian

About his astronomical wealth


7 wrzesnia 2015
Chopin by Kogosowski
great event on 9th October 2015

Polish Community of Victoria invite you to Frederic Chopin Concert presented by Alan Kogosowski on 9th October 2015 at 7 pm at Lauriston Girls' School, Irving Hall, 38 Huntingtower Rd., Armadale 3143. Tickets: $20, concession $15. Booking: 9569 4020 or

ONE of the foremost pianists of his generation, Alan Kogosowski’s pe.....  [Więcej]


6 wrzesnia 2015
Baby Blues - projekcja w Ashfield

Baby Blues w zasadzie nie jest filmem, jest blogiem dotyczącym mody. Wszyscy w nim są bardzo modni. Jednak Baby Blues przede wszystkim opowiada o samotności. Antek, siedmiomiesięczny synek Natalii, jest wynikiem tych dwóch zjawisk. Antek jest metaforą tego, czego najbardziej brak współczesnej rzeczywistości. Jego istnienie jest dowodem na to, jak ł.....  [Więcej]


6 wrzesnia 2015
A Review. Po projekcji filmu o Powstaniu Warszawskim
Felix Molski. Photos Tom Koprowski & the Molski Archives

A Review of the Warsaw Uprising (2014) Documentary Film. “Warsaw Uprising” (2014) is a unique, compelling and evocative documentary film that explores previously untouched ground; day to day life behind the frontline battles. The Battle for the “Paris of the East”, a thriving pre-war city of a million people, was protracted.....  [Więcej]


31 sierpnia 2015
Introspective - wystawa fotograficzna Aldony Kmieć
Ballarat International Foto Biennale

Dostaliśmy zaproszenie na wystawę Fotografii "Introspective' Aldony Kmiec - Ballarat International Foto Biennale - Venue: Mitchell Harris Wines | 38 Doveton St N Ballarat VIC 3350. Artist Statement. Zanurzeni we własnym świecie, sny są niepewnymi tematami do fotografii. Czasami sen ten sie materializuje i pozwala nam dostrzec .....  [Więcej]


28 sierpnia 2015
Dzisiaj Blacktown City Family SportsFest
Jerzy Kortyński
The Blacktown City Family Sportsfest is back bigger and better than ever! Bring the family along and experience a range of different sports through interactive displays and clinics. Polish Australian Fencing Club club will take part in the 2015 Blacktown City ‘Family SportsFest’ on Saturday 29 August 2015. Please find below the essentia.....  [Więcej]


27 sierpnia 2015
SBS Radio & Polish Program celebrate 40 Years
the voice of multicultural Australia

Jozef Drewniak

In 2015 SBS is celebrating the 40th anniversary of SBS Radio, and 40 years as the voice of multicultural Australia. Established as Radio 2EA and 3EA in Sydney and Melbourne respectively in June 1975 and starting as a trial service tasked with informing Australia’s rapidly growing migrant population about the Governments new hea.....  [Więcej]


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