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7 sierpnia 2014
Recovery chief about MH17crash site
The Telegraph
Cornelis Kuijs has seen his fair share of horror in 38 years as a Dutch policeman.

Tom Partoff writes from Rozsypne -

3 sierpnia 2014
Warsaw Uprising 1944 - Australia Remembers
Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising at 'W' hour, 5pm, Federation Square, Melbourne. Thanks to Magda Dabrowa, Melbourne commemorates the Warsaw Uprising on the 1st August at 5 PM with 3 shorts shown at Federation Square: The City of Ruins, There is a City and Warsaw 24H Time-lapse. More information on the Facebook page of t.....  [Więcej]


3 sierpnia 2014
MH17: Maslin children mourned in Perth
A memorial service for three Perth children and their grandfather killed on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has drawn 1,000 people.Mo, Evie and Otis Maslin, aged 12, 10 and 8 respectively, and their grandfather, Nick Norris, were aboard the Malaysia Airlines jet shot down over Ukraine in July.Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop flew back to Perth f.....  [Więcej]


2 sierpnia 2014
A Tale of Two Mountains (Mt Kosciuszko & Mt Townsend)
Matt Smith
2 sierpnia 2014
Alan E. J. Andrews 1926-2014
PP & Klaus Hueneke
We have just learnt that one of the greatest authorities on the history of Mt Kosciuszko and the Snowies, author of "Kosciusko. The Mountain in History" has recently died in Sydney.Some members of the Polish community may remember Alan as he visited the Polish Club in Ashfield some years ago, a memorable meeting arranged by Joanna Kazmirowicz. It .....  [Więcej]


31 lipca 2014
Polish BBQ w Ashfield
sobota 3 sierpnia 1-3 pm

Polish BBQ Sunday 3 August 1pm - 3pm Auditorium. First Sunday of every month. The first Sunday of every month is Polish BBQ in the Auditorium at the Club.
For $15 you get:
BBQ'd Polish sausage
Hunter's Stew 'Bigos'
Polish potato pancakes (savoury)[].....  [Więcej]


31 lipca 2014
International Maestros -Tango Live Show
Polish Club Ashfield, Sat. 9th August

Noche de Tango August Milonga and Live Show Feature live performances by International Maestros Natalia Hills and Alejandro Aquino as part of their Australian Tour organised by Tangueros.Saturday 9 August 8pm - midnight Auditorium.

Natalia is an established dancer, choreographer and instructor who is also a Tony Award winner for choreography for B.....  [Więcej]


31 lipca 2014
Klub Polski w Ashfield nadal czeka na wynik apelacji

We wtorek 29 lipca 2014 r. odbyła się w Supreme Court w Sydney rozprawa apelacyjna w procesie Polish Club Ashfield vs Gnych. Oto krótka informacja obecnego na rozprawie prezesa Klubu, Ryszarda Borysiewicza. "The Appeal was heard on Tuesday. The other side had tried repeatedly to stop us getting natural justice and attempted to stop the Appeal, bu.....  [Więcej]


30 lipca 2014
Call for space scientists to probe MH17 crash
Fatima's parents plea
Parents of MH17 passenger Fatima Dyczynski say their daughter is not dead, call for space scientists to probe crash. George and Angela Dyczynski saw much at the MH17 crash site but nothing that diminished their belief their daughter, Fatima, somehow survived. The Perth-based parents arrived back in the Netherlands on Tuesday after a five-day trip d.....  [Więcej]


23 lipca 2014
Australians seated on Flight MH17
the heartbreaking graphic
Zdjęcia ofiar katastrofy i lokalizacja ich miejsc w samolocie... i inne wiadomości po angielsku
23 lipca 2014
Australijska przygoda z polityką - The Centre Party
Joanna Rzetelska

Joanna Rzetelska
Moja przygoda z polityka w Australii zaczela sie w zeszlym roku, kiedy - niespodziewanie dla siebie i swoich bliskich - zdecydowalam sie kandydowac w wyborach federalnych jako niezalezny kandydat na okreg wyborczy Sydney. Wygranie nie bylo zamiarem w tych wyborach, raczej potrzeba uczestnictwa i dodania innego glosu do debaty polity.....  [Więcej]


20 lipca 2014
Bodies lie neglected in a foreign field
The SMH & NBC News
"...In some areas backpacks and other cabin luggage are grouped together, camera holders missing cameras, wallets missing cash, cosmetics and other items scattered, left in such a way as to suggest that looters had opened and rifled through some of them.Several passengers remain strapped in their seats, lying in twisted positions. Beside such a pas.....  [Więcej]


18 lipca 2014
Murder in the sky?
świat o katastrofie malezyjskiego boeinga
O katastrofie na Wikipedii. Bogata bibliografia

Około stu pasażerów zestrzelonego boeinga leciało na międzynarodową konferencję na temat epidemii AIDS, rozpoczynającą się w weekend w Melbourne, w Australii - informują australijskie media. To badacze, pracownicy służby zdrowia i działacze. Wszyscy byli specjalistami od HIV/AIDS


Szok .....  [Więcej]


16 lipca 2014
Konferencja AMCS
Iwona Bogacz
Australian Multicultural Community Services, AMCS's culturally diverse clients will now be able to view a three minute video that gives a short overview of AMCS services and how to access them. It's worthwhile watching it especially before our August Conference. AMCS is organising Volunteering with Ethnic Communities One Day Conference on Thursda.....  [Więcej]


16 lipca 2014
Polish Language Course for Adults
Elizabeth Cesarski
North Shore Polish Saturday School (NSPSS) will be commencing a Polish language course for adults at the beginners' level. The course will run over 18 weeks with classes held on Saturdays from 9am to 11am at our North Ryde Public School Cox’s Rd North Ryde Course starting on 19th July at 9am – 6 December 2014. If you are interested in .....  [Więcej]


16 lipca 2014
Film o Polce w australijskich kinach
Sukces filmu Once My Mother

Już od 24 lipca 2014 wchodzi na ekrany australijskich kin film Zofii Turkiewicz "Once My Mother". Poniższe informacje zawarte są przez Sophię Turkiewicz i Roda Freemana w lipcowym Newsletter. Ogromnie się cieszymy, że nadszedł czas, kiedy cała Australia może oglądać ten ważny film o polskiej tematyce - pamietamy bowiem te gorzkie momenty, kiedy rea.....  [Więcej]


11 lipca 2014
Dinner with Monsieur Chopin
16 August 2014, Vivaldi’s Restaurant

Photo T.Koprowski
If music be the food of love – then dine, meet and listen to the famous Polish composer Monsieur Fryderyk Chopin! A memorable evening which you will savour forever. This unusual three-course dinner event explores Chopin as a gourmet, featuring some of his favourite dishes while listening to his sublime music performed by.....  [Więcej]


10 lipca 2014
Prochy Kawalera Virtuti Militari spoczną daleko od Warszawy
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. Foto Puls Polonii

W wieku 94 lat zmarł w Sydney Powstaniec Warszawski odznaczony Krzyżem Virtuti Militari, Tadeusz Rackiewicz (Ted Rixon). W środę 9 lipca 2014 r. ks. Jerzy Chrzczonowicz odprawił nabożeństwo żałobne w kosciele St Michael's w Daceyville, niedaleko Mascot, gdzie mieszka młodszy syn Robert, i gdzie Pan Tadeusz - od lat mieszkający w Parkes - przebywał .....  [Więcej]


8 lipca 2014
Kawaler Virtuti Militari - Tadeusz Raczkiewicz zasnął w Panu
Robert Rixon

Tadeusz Rackiewicz (Krzyż Virtuti Militari) z konsulem generalnym RP Danielem Gromanem w dniu dekoracji 16 sierpnia 2012
It is with great sadness that I wish to tell you of the passing of Tadeusz Rackiewicz (Ted Rixon) last week. Please accept my apologies for the short notice. A funeral mass will be held at St Michaels Catholic Church Banks Road .....  [Więcej]


4 lipca 2014
"Pierogi Sunday" i inne atrakcje
Klub Polski w Ashfield zaprasza

Klub Polski w Ashfield zaprasza na projekcję filmu pt. Jack Strong o bohaterskim pułkowniku Kuklińskim. Niedziela 20 lipca godzina 4 po południu. Wstęp - wolne datki. A wcześniej - klubowy obiad, po raz pierwszy będziemy jeść pod hasłem "Pierogi Sunday". Każda trzecia niedziela miesiąca będzie Pierogową Niedzielą.

Za jedyne 15$ dostaniecie .....  [Więcej]


2 lipca 2014
Movie Picnic z Kujawami
Jola Żurawska

Kujawy Sydney presents Disney Frozen Movie Picnic on 13th July 2014 at 2 pm at the Polish Club Bankstown.

$5 entrance everyone
$5 hot dogs
$5 Juice & popcorn $5 coffee & cake

2 lipca 2014
Tango lessons in Ashfield
Eleonora Paton

NEW! Tango Course for beginners from Thursday 3 July 7:30pm - 8:30pm Mirror Hall

Argentine Tango classes every Thursday night 3 July to 28 August

Opening night class is FREE

Enrol now - call 0411 458 830

24 czerwca 2014
Battle of the Katyn Monument: London
Felix Molski (text & photos)

This narrative (along with photographs) made part of an exhibition "ANZAC Centenary" in the Polish Club in Ashfield. When the USSR learned a Katyn Monument Committee had been formed in England it went on the offensive. Stories began to appear in the English media portraying Poles as irresponsible fascists hell bent on destroying British/Soviet rela.....  [Więcej]


24 czerwca 2014
Boże Ciało - Body of Christ at Marayong
Henry Igliński - text & photos
The annual Body of Christ Mass and Procession took place at Marayong on Sunday 22 June 2014. It was a beautiful sunny winter’s day and over 300 people attended. The Mass was celebrated by Fr Tadeusz Przybylak and co-celebrated by Fathers Henryk Zasiura, Antoni Dudek, Jozef Kolodziej, Krzysztof Chwalek. The homily was given by Ks. Tadeusz P.....  [Więcej]


20 czerwca 2014
Kids decripted Enigma Messages! (updated)
Felix Molski

Young Students from North Shore Polish Saturday School and Polish School Ashfield Decrypted Enigma Messages! On behalf of the team who organised the Anzac Exhibition I write with heartfelt appreciation to all the teachers, parents and students of North Shore Polish Saturday School and Polish School Ashfield for their interest and enthusiasm on the.....  [Więcej]


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