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8 maja 2014
ANZAC - documentary Screening Schedule Polish Club in Ashfield |
Documentary Screening Schedule starting at 2.30pm till 5pm with 30 min intermission
Week 1 - 26th April 2014
(a) Gallipoli from Above: The Untold Story (English) 54 mins 2013
This is the true story of how a team of Australian officers used aerial intelligence, emerging technology and innovative
tactics to plan the landing at Anzac Cove. Generals..... [Więcej]
6 maja 2014
Dr. John Micgiel New President of the Kosciuszko Foundation Alex Storożyński handing over to new president |
J.Micgiel (on left) with A. Storozynski | The Board of Directors of the Kosciuszko Foundation announced at its semi-annual meeting on April 25, 2014 the election of its seventh President, Dr. John S. Micgiel of Columbia University. Professor Micgiel taught for twenty-five years at the University's School of International and Public Affairs, where for..... [Więcej]
6 maja 2014
Sukcesy Danieli Jędrzejczak Daniela Leska performing in Melbourne |
Photo Sarah Walker | I hope this email finds you well. After a full-house opening night and a successful matinée, here are a few performance shots from Aaron Copland's opera "The Tender Land," in which I am currently performing as Beth Moss (a young, naïve girl from an American farming family who is witness to parental concerns in tension with yo..... [Więcej]
4 maja 2014
Polish Nights filmowa impreza w Brisbane |
Griffith School - 9th & 16th May 2014 at 6 pm. Polish Nights - Małgorzata Sady presents documentaries, animation & posters.Dock Street. South Brisbane.
9th May - El Misionero by Wojciech Staroń & Alfred Schreyer from Drohobycz by Małgorzata Sady & Marcin Giżycki. 16th of May: animation - Dokumanimo, Uncle, Mushrooms of the Storm, Inventorium of Trac..... [Więcej]
4 maja 2014
Is the EU doomed? spotkanie dyskusyjne w Konsulacie RP |
Australian Institute of Polish Affairs (AIPA)
and Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
cordially invite you to a discussion between
Prof. Jan Zielonka and Prof. Martin Krygier
"Is the EU Doomed?" on Saturday 17 May 2014 at 7 p.m.
at the Consulate, 10 Trelawney Street, Woollahra.
Jan Zielonka is Professor of European Politics, Oxford ..... [Więcej]
29 kwietnia 2014
Polish touch at Polish-Indian wedding Ursula Lang |
Polish touch at Polish-Indian wedding!
Last Sunday, at the wedding of Aki Sharma and Peter Chuzno, in the main room of the stunning Curzon Hall, in Marsfield, the sounds of Goralski music from the Zywiec Highlands were heard during a performance by Lajkonik, Sydney.
Guests sang along and clapped the dancers throughout the performance! Lajkonik..... [Więcej]
29 kwietnia 2014
Competition Fundraiser Ben James |
I would like to draw your attention to a fundraising recital being put on by the ANU School of Music and the the 2nd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition Artistic Director, Maciej Pawela. The recital is this Thursday 1 May at 6:30pm at the Llewellyn Hall Stage at the ANU School of Music.
The recital features performances of Chopin by M..... [Więcej]
26 kwietnia 2014
Dzisiaj wielkie wydarzenie - Msza św. kanonizacyjna dwóch papieży początek transmisji tv w Sydney o 6 pm |
Przed chwilą dostaliśmy wiadomość od z Waszyngtonu. Oto jakie przygotowania do transmisji poczyniono w USA i Kanadzie. (PP)For the first time in Church history, two popes will be canonized at the same time: Popes John XXIII and John Paul II.The canonization will be available to watch online via live stream broadcasts.Transmisja na..... [Więcej]
23 kwietnia 2014
Na Anzakowskiej wystawie - Janina Lewandowska Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek & Felix Molski |
Na wystawie w Klubie Polskim w Ashfield, z okazji stulecia ANZAC obejrzymy masę przeciekawych eksponatów, niezwykłych fotografii i "narracji" prezentującej niezwykłe dzieje wojennych bohaterów. Między innymi poznamy tragiczne dzieje jedynej kobiety-Polki, którą Sowieci zamordowali w Katyniu.
Janina Lewandowska była córką generała Józefa Dowbór-Mu..... [Więcej]
22 kwietnia 2014
The Great ANZAC Centenary Exhibition Polish Club in Ashfield |
Australian and Polish wartime conflicts exhibition spanning 100 years, starting with World War I - proudly presented by the Polish Ex-Servicemen's Association (SPK) with the Polish Club, Ashfield.
* 25 April - ANZAC Luncheon 12:30pm
* Every Saturday - ANZAC movie matinees 2:30pm - 5pm (in Polish or English)
* Thursdays and Fridays - view Exhibition..... [Więcej]
22 kwietnia 2014
Uroczystości kanonizacyjne w Manuka & Narrabundah ks. Przemysław Karasiuk |
W imieniu Arcybiskupa Canberra-Goulburn oraz Ambasadora RP zwracam się z prośbą o rozpowszechnienie tego plakatu oraz zaproszenia skierowanego przez Arcybiskupa w sposób szczególny do Wspólnoty Polskiej w Canberra. Dalszą częścią uroczystości związanych z kanonizacją bł. Jana Pawła II będzie również
Msza św. sprawowana przez Arcybiskupa w kaplicy ..... [Więcej]
13 kwietnia 2014
MH370 wylądował w rejonie Kandaharu? załoga i pasażerowie przetrzymywani w glinianych chatkach? |
Brytyjski The Mirror cytuje Moskiewskiego Komsomolca
Wg rosyjskiej gazety malezyjski samolot został porwany przez "nieznanych terrorystów" i wylądował w Afganistanie, nieopodal granicy z Pakistanem. Pasażerowie zostali rzekomo podzieleni na 7 grup i przetrzymywani w glinianych chatkach, a 20 azjatyckich pasażerów-profesjonalistów przeszmuglowano do..... [Więcej]
13 kwietnia 2014
Moon eclipse in Sydney the 15th of April 2014 |
All details and a simulation - click here
11 kwietnia 2014
Podhale celebrates 5 year anniversary Lyn Iglinski, photo Henry Iglinski |
Podhale Folklore Ensemble this year proudly celebrates its 5th year since formation. It represents Sydney’s youngest Polish song and dance ensemble.
The Ensemble has been ably managed by Daniel and Basia Gadd, who are fully qualified as dance teachers. Through the hard work, dedication and generosity of the committee, the parents and the m..... [Więcej]
10 kwietnia 2014
Prymas Polski zafascynowany filmem "Syn Boży" obejrzyjcie zwiastun filmu |
Portal jako pierwszy publikuje list Prymasa Polski abp Józefa Kowalczyka napisany do polskiego dystrybutora filmu "Syn Boży". Prymas zachwala film o Jezusie Chrystusie!
Prymas Polski abp Józef Kowalczyk pisze "Uważam, że treść filmu ("Syn Boży") i jej interesujący przekaz mogą pomóc wierzącym w dojrzalszym przeżywaniu wielkiego po..... [Więcej]
8 kwietnia 2014
MH370 Sarah Bajc - who is she really? senior executive at aircraft remote control software? |
...There is very little doubt that this woman is an actress and is willingly participating in this ridiculous Flight 370 psy-op. Unfortunately we'll probably see this woman on future media appearances as the Zio-media continues their non-stop Flight 370 coverage. This woman is a complete and total fraud...
Terrible actress?
Senior executive???
Her..... [Więcej]
6 kwietnia 2014
MH370 landed in Pakistan? Fox News |
While a variety of countries are still searching for Malaysia Flight 370 that disappeared on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board, many have come to believe an alleged photo sent from one of the passengers originated from a location close to the US military base Diego Garcia, but according to a Russian media outlet, MKRU, the plane actually land..... [Więcej]
6 kwietnia 2014
Moving bodies? some links sent in by our reader |
Diego Garcia Re-Supply.NAICS Code:Deep Sea Freight Transportation
Calls for empty cargo ship
6 kwietnia 2014
CNN shocker: MH370 followed by military jets Sarah Bajc interviewed by the CNN |
Sarah Bajc, girlfriend of Malaysia 370 passenger Philip Wood, joins CNN and shares with the world witness confirmation from another family member that MH370 was seen accompanied by two military jets prior to its’ ‘disappearance’. Bajc also shares with the world that she and other passengers family members are confident that the pl..... [Więcej]
4 kwietnia 2014
Our Olivia - nomination to Young Steinway Artist Yvette Vignando & Daily Telegraph |
Year 12 Student Joins Harry Connick Jnr and Other International Greats Nominated as a Young Steinway Artist.
The young concert pianist Olivia Urbaniak of Abbotsleigh is aiming to make herself “part of the Steinway & Sons family”, being nominated at 16 years to become one of the world’s Young Steinway Artists for 2014.
The title o..... [Więcej]
2 kwietnia 2014
Ballarat: wystawa inspirowana poezją kolejny sukces Aldony Kmieć |
Red Poppies by Aldona Kmieć | Ballarat’s artists have come together to create works that respond to poems by renowned writer Nathan Curnow. These diverse and extraordinary works not only serve as a smorgasbord of creative talent in Ballarat but explore how a collection of artists individually respond to the one stimulus. An exhibition incorporat..... [Więcej]
2 kwietnia 2014
My experience of the Norman Davies lecture Paul. Photo Tom Koprowski |
I must conclude from my experience of the Norman Davies' lecture, the other evening, where he expressed a potted history of Poland in recent times, that he planned to 'fence sit' on the right side and avoid any substantial revelations for the 'standing audience' in attendance. Instead, as you might expect, a presentation based in significant enquir..... [Więcej]
31 marca 2014
MH 370: 15 pytań za trylion dolarów zagadkowe czarne zdjecie z bazy Diego Garcia? |
"Malaysia is but a victim of this tragedy whose plane, MH 370 was used for a hidden agenda for which only time will reveal. In my previous article posted to the website [] on the 27th March, 2014, I exposed how Israel is exploiting the tragedy to create public opinion for a war against Iran, a Muslim country that has close ties with Malaysia"..... [Więcej]
25 marca 2014
Is Jacob Rothschild behind missing flight MH370? czy poszło o patenty najnowszych technologii świata? |
Czy poszło o patenty? - co mówią na You Tube
more speculations on
A link to the semiconductor patent
Is Jacob Rothschild behind missing flight -
Was the flight stopped by the Dutch from crushing the nuclear summit?
The plane landed at Diego Garcia secret Americane base?
25 marca 2014
The families of passengers of MH370 issued a strong statement Skolnik twitter |
Families accuse Malaysian government & military of attempts to delay and deceive the passengers' families and cheat the whole world - read the statement here
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