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18 czerwca 2014
The last movie - ANZAC Saturday movie matinee The Soviet Story on 21st June |
Final - ANZAC Saturday movie matinee 21 June 2:30pm - 5:00pm Mirror Hall.This is the last movie being shown in this ANZAC commemoration movie festival. Movie screenings are free. There will be film handouts provided, detailing the movies being screened. The Soviet Story, (English) 86 mins 2008. This film won the Mass Impact Award at the Boston Fil..... [Więcej]
18 czerwca 2014
The Ashfield Vibrations - again! 21st June 2014 |
Club Vibrations 80's/90's Reunion Party, Saturday 21 June. From 8pm - 2am in the Auditorium.
DJs: Nasser T Darcy, Con Andrews, Hany MC. Entry $25. Guest Live Performance.
Pre-Bookings, Birthday Packages (limited seating) ph: 0475 555 593.
The original 80's Funk superclub. Polish Club Ashfield, 182 Liverpool Rd.
18 czerwca 2014
Fun Friday in Ashfield - Meet the Brewer do you like Kosciuszko Pale Ale? |
Fun Friday - 'Meet the Brewer' Friday 27 June 7pm , Gaming Room Bar, Polish Club Ashfield.
Do you like Kosciuszko Pale Ale?
On Fun Friday 27 June at 7:30pm, you will have the opportunity to 'Meet the Brewer', Chuck Hahn.
Chuck will talk about the making of the beer, the origin of the brewery at Jindabyne and the story behind the name of the beer.
T..... [Więcej]
18 czerwca 2014
Fun Fridays in Ashfield Eleonora Paton |
Fun Fridays @ Gaming Room Bar, Polish Club Ashfield, Friday 20 June from 7pm To continue the success of the Gaming Room opening party - every Friday in June and July is....Fun Friday! Where happy hour is all night. There will be specials on all Polish vodka, Polish beer and Polish mead. All vodka shots $4 each. Belvedere vodka shots $5 each. Polish..... [Więcej]
16 czerwca 2014
Heroes of the Great Irish Famine: Strzelecki Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek |
Min. Jimmy Deenihan w Sydney. Foto Puls Polonii | Dwa lata temu czołowy działacz "Kosciuszko Heritage Inc." Felix Molski spotkał w Bostonie, w czasie tamtejszych obchodów Irish Famine Commemoration, grupę irlandzkich dostojników, w tym ministra kultury i dziedzictwa narodowego Jimmy Deenihana. W ich umysłach zasiał ideę stworzenia Galerii Honorowej (..... [Więcej]
12 czerwca 2014
O Festiwalu Filmów Polskich w Sydney Andrzej Siedlecki & ABC "On the Movie" |
O filmie o Lechu Wałęsie i innych filmach, jakie będziemy oglądać w Sydney mówi Andrzej Siedlecki - you tube
Słynni recenzenci z ABC TV o filmie "Walesa. A man of hope" & zwiastun filmu
11 czerwca 2014
Podhale Children's Day Lyn Iglinski. Photo Henry Iglinski |
On Sunday, 1-6-2014 Podhale, Polish folklore ensemble successfully celebrated Dzien Dziecka at White Eagle Polish Hall, Cabramatta.
There was an attendance of thirty children as well as parents with toddlers and doting grandparents. On arrival, children took part in a guessing competition and were given a ticket for the lucky door prize.
There fo..... [Więcej]
10 czerwca 2014
Teen Pianist thrills Chopin fans a review by Bill Stephens |
Olivia Urbaniak z ambasadorem Milewskim | W Ambasadzie RP w Canberra odbył się w sobotę 7 czerwca 2014 r. recital 16-letniej pianistki z Sydney, Olivii Urbaniak, o której lada moment będziemy pisać w Pulsie Polonii, tymczasem podajemy linka do wspaniałej recenzji pióra Billa Stephensa (ze zdjęciami Petera Hislopa), która została opublikowana w City Ne..... [Więcej]
5 czerwca 2014
The PolArt Dance June 7th at Syrena |
Then why not get along to Polish House "Syrena" for the PolArt 2015 Dance. The Steering Committee of Polart2015Melbourne cordially invites you to the inaugural Polart2015 Dance, Saturday 7th June 2014 at 7,30 pm, Polish House SYRENA, 1325 Stud Rd Rowville. Live band Wesoły Autobus, Polart wine inc..... [Więcej]
30 maja 2014
Czy Ida zostanie zakonnicą? "Ida" screening at Manuka |
Polish film "Ida" screening now (for only a few days) at Manuka ACT - Capitol 6 Cinemas.
Screening time:
Poland 1962. Anna is a beautiful eighteen-year-old woman, preparing to become a nun at the convent where she has lived since orphaned as a child. She learns she has a living relative she must visit before tak..... [Więcej]
30 maja 2014
Imprezy organizowane przez Konsulat RP Film dokumentalny i wystawa fotograficzna |
Z okazji 25. rocznicy upadku komunizmu
Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Sydney
ma zaszczyt zaprosić na otwarcie wystawy Warsaw – Success City przedstawiającej sukces polskiej transformacji ustrojowej -- 4 czerwca 2014 r. o godz. 13.00
w siedzibie Konsulatu, 10 Trelawney Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025.
“Proszę Państwa, 4 cz..... [Więcej]
28 maja 2014
Captain Witold Pilecki, the Auschwitz volunteer Andrzej Balcerzak in KAIROS.Catholic Journal |
Andrzej Balcerzak reflects on the life of an extraordinary man who was described as one of the six bravest soldiers of World War II by British historian Professor Michael Foot in his book "Six Faces of Courage".
Andrzej Balcerzak about rtm Pilecki in KAIROS, an Australian Catholic Magazine.Read the text on PDF PDF
Here is a link to the whole edit..... [Więcej]
20 maja 2014
Happy Birthday Polish Club celebrate with Polish beer |
Wednesday 21 May 2014 marks 47 years since the Polish Club, Ashfield was officially opened on 21 May 1967!
The Board of Directors and staff at the Club wish to honour and thank the Polish community in the 1960s who made the Club a reality through their hard work, dedication, spirit of volunteering and ultimately, love of all things Polish.
To cele..... [Więcej]
19 maja 2014
Once My Mother - NSW Premiere at at Sydney Film Festival Rod Freedman |
Director Sophia Turkiewicz and I are proud to announce that our feature documentary, ONCE MY MOTHER, has been selected for the Sydney Film Festival. We're one of ten in competition for the prestigious Documentary Australia Foundation Award. 6.30pm, 8 June at Event Cinema 9, George St.Bookings at
Helen's life ..... [Więcej]
19 maja 2014
Zebranie Informacyjne - Information Session - June 1st Polish Club in Ashfield |
Polish Club, Ashfield Member Information Session Sunday 1 June 3:30pm Auditorium
The new Board of Directors of the Polish Club, Ashfield welcome all members to attend an information session on progress at the Club since the last information session.
19 maja 2014
Podhale & Dzień Dziecka lets play together |
Polski Zespół Folklorystyczny Podhale zaprasza dzieci na zabawę z okazji Dnia Dziecka. Impreza odbędzie się w niedzielę 1 czerwca 2014 r. w Sali Orła Białego, Cabramatta od 13,30 do 16,30. Wstęp $7. Hot dog, napoje, ciastka, dyskoteka, zabawy, nagrody i dużo wiecej. Kawa, ciasto, pierogi i bigos do nabycia w bufecie. Informacje: Kasia m. 0413 245..... [Więcej]
19 maja 2014
A Little Buenos Aires 8 week Tango Course |
8 week Tango Course at the Polish Club Ashfield. Learn to dance the Argentine Tango and the fundamental skills that lead to social dancing.
The Polish Club, 75 Norton St. Ashfield. Thursdays 7,30-8,30 pm, 3,10,17,24,31 July & 14,21, 28 August.
Single $160, couple $290. Enrol now. Call 0411 458 830.
more info on the po..... [Więcej]
17 maja 2014
First book on MH370 mystery blames US war games Tim Barlass |
Seventy-one days after Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared, the first book about the disaster will go on sale on Monday with a theory about what might have happened.
And as the international search continues for the aircraft Irene Burrows, the Queensland mother who lost her son and daughter-in-law on the flight, said it was too soon for a b..... [Więcej]
15 maja 2014
Wojtek Wiśniewski's final doctoral recital Sydney Conservatorium of Music, 3rd June 2014 |
You are invited to the final doctoral recital of award-winning Polish-Australian concert pianist Wojciech Wisniewski who will perform Modest Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (1831-1889) & Maurice Ravel Gaspard de la nuit ( 1875-1937). Date: Tuesday, 3 June, 2014. Time: 6pm. Venue: Sydney Conservatorium of Music,
Recital Hall East, Macquarie..... [Więcej]
12 maja 2014
Poet of the Piano - Olivia Urbaniak plays Chopin Saturday 7th June 2014 at 8 pm |
You are cordially invited to this wonderful fundraising concert which features the Young Steinway Artist and recipient of the 2014 Rising Star Scholarship from the Sydney Conservatorium -- Olivia Urbaniak.
Olivia is 16 years old and is one of Australia's new rising stars of the piano. She is also Polish and lives in Sydney.
Her wish is to perfo..... [Więcej]
11 maja 2014
Katyn - Faith and Moral Courage Triumphant ANZAC Centenary Exhibition Narratives |
In their quest to ‘bury the West’, Soviet Socialists were anxious to project an image of a happy, prosperous and peaceful USSR. This image would be shattered if people of the free world learned the truth about ‘Katyn’. Desperate to keep the mask in place, Soviet authorities used their super power status to suppress any menti..... [Więcej]
8 maja 2014
Oświadczenia ekspertów lotnictwa Samolot był porwany? |
Długi, wszechstronny artykuł - czy prawda o zaginięciu (porwaniu) malezyjskiego samolotu wychodzi powoli na jaw?
Kolejne rozważania, dociekania i pytania na portalu Before Its News
8 maja 2014
The Spirit of Polish Migrants Aldona Kmieć zaprasza |
Z okazji Ballarat Heritage Weekend odbędą się dwie wystawy fotograficzne, których kuratorem jest wybitna fotografka z Ballarat Aldona Kmieć.
TWO EXHIBITIONS INVITE: WHO MADE BALLARAT @ TOWN HALL - and -- POLISH MIGRANTS @ MINING EXCHANGE. Explore archival photos from ‘Have You Seen Old Ballaarat Town’ and migrant m..... [Więcej]
8 maja 2014
Rozmowy z twórcami wystawy Anzakowskiej Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. Fot. Puls Polonii, Felix Molski & Krzysztof Makowski |
W dniu ANZACowskiego święta, w piątek 25 kwietnia 2014 r. otwarta została w Klubie Polskim w Ashfield wielka wystawa fotograficzna – to w ramach obchodzonego w Australii ANZAC Centenary. Część wystawy można obejrzeć w foyer; dużo eksponatów znajduje się w Sali Lustrzanej, gdzie odbył się uroczysty ANZAC Lunch. Najwięcej eksponatów umiesz..... [Więcej]
8 maja 2014
Restored Katyn Relics Displayed on ANZAC Exhibition Felix Molski (text & photos) |
The Katyn relics of Sydney’s Muzeum Wojska Polskiego that were held in storage are now on display at the Anzac Exhibition at the Polish Club Ashfield. The relics, donated by various Polish Families and individuals and kept under a curatorship by the Museum’s former curator, Mieczyslaw Danis, have now been beautifully restored, integrate..... [Więcej]
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