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10 grudnia 2014
"Once My Mother" and Bolesłwiec Ceramics Xmas Party
Ashfield, Sunday 14th December

Come along to the 'Once My Mother' Christmas Party and have the opportunity to meet the Director and Producer of the award winning film 'Once my mother', Sophia Turkiewicz and Rod Freedman. You will also be able to buy the DVD of the film and have it signed by Sophia and Rod! The recommended retail price is $35 but at this Christmas Party at the Cl.....  [Więcej]


2 grudnia 2014
Gosia Klatt's new book The Poles & Australia
Julie Barton

You are cordially invited to join the Hon. Dr Barry Jones (AC) as he launches Dr Gosia Klatt’s thought-provoking new book 'The Poles & Australia’.This event will be held on Tuesday 9 December 2014 at the University of Melbourne, in the Frank Tate room from 5-6pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

Published by Australian Scholarly Pub.....  [Więcej]


30 listopada 2014
Silk scarf collection
Yaja (Jadzia) Hadryś

I am delighted to let you know that my latest silk scarf collection Nature's Impressions is now available at Henry Corbett & Co. in Woollahra, 14 Moncur Street.

Each scarf is a unique imprint of nature. Colours and patterns are extracted from leaves and flowers which I collect in the Australian bush and gardens.

If you are nearby please visit the.....  [Więcej]


20 listopada 2014
Romeo & Julia - and Polish roots
Eleonora Paton

I am sending some more info about the Romanian Pop Opera event at the Club. The female performer has Polish heritage! Soprano and composer Julia Saleno is born in the heart of Transylvania. Little Julia sees the light of day amidst a family with noble roots and cosmopolitan origins – Italian and Polish on her mother’s side, as well as.....  [Więcej]


13 listopada 2014
Polonez: see you on Federation Square
Polonez Friends Newsletter Nov. 2014

Again, there was an even warmer reaction to the October issues of the POLONEZ newsletters, with even more Friends and alumni becoming involved. We are still on the hunt for "lost'" Friends, alumni members and new email addresses. So, welcome to our new readers!! We hope you enjoy keeping in touch with the POLONEZ family. In particular we have to .....  [Więcej]


13 listopada 2014
Wystawa fotograficzna w Chippendale
Renata Buziak

Serdecznie zapraszam na promocję książki Photo Compendium Australia i wernisaż wystawy fotograficznej, w których biorę udział, w Galerii Spot81, 81 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale.Wernisaż: czwartek 20 listopada, 6-8pm. Wystawa otwarta od 19 do 23 listopada Spotkania z artystami sobota 22 listopada; godziny na mojej stronie bliżej daty: renata-.....  [Więcej]


13 listopada 2014
Once My Mother Christmas Party
in Polish Club, Ashfield

'Once my mother' Christmas Party. Sunday 14 December 3pm. Cocktail Bar - free admission. Come along to the 'Once my mother' Christmas Party and have the opportunity to meet the Director and Producer of the award winning film 'Once my mother', Sophia Turkiewicz and Rod Freedman. You will also be able to buy the DVD of the film and have it signed .....  [Więcej]


5 listopada 2014
Sławna "Istebna" w Ashfield
czwartek 4 grudnia

Istebna Ensemble Show Thursday 4 December 7pm Auditorium.
Direct from Poland - Zespol Istebna a folkloric dance troupe who will entertain at the Polish Club with a dazzling performance of almost 2 hours.
Part 1 - 55 minutes. Intermission. Part 2 - 45 minutes.
Tickets Adults $20 Pensioners $15.Tickets sold at the door.

O kolorowej Istebnej pisaliśm.....  [Więcej]


5 listopada 2014
Love, Sex and Death in the poetry of Bolesław Leśmian
impreza w Konsulacie 21 listopada

Konsul Generalny RP Regina Jurkowska zaprasza na promocję LOVE, SEX AND DEATH IN THE POETRY OF BOLESŁAW LEŚMIAN, nowej książki z wierszami Bolesława Leśmiana, przetłumaczonymi na język angielski przez Marcela Weylanda.
Promocja odbędzie się w Konsulacie Polskim w piątek 21 listopada o godzinie 19.00.
Spotkanie będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim......  [Więcej]


4 listopada 2014
Looking for Lucky Door Prize sponsors
John Molski

Komitet Pomocy Duszpasterskiej przy kościele Najświętszej Maryi Panny Częstochowskiej, Królowej Polski w Marayong, zaprasza wszystkich ambitnych przedsiębiorców do sponsorowania”Lucky Door Prize” w naszym Rodzinnym Balu Sylwestrowym w tym roku. Każda nagroda ma wartość od $ 100 do $ 150 i jest jedną z głównych atrakcji Balu Sylwestrowe.....  [Więcej]


3 listopada 2014
Gobelin to be sold by Private Auction
Urszula Lang

"Gobelin - Starowka Warszawska" - to be sold by Private Auction, Proceeds to Lajkonik.

This beautiful woollen gobelin of Warsaw (Starowka Warszawska), which was kindly donated to Lajkonik by Zofia Manche, will be sold by Private Auction. The gobelin is 1.6m x 1m i size, and would suit a large wall in a home, office, or foyer of a building. The ar.....  [Więcej]


1 listopada 2014
Kujawy - film dla dzieci
piknik filmowy w Bankstown

The Story of a Nobody Who Saved Everybody. Kujawy Sydney presents The Lego Movie. Movie Picnic, 2 Nov. 2014 at 2,30 pm, Bankstown Polish Club. $5 entrance everyone. $5 hot dogs $5 juice & popcorn, $5 coffee & cake.

Movie trailer

31 października 2014
Orava Quartet - Mater Dei, Camden
Anna Kowalik

Dear Friends, We are extremely excited to be returning to Mater Dei on Friday 21st of November at 7PM. We will be performing some of our favourite quartets by Haydn, Rachmaninoff and Schulhoff. Tickets can be booked online or they can be bought at the door (Doors open 6:30). Please feel free to forward this to anyone y.....  [Więcej]


31 października 2014
Od Stamitza do Mozarta
Monika Kornel

"The Mannheim School" to grupa kompozytorów i muzyków niemieckich, czeskich oraz włoskich działających na dworze w Mannheim, której rozkwit przypadł na lata 1740-1800. Dzięki tamtejszej najlepszej dworskiej orkiestrze ówczesnej Europy, pracujący tam kompozytorzy stworzyli podstawy nowoczesnej faktury symfonicznej i instrumentalnej. Ich muzyczny no.....  [Więcej]


31 października 2014
Wielkie atrakcje w Ashfield
Flamenco Show -- Vibrations -- Romanian Pop Opera
*** Flamenco Show - End of the Year Concert, Sunday 16th November 2014 @ 5pm. Sangre Espanola Spanish Dance Studio, Polish Club in Ashfield, 73 Norton Street. Mor info: Yolanda Campos ph. 9555 8058, m. 0404 289 869

*** Club Vibrations 80th Christmas Party Saturday 22nd November 8pm to 2 am $25 per pe.....  [Więcej]


28 października 2014
Polish Jews History Museum
Mitch W. Ihnatowicz
Dear Friends, please note that yesterday in Warsaw an important cultural institution opened its door to visitors. The Museum shows history of Polish Jews and also presents evidence how Jews and Poles were very closely interwoven in the pattern of history Poland. Please share the information with your friends and all who would like to .....  [Więcej]


28 października 2014
Polish Jews History Museum
Mitch W. Ihnatowicz

Dear Friends, please note that yesterday in Warsaw an important cultural institution opened its door to visitors. The Museum shows history of Polish Jews and also presents evidence how Jews and Poles were very closely interwoven in the pattern of history Poland.

Please share the information with your friends and all who would like to vis.....  [Więcej]


19 października 2014
Polish BBQ Sunday 2nd November
Ashfield Club as usual

Polish BBQ Sunday 2 November 1pm - 3pm
BBQ is on the first Sunday of each month.
For $15 you get:
BBQ'd traditional Polish 'White' sausage Hunter's Stew 'Bigos'
Polish potato pancakes (savoury)[].....  [Więcej]


16 października 2014
Book Launch "Feet of Wax" by Joanna Hempel
Friday 24th October 2014

You are kindly invited to the launch of Feet of Wax, a historical novel by Joanna Hempel set on both sides of the Eastern Front in 1914-18. The novel will be launched by Irina Dunn, formerly Director of the NSW Writers' Centre, and today Director of the Australian Writers' Network. Feet of Wax was inspired by true events, its action moving from.....  [Więcej]


13 października 2014
Zawirowania wokół Synodu
Watykan: Homoseksualizm i rozwody
Abp Gądecki bardzo ostro wypowiada się o dokumencie Synodu! Zawiera "ślady antymałżeńskiej ideologii". „Dokument podsumowujący pierwszy tydzień obrad synodu jest nie do przyjęcia dla wielu biskupów” – uważa abp Gądecki. Dodał, że zawiera ślady antymałżeńskiej ideologii. W rozmowie z „Radiem Watykańskim” przewodnicząc.....  [Więcej]


12 października 2014
Sweet reminiscences of the Chopin Piano Competition
Wanda Horky. Photos - courtesy of Peter Hislop
The Australian International Chopin Piano Competition is a legacy of the Chopin Bicentennial Year 2010 when in that year the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra, the ANU School of Music and the Friends of Chopin Australia came together to establish the 1st edition for 2011 with the vision to return to the poetic lyricism of Chopin’s.....  [Więcej]


11 października 2014
National Garage Sale in Ashfield
Saturday 25th October 2014

Polish Club Ashfield Garage Sale - part of the National Garage Sale Trail. Saturday 25 October 2014 9am - 2pm 73 Norton Street, Ashfield.Spring is almost here and it is time for a Spring clean!

The Polish Club Ashfield will be holding a Garage Sale as part of the 'National Garage Sale Trail'. Check out the Club's Profile page garage sale

Anything.....  [Więcej]


6 października 2014
Zapraszamy na "High Country Corroboree"
Jindabyne Saturday 25th October

5 października 2014
Na Bondi powstaje film "Lucy is Cold"
ekipa filmowa poszukuje sponsorów

Powstaje interesujący film fabularny, którego akcja rozgrywa się na Bondi, a którego pomysłodawczynią i reżyserką jest Aneta Walkowska-Smith; w ekipie znajduje się jeszcze jedna osoba polskiego pochodzenia – operator dźwięku Rafał Dąbrowski. Realizacja filmu rusza 20 października. Twórcy filmu poszukują sponsorów. Poczytajcie, proszę, na tem.....  [Więcej]


4 października 2014
Martin Scorsese presents
Masterpieces of Polish Cinema

Zbigniew Cybulski, Popiół i Diament
Sunday 5 October to Sunday 26 October 2014.The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) at Federation Square is delighted to present a collection of landmark Polish films curated by one of the most accomplished and respected directors of our time, Martin Scorsese in Martin Scorsese Presents: Masterpieces of P.....  [Więcej]


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