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13 maja 2015
Generał Anders a potomkowie Strzeleckiego dr Waldemar Niemotko |
Wspólna obrona twierdzy Tobruku w 1941 r. spowodowała zadzierżgnięcie trwałych więzi żołnierskiej solidarności między Polakami a Australijczykami. Generał Leslie Morshead wyraził chęć bliższego poznania przejawów polskiej waleczności, poprzez lekturę książki Melchiora Wańkowicza „Monte Cassino”. W latach 1948-49 doszło w tej sprawie ..... [Więcej]
8 maja 2015
"Orava" z polskimi korzeniami występy w Ashfield oraz Camden |
1.ORAVA QUARTET CONCERT in Ashfield, organized by Society of the Arts, Thursday 28 May 7:30 pm,
Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School, 144 Victoria St.
2.ORAVA QUARTET CONCERT in Camden, Friday 29 May 7 pm,
Mater Dei Chapel, 229 Macquarie Grove Rd, Camden. admission : adult $20 concession $15, children under 12 $5.
rezerwacja bile..... [Więcej]
30 kwietnia 2015
Eurovision 2015 - Polish Club in Ashfield come and celebrate at Sto Lat |
Watch Eurovision at the Club while enjoying a meal at "Sto Lat"! Poland's entry is performing in the second semi-final on the Club's 48th Anniversary on 21st May!
However it wont be screened in Australia by SBS until Saturday 23 May 730pm.
Grand Final will be screened by SBS on Sunday 24 May 730pm!
See you at" Sto Lat"! Bookings essential: m. 04..... [Więcej]
27 kwietnia 2015
Letter to the Editor of the Australian (and a response) Leszek Wikarjusz |
Once again, The Australian has demonstrated particular bias, insensitivity and appalling lack of knowledge about civil atrocities and suffering in the Second World War, as presented in the article “Girl who defied the German machine three times” published on 17 April 2015. In light of the impending 70th anniversary of the Allied Forces&..... [Więcej]
27 kwietnia 2015
Kosciuszko Foundation calls for recall of game with the phrase "Nazi Poland" |
The Kosciuszko Foundation - The American Center for Polish Culture is considering taking action against toymaker Mattel, for selling a game called "Apples to Apples" that rewrites Holocaust history by erroneously referring to "Nazi Poland." Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and killed 6 million Polish citizens during World War II.
The Foundation..... [Więcej]
26 kwietnia 2015
History Festival. Polskie wystawy w Adelaide History Festival 2015 from May 1-31 |
Threads that Bind us: An Exhibition of Polish Folkloric Costume. An exhibition of post-war Polish migration celebrating their culture through folkloric costume, either lovingly made or brought to South Australia. Parents would ensure children attending functions dressed in Polish regional dress. Many Polish groups would share their culture and lang..... [Więcej]
26 kwietnia 2015
Roofs down, cars pelted with hail Hail storms in Sydney |
Several video reports in the Sydney Morning Herald
Plus plenty of photos and weather forecast.
21 kwietnia 2015
A feature historical adventure drama "Kosciuszko" An Australian movie about Strzelecki - developed by Tom Pelik |
We have got wonderful news from an Australian actor/director Tomek Pelik. “Kosciuszko”, a feature historical adventure drama, is in the early pre-production stage of its development.With the script under way and the boost from acquiring Consulting Producer - Bobby Galinsky (“Dust and Glory” 2015, “The Bodhi Tree”..... [Więcej]
20 kwietnia 2015
List protestacyjny do "Australiana" Marian Pawlik |
19th of April 2015, Editor of The Australian Re: Article published in The Australian on the 17th of April 2015 page 8 “Girl who defied the German machine three times". Dear Sir,
Polish Community Council of Victoria Inc., strongly objects to the use of the term “Polish death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau” in the above mentioned article ..... [Więcej]
19 kwietnia 2015
Storozynski spotted the lie Felix Molski |
I saw Alex’s protest on his facebook page.Storozynski's Facebook Quote:"Letter to the Editor of The Washington Post:
James Comey Brings Shame on The FBI. FBI Director James Comey says he requires every FBI special agent “to learn” about the Holocaust, but he writes in The Washington Post about “the murders and accomplices ..... [Więcej]
17 kwietnia 2015
Anna Szafjanska has died The Sydney Morning Herald |
ANNA SZAFJANSKA died at the Royal North Shore Hospital on 11 April 2015.
A Mass of Christian Burial Celebrating the Life of Anna will be held at :
Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Coxs Road, North Ryde on
SATURDAY, 18 April at 11 am.
17 kwietnia 2015
Na weselną nutę - Happy Married Life Best wedding wishes to Beata & Craig |
Enjoy watching their wedding video!
So much love lays ahead of you and the best is yet to come! Be happy and never be blue Because two hearts will beat as one!..... [Więcej]
15 kwietnia 2015
Podhale Luncheon Sunday 19 April at Cabramatta (Photo Henry Igliński) |
Zespol Podhale serdecznie wszystkich zaprasza na obiad 19-ego kwieciena w sali Orla Bialego, Cabramatta, poczatek godz 1pm.
W programie: goracy obiad, kawa, ciasto, wystep Zespolu, loteria fantowa.
Wstep: $15 dorosli, $7 dzieci do lat 16.
Polish Folklore Ensemble Podhale, would like to invite everyone to our Luncheon: 19th April 2015, commencing 1p..... [Więcej]
12 kwietnia 2015
Polish-Hungarian friendship Day Friday 17th of April 2015 |
The Ambassador Designate of Hungary to Canberra dr Atilla Gruber and the Consul General of the Republic of Poland Mrs Regina Jurkowska cordially invite to celebrations on the occasion of the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day, on Friday 17th of April at 7 pm
at the Polish Consulate, 10 Trelawney St., Woollahra NSW 2025.
RSVP by 15th of April 2015 p..... [Więcej]
12 kwietnia 2015
ANZAC commemoration event "Water Diviner" |
ANZAC Commemoration Event: The Water Diviner - film screening
presented by SPK and Polish Club Ashfield, Saturday 26 April 3pm, Auditorium.
Admission: Members - FREE (must show current Membership card at entry); Non-members $5.
The film opens in 1919, after the end of World War I. Joshua Connor (Russell Crowe) is an Australian farmer, and water d..... [Więcej]
10 kwietnia 2015
Healthy baby from sperm taken 48 hrs after a man died The Sydney Morning Herald |
The baby is one year old now. "Gynaecologist and infertility specialist Kelton Tremellen, who collected the sperm from the woman's husband, said he had initially been ambivalent about being involved. "One reason was that I thought it was going to be a waste of time, and the other was I didn't know if it was the right thing to do," he said. "But thi..... [Więcej]
9 kwietnia 2015
Polish National Day - 3rd of May Polish Club in Ashfield |
Polish Educational Society in NSW INC cordially invites you to a concert to celebrate Polish National Day 3rd May Constitution. The event will be held at the Polish Club in Ashfield (Auditorium) on Saturday 2nd of May at 4.00pm.
The Szupryczyński's Awards for Excellence in Student Achievement will be presented by the Honorary Witold Szupryczyński ..... [Więcej]
9 kwietnia 2015
Hawaii 2014: God, Family, Friends and Strzelecki – Part 2 Felix Molski |
On the 20th July, 1838, forty-one year old Paul Edmund Strzelecki sailed from Valparaiso, Chile on the 18-gun sloop of the British Navy, HMS Fly. Since leaving Poland around 1830 he had spent the last 8 years of his life researching the mineralogy, geology and vulcanology of Europe, and the Americas. He had spent much of this time completing ethnog..... [Więcej]
7 kwietnia 2015
Hawaii 2014: God, Family, Friends and Strzelecki – Part 1 Felix Molski |
In 2014, part of the Bird/Molski family wanted to ‘do’ Hawaii. They persuaded me to come along; I am glad I did. Firstly, it gave me the opportunity to visit close friends, Carol and Jim, who live in distant Hawaii; friends I hadn’t seen for 32 years. Secondly, it gave me the opportunity to follow the ‘footsteps’ of Pa..... [Więcej]
6 kwietnia 2015
Traralgon: Events at the Strzelecki Monument Reopening Felix Molski. Photos by Vic Roads & F. Molski |
There has been an abundance of good news regarding Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki recently. On the 29th of March, a plaque was unveiled in Dublin in honour of the strategy Strzelecki innovated in his humanitarian effort between 1847 and 1849 that saved over 200 thousand children from starvation in Ireland. In an incredible coincidence, on the 31st o..... [Więcej]
24 marca 2015
Musica Viva Festival 2015 9-12 April Sydney Conservatorium of Music | W czasie festiwalu wystąpi światowej sławy australijski ORAVA QUARTET założony przez młodzieńca z utalentowanej rodziny Kowalików.ORAVA QUARTET PERFORMING IN CONCERTS 2, 4, & 6
This young Australian ensemble made its first appearance at the Festival in 2008 as participants in the AYO Chamber Players program, and has sin..... [Więcej]
21 marca 2015
PAWA Community Care Inc. formerly Polish-Australian Welfare Association |
Notice of change of association's name. As of 1.3.2015
Polish-Australian Welfare Association Inc changed its name to:
PAWA Community Care Inc.
Our ABN number and contact details remain the same.
Irmina Sulkowska Manager PAWA Community Care Inc...... [Więcej]
19 marca 2015
Marzec miesiącem Strzeleckiego. Uroczystości w Traralgon Re-Opening of the Strzelecki Memorial |
12 marca minęła 175 rocznica odkrycia i nazwania przez Strzeleckiego imieniem Tadeusza Kościuszki – najwyższej góry australijskiej Mt Kosciuszko, o czym raczyli nawet napisać w Australian Geographic! Już za 10 dni wielka uroczystość w Dublinie – odsłonięcie tablicy pamiątkowej w uznaniu zasług Pawła Edmunda Strzeleckiego w niesieniu p..... [Więcej]
18 marca 2015
4 Polaków zginęło w zamachu terrorystycznym w Tunezji Deadly siege at the national museum in Tunis |
Tunis: Gunmen in military uniforms have stormed Tunisia's national museum, killing 19 people, including an Australian, on Wednesday in one of the worst militant attacks in the country.
The dead included 17 foreigners, including people from Japan, Italy, Colombia, France, Poland and Spain. The toll was revised downward from an earlier figure of 20 i..... [Więcej]
15 marca 2015
Zebranie Informacyjne Polish Club in Ashfield Sunday 22nd March 2015 |
Klub Polski w Ashfield zaprasza członków na bardzo ważne zebranie informacyjne w niedzielę 22 marca 2015 r. w Audytorium o godzinie 3 po południu. Omówiona będzie aktualna sytuacja w Klubie, a także przedstawione wyniki z High Court.
Polish Club Ashfield Member Information Meeting,
Sunday 22 March 3pm,
Full Members only.Come along ..... [Więcej]
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