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Strzelecki Competition:



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2 stycznia 2014
26th Annual Carols at Marayong
Lyn Iglinski, photo Henry Iglinski
On Sunday 29th December, we took part in a wonderful carols evening at the beautiful Church of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Queen of Poland in Marayong. It was our first participation in the Carols evening and we were suitably taken aback by the fact that this wonderful night had been going on for 26 years.

By the end of the evening, we were quite sur.....  [Więcej]


31 grudnia 2013
Who knew that "Brutus" was a Polish Roman?
The story of Roman Garby-Czerniawski by Felix Molski

Marcus Junius Brutus, (June 85 BC to October 42 BC), one of the leading conspirators against Caesar’s growing tyranny, became famous in March 44 BC when he participated in the killing of Julius Caesar. This Brutus was a politician and senator of Roman noble birth, and thus NOT Polish. The Polish ‘Roman’ operated in World War II as.....  [Więcej]


28 grudnia 2013
Polish Aboriginal Fraternity Flights on You Tube
a historic event (April 2012)

Polsko-Aborygeńskie loty przyjażni nad Górą Kościuszki

Polish Aboriginal Fraternity Flights over Mt Kosciuszko

Watch the Flights on You Tube

Obejrzyj loty przyjaźni

.....  [Więcej]


15 grudnia 2013
Podhale 5th End of Year Luncheon
Henry Iglinski (text & photos)
Polish Folklore Ensemble Podhale held its 5th End of Year Luncheon and Concert on Sunday 8th December 2013 at its home base, the White Eagle Hall in Cabramatta. In January 2014, the Ensemble will celebrate 5 years since inception and will commence 5 year celebrations with its annual picnic in January 2014, a special luncheon in March and a Ball lat.....  [Więcej]


11 grudnia 2013
Darling Harbour making impact
some feedback from Aussies
Many people at work this year started asking me about the Polish Festival at Darling Harbour, because they had heard about it “somewhere”. One person who “passed through”, said that they enjoyed the atmosphere but that everything happening on stage should be in English, if we are indeed to attract the Australian public, a.....  [Więcej]


9 grudnia 2013
Polish Aboriginal Fraternity Flights na You Tube
podziękowania dla sponsora

W kwietniu 2012 roku w ramach Festiwalu Kościuszkowskiego zorganizowano w Aeroklubie Jindabyne historyczne loty nad Górą Kościuszki. W lotach udział wzięli Polacy (w tym ówczesny Konsul Generalny RP Daniel Gromann) oraz Aborygeni z plemienia Ngarigo będącego tradycyjnym właścicielem Snowy Mountains. Pilotami byli sympatyczni Australijczycy, któr.....  [Więcej]


8 grudnia 2013
Podhale’s Debutante Ball
Sylvia Malicki . Photo Norrie Photography

Podhale Polish Folklore Ensemble provided a unique opportunity for young ladies to be formally presented to the Australian-Polish community in the form of a debutante ball. Podhale’s debutante ball, which occurred at Paradiso Receptions on Friday, 22nd of November, was the first in the Sydney-based Australian-Polish community in many year.....  [Więcej]


8 grudnia 2013
2nd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition
14-21 September, ANU School of Music

The 2nd Australian International Chopin Piano Competition will be held during Canberra's spring festival, Floriade - from the 15-21 September 2014 at the ANU School of Music. The Artistic Director is Maciej Pawela.

The Competition will include an opening recital by Wojciech Switala on the School's recently acquired 1847 Pleyel, the piano of choice .....  [Więcej]


8 grudnia 2013
Irish Famine Commemoration in Williamstown
Debra Vaughan.Photo Donna Pendergast

Debra Vaughan. Photo: Donna Pendergast, Rainbow Star
PP: On November 17th 2013 an Irish Famine Commemoration has taken place at Williamstown, Vic. Strzelecki's Humanitarian Deeds in Ireland DVD copies (produced by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc.) were distributed there. Please read a report filed by the event organizer, Debra Vaughan.

Thank you so much fo.....  [Więcej]


8 grudnia 2013
Sweet book promotion in Canberra
Pomarańcze w cukrze

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland would like to invite you to the meeting with Beata Zatorska and Simon Target, the authors of a new book about Poland “Sugared Orange” which will take place on Wednesday, December 11th , at 7.00 pm in the reception hall of the Embassy (7 Turrana Street, Yarralumla, Canberra). Please find attached a.....  [Więcej]


5 grudnia 2013
Polish Festival at White Eagle Club
Kanberra zaprasza na 14 grudnia

Zapraszamy wszystkich, w tym rowniez dzieci na Polski Festiwal z okazji 40-to lecia Klubu Orla Bialego w Canberra. Zapewniamy ciekawe wystepy Polskiego Zespolu folklorystycznego z Woolongong,, polska muzyke oraz "Zumba". Beda stoiska z polskimi produktami, bizuteria, swiatecznymi wypiekami i ozdobami na choinke.

Dzieci beda mialy spotkanie ze S.....  [Więcej]


5 grudnia 2013
Grudzień w Ashfield
December Events in the Polish Club
W każdą niedzielę Klub zaprasza na obiad klubowy lub sam deser: kawa/herbata i ciasto

„The Human Experience”
Czwartek, 5 grudnia o godzinie 19.00 - mała sala Piątek, 6 grudnia o godzinie 18.30 - mała sala Sobota, 7 grudnia o godzinie 15.00 - mała sala Znaczenie życia jest odkrywane dzięki doświadczeniu

Sobota, 7 grudnia o godzinie 2.....  [Więcej]


5 grudnia 2013
Sweet book promotion
Pomarańcze w cukrze. Fot: Tom Koprowski

Polish Club in Ashfield invites you to meet authors of the book “Sugared Orange, Recipes & Stories from a Winter in Poland”. Beata Zatorska and Simon Target are presenting their latest book “Sugared Orange” . It is a cookbook, but recipes are only excuse to go to Poland in times of Christmas and winter. Colourful, with man.....  [Więcej]


5 grudnia 2013
Prosto z buszu: Morderstwo Kennedy'ego dalekie od wyjaśnienia (2)
Janusz Rygielski. Mapy i wykresy: Internet.
Na podstawie dwóch książek; Jima Garrisona, On the Trail of the Assassins (Na tropie zamachowców) i Jima Marrsa, The Plot That Killed Kennedy (Spisek, który zabił Kennedy’ego), oskarowy reżyser filmowy Oliver Stone, specjalizujący się w filmach politycznych, napisał wspólnie z Zacharym Sklarem (redaktorem Na tropie zamachowców) scenariusz do.....  [Więcej]


27 listopada 2013
Storożynski to step down as President in May 2014
Kosciuszko Foundation
Kosciuszko Foundation President Alex Storozynski has announced he will step down as President in May 2014 to work on several book and film projects. At that time he will join the Board of Trustees as a member of the Executive Committee. Kosciuszko Foundation Chairman William Nareski said, "Alex has done a great job as President and we are pleased t.....  [Więcej]


27 listopada 2013
Inżynier górnik poszukiwany
do międzynarodowego projektu w Polsce
Profil kandydata:
Director of Technical Services/ Operations Director At least 10 years of professional experience gained at similar position in (alternatively): Polish/Canadian/Australian underground mining sector operations;
 Experience in planning/ designing of mining operations, extraction & development system as well as all infrastructure fo.....  [Więcej]


27 listopada 2013
Lajkonik "on the road" again
Ursula Lang, photo David Chorobski

A few months ago, Lajkonik got “itchy feet”. After a fantastic time at Perth Pol-Art, things were relatively quiet in Lajkonik. A few boys have moved on in pursuit of careers (we hope they come back ) and the remaining boys have been holding the fort with a devoted group of girls. So we thought, we need to go somewhere, challenge our.....  [Więcej]


26 listopada 2013
Spectacular Opening Ceremony for

A multi-faceted, two hour spectacular of music, dance, theatre, lights and fireworks will form the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics 2013 Asia Pacific Games on Sunday 1 December 2013 at Hunter Stadium, Newcastle. Some of Australia's best known musical performers will take part in the Opening Ceremony including:
 Human Nature
 Anthony Callea .....  [Więcej]


22 listopada 2013
The Human Experience screening at the Polish Consulate
2 Dec. 2013

You are invited to the screening of "The Human Experience" on 2 December at 5.30pm at the Polish Consulate, 10 Trelawney St, Woollahra. Admission is free, however, please RSVP by Friday 29 November to or call 93 63 98 16.

For more information about this film( in English) please go to:


21 listopada 2013
A Review of Kinealy’s "Charity and the Great Hunger in Ireland" (updated)
Felix Molski

Christine Kinealy’s new book, Charity and the Great Hunger in Ireland. The Kindness of Strangers, is a paradigm shift in an Gorta Mór literature. I believe it to be the most significant book yet published about the Great Hunger. No understanding of this period is complete without due consideration being given to the full gamut of human charac.....  [Więcej]


20 listopada 2013
Christmas Party w Konsulacie RP
dla dzieci z rodzicami!
We would like to invite all children along with their parents to a Christmas Party under the Christmas Tree on Saturday 14 December at 3.00pm at the Polish Consulate, 10 Trelawney Street, Woollahra. Santa Clause has already confirmed his attendance and being Santa, he doesn’t want to disappoint anyone so he would like to know how many of you .....  [Więcej]


20 listopada 2013
Saint Nicholas and the origin of Santa Claus

St Nicholas by Ken Widing
How did the kindly Christian saint, good Bishop Nicholas, become a roly-poly red-suited American symbol for merry holiday festivity and commercial activity?

Read an article

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
An.....  [Więcej]


12 listopada 2013
Za polonijną miedzą (2)
General W. Jajko on Russian Investigation
Korespondencja z Polonia Center Washington DC: Gen. W. Jajko comments on the Russian investigation following Crash of Polish Presidential Plane in Smolensk Russia on Apr 10, 2010. USAF Brigadier General (ret.), former Director of the Special Advisory Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense; Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Intelligence Over.....  [Więcej]


12 listopada 2013
Za polonijną miedzą
seria spotkań z ekspertami smoleńskimi

On October 21,.....  [Więcej]


12 listopada 2013
Wyrazy współczucia dla społeczności filipińskiej
Elizabeth Drozd
Dear Filipino Friends. On behalf of the Australian Multicultural Community Services and personally please accept our deep sympathy to you and the whole Filipino community in Victoria for the suffering and devastation caused by the recent typhoon. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Filipino people.
Kind regards, Elizabeth Drozd
Chief Executive Of.....  [Więcej]


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